Add the Run command to the Start menu: Windows 11, 10, 8.1

To have the Run command permanently displayed in the Start Menu of Windows 7, follow the procedure below.
Windows 11
- Click the Search icon in the Windows 10 taskbar.
- Type "Run".
- The Run command will appear at the top of the list, right-click on it, and select Pin to Start.
- The Run command is now available via the Start Menu!
Windows 10
Click the Search icon in the Windows 10 taskbar.
Type "Run".
The Run command will appear at the top of the list, right-click on it, and select Pin to Start.
The Run command is now available via the Start Menu.
Windows 8/8.1
- Press Windows + F to open the search bar, type run, and choose Apps to look for Run app.
- Righ-click on the Run app, and select Pin to Start on the bottom left corner.
- The Run command is now available via the Start Menu.
Windows 7
- Right-click on the Taskbar and select Properties.
- In the Start Menu tab, click Customize and check Run command, then click OK and Apply.
- The Run command is now available via the Start Menu.
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