All articles from Computing

    July 2023

    25 July
    • Most common Windows error codes list and solutions

      While working with an operating system, it is not uncommon to encounter errors. A consolidated list of common Windows problems and solutions is useful for a user when they encounter an error. In this article, we provide the list of the most common Windows system error codes, a quick and easy explanation of each one, and possible solutions to fix them.

    20 July
    • What is wsappx and how to fix its high disk and CPU usage

      Have you seen an odd process running on your Windows computer called wsappx? Have you probably thought that wsappx might be a virus? Don't worry, wsappx is not a virus, it's a Windows core process that runs in the background on Windows 10 and 8 and helps to install and update applications from Windows Store. It often uses a significant amount of CPU and disk resources. In this article, we will discover what this process is about, and how to lower the CPU and disk resources usage. Read on!

    19 July
    • Top smart home gadgets of 2023

      Thanks to the numerous smart gadgets that have come to the market over recent years, finding the perfect gift for a techy friend is easier than ever before. Smart home devices allow you to incorporate futuristic functionality into your home. In this article, we gathered the best of the best smart home gadgets for you and your close ones.

    17 July
    14 July
    13 July
    12 July
    11 July
    • Backslash on Mac: UK, French, Spanish, AZERTY keyboards

      Some keyboards lack a dedicated key for the backslash, also known as reverse solidus [\] on a Mac keyboard. In this article, we will show you how to enter the backslash on your Mac keyboard, with examples on QWERTY, QWERTZ and AZERTY keyboards.

    • Amazon Prime Day 2023: date, UK, US, deals

      If you are an Amazon Prime member, you won't want to overlook the amazing discounts offered during Prime Day 2023. This exclusive sale event is specifically tailored for its members, and we are here to provide you with all the details on what to expect when it begins, the participating countries, and everything you need to know to fully capitalize on the offers available on appliances, computers, smartphones, home decor, and much more.

    • Best camera phones to buy (2023)

      In this article, we have selected phones with the best cameras. These newest Samsung, iPhone, Google Pixel, Huawei, Sony and OnePlus models are roughly in the same price range and each one delivers excellent photo quality. Let's go to the details!

    10 July
    • Antimalware Service Executable: PC slow, disable, antivirus

      The Antimalware Service Executable is a program that runs in the background on your Windows 10/11 PC to protect the computer from viruses and other threats. Sometimes it starts to consume too much memory and CPU that your PC starts to slow down. Here we give some useful tips on how you can speed up the performance of your computer and what not to do.

    • Windows 7 end of life: what to do now?

      The Windows 7 operating system expired on January 14, 2020. After this date, users are no longer able to receive updates or customer service support. In January 2023, Microsoft ended software support for the Extended Security Update (ESU) program for Windows 7. 11% of worldwide computer users are still using Windows 7 and will now have to upgrade to continue using their PCs securely. This article will explain everything you should know about Windows 7's end of life.

    6 July
    4 July
    3 July
    • How to connect Bose headphones to a Mac

      Are you having trouble connecting your Bose wireless headphones to a Mac? We've got you covered. Read this article to find out how to pair your Bose headphones to a Mac via macOS Bluetooth preferences.