Google text to speech: download, languages

In this article, we will show you how to install and enable Google Text-to-Speech on your Android smartphone and how to download additional languages for your Android device's offline speech recognition feature (Google Voice Typing).
How to install and enable Google Text-To-Speech?
- Download the Google Text-To-Speech app here.
- Once installed, go to Settings > Language and Input > Speech > Text-to-speech output
- Set Google Text-to-speech Engine as your preferred engine.
How to add new languages?
To download new languages for offline speech recognition on Android:
Go to Settings > Input & Language.
- Make sure the Google voice typing option is checked.
- Now scroll to the SPEECH section and tap on Voice Search.
- Tap on Offline speech recognition > Manage downloaded languages.

- Tap on All and select the language pack you want to download:
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