Cinebench is a tool for performing a series of tests to know your computer's performance. It is divided into two parts, the first one is used to test the processor by sending a series of 3D scenes, while the second test is based on the graphics card.
What are the key features of Cinebench?
Suite: Cinebench is a real-world and cross-platform software that comes with everything you need to evaluate your computer's hardware capabilities.
Accurate: Following the latest technology progress, Cinebench makes sure to provide an accurate measurement.
Public: Another great thing about Cinebench is that it can serve a wide variety of people, whether it is to help them optimize a product, make a decision before purchasing a one, or when writing a product review.
Specificity: Thanks to Cinebench, a benchmark incorporating a user's common tasks within Cinema 4D to measure a system's performance is offered, and not only a benchmark that evaluates only specific functions of CPUs.

How does Cinebench work?
As mentioned above, Cinebench performs two tests. Once they are finished, you only have to read the results by comparing them with those of an equivalent machine. It is quite interesting to see if it is time to change the machine or not.
Is Cinebench free?
You can download and use Cinebench for free.
Is Cinebench safe?
It seems that the app has no history of security issues or abusive data collecting. As always, we recommend reading the official Privacy policy before installing. In general, the software seems safe.
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