Orkut login: account, old version, Gmail account

Orkut was a free social networking service owned and managed by Google. It was designed to help users discover new friends and maintain existing relationships. It has been followed up by hello, another social media network built by the same publisher as Orkut.
Can you sign in to the old version of Orkut?
Unfortunately, no. Orkut no longer exists and was closed permanently in September 2014. If you had any photos or data stored on the site, they will have been removed and cannot be recovered. Importantly, it is no longer possible to contact Orkut, the company no longer exists. As mentioned above, it has been superseded by hello, a new app developed by the same publisher.
What has replaced Orkut?
Orkut has been replaced with hello, a social network designed to connect you with people who have the same passions as you. The creator of Orkut, Orkut Buyukkokten, founded Hello Network, Inc and some ex-Google engineers. Hello has only been downloaded around 1 million times which is considerably less than Orkut's previous 300 million active users.
Will Orkut come back?
There are currently no plans to revive Orkut as of 2022. Google initially shut down Orkut to focus on their other social networks, such as YouTube which in 2021 had over 300 million daily active users. Seeing as Orkut was replaced by hello, it doesn't look like Orkut will return.
How to sign in to Orkut?
Note: this is the previous method to sign in to your Orkut account. This is no longer possible and this explanation has been kept as a record. As Orkut no longer functions, it is not possible to connect to your Orkut account. You could also login to your Orkut account with your Gmail account.
To access the site you used to search for Orkut on Google.
- To login you entered your email and password in the appropriate fields, then clicked Login.
- In the window that appeared, you clicked Continue and followed the instructions to accept the Terms and Conditions.
- You needed to complete your profile. Note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) were required. Fields followed by a yellow key may be partially or completely hidden when certain members view your profile. Choosing Friends from the dropdown menu to the right of the key meant that only people listed as your friend could view that information.
- When you were done entering your information, you clicked Finish to save your information.