You Will Soon Be Able to Customize the Theme of Your WhatsApp Chats! WhatsApp is expanding its customization options! Soon, users will be able to change the theme of the messaging app, including the color of chat bubbles, similar to Telegram. 20/09/24 WhatsApp
How to Edit a WhatsApp Message You've Already Sent Did you send a WhatsApp message too quickly, with mistakes or a clumsy wording? Don't worry—you can easily edit it after sending it, as long as you act quickly! 20/09/24 WhatsApp
Coffee May Reduce Heart Disease Risk: How Much is Safe to Drink? There are these eternal questions: how much coffee is okay to drink per day? Can it be beneficial for your health? In this article, we try to find the answer. 19/09/24
Scientists Discover a "Third State" Between Life and Death Is there anything between life and death? Apparently, yes, according to the latest research. 19/09/24
Teen Instagram Account: A New Solution to Protect Young Users? Meta is rolling out Teen Accounts on Instagram, which will limit how younger users engage on the platform. These accounts will automatically be assigned to users under 16. 19/09/24 Instagram
Disguised as a Chrome Extension: Malicious Software Spies on Unsuspecting Users Experts warn users about a dangerous Google Chrome extension that is designed to spy on you. 19/09/24 Google Chrome
It's Not Science Fiction: You Can Already Control a Smart Home With Your Thoughts An experimental study has shown that it's already possible to control smart home with just thoughts. Here's everything we know so far. 19/09/24
Scientists in Shock: 3,600 Chemicals from Packaging Found in Human Bodies A recent study has uncovered a shocking discovery: over 3,600 chemicals from food packaging and preparation have been detected in human bodies, with around 100 of them posing serious health risks. 18/09/24
Over-Salted Food: A Simple Trick Can Save Your Dish Have you ever gotten distracted when you're seasoning your food and put too much salt in? Don't worry, there's a few simple tricks that can rescue your meal. 18/09/24