The discussions
Fatal error on call of duty
Hello, after i have install my pc game "Call of Duty black ops" i have this fatal error message: "Steam must be running to play this game". What's...
Cannot run call of duty black ops game pc
Hello, My computer system is microsoft window xp professional version 2002 service pack 2,intel pentium 4 CPU 2.80GHz , 3Gb ram ,graphic card >G...
Unable to play cod online
Hello, I'm new to PS3. When I go to play BO online it starts searching saying... Found 50 matches. Getting match quality... Joing lobby. Then after ma...
Ps3 modern warfare 2 call of duty to work onl
Hello, im trying to get modern warfare 2 call of duty to work online, but everytime i try to go online it interfers with my laptops internet and tu...
My 360 wont let me play cod mw2 maps, why?
SolvedI can play certain ones but maps such as Terminal, Afghan, high rise and underpass wont work. i can join the match and the match will begin but when i...
How to work or run cod 4 multiplayer in vista
SolvedHello, HELP PLS. becase i cant play in vista PLEASEEE!!!!!!!! HELPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cod4 windows 7 error [please help]
Hello, I have a problem with my windows 7 and my call of duty 4. For some apparent reason it just doesnt work with the iw3mp.exe. If any of you ha...
Cod4 mw problem
Hello, why is my cod4 mw is not working.... is says that " please insert the correct DVD/ROM" but i downloaded that file.. how can i fix this?
Call of duty mod warfare / mod warfare 2 ps3
Is it possible for 2 players to Co-Op on one console and have computer generated opponents ? It would be nice if we could actually play together and h...
Call of duty 4 multiplayer not working
SolvedHello, Im russell and my multiplayer has stopped working also it says impx. multiplayer has stopped working or something like that I have tried un...
Call of duty: world at war
Hello, I download and installed all the map packs for World at War successfully, when I entered the game they did not appear, just to add, I did...
Call of duty 4
hello, i have a question i bought call of duty 4 on a crack cd but when i am going to play on multiplayer it shows me that key code is in use ... or e...
Help me on cod war at world invite friend
My cod wont load games.(ps3)
Hello, When i am playing cod it will find a game and then say match starting in 8 secs then it counds down and then it says launching and it just ...
Can't find online matches for cod 6 xbox 360
Hello, I am having trouble trying to play online matches on cod but it only lets me play matches that my friends are in I've been waiting for ages...
Cod put the code for the new maps
Can u please help me I don't know were to put the code for the new maps in for call of duty modern warfare ll Configuration: iPhone / Safa...
Cod waw can't see mouse on multiplayer
Hello, i have call of duty world at war on computer and i go to open up the multiplayer game and i can hear the music and my mouse going over t...
Call of duty 4 multiplayer dont open
SolvedHello, I have call of Duty 4 . Singleplayer play but Multiplayer does not open . It tells me (Program iw3mp.exe stop working) If anyone knows somethi...
Cod online freeze
Hello, I have bought cod mw2 and I can't play online it its just stands 1..2..3 and the same witch cs 1.6 no servers find. PLEASE HELP ME!
Unable to install cod4
SolvedHello, I am not able to install the C0D4 game, why is it so? Thnx... Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.8
I have lost my cod
Hello, I AM NOT GETTING MY COD Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.9
Y isnt my call of duty 4 working
hello Ive recently been playing call of duty 4 multiplayer on my pc. It has been working fine until today. When ever i try to refresh the list of ...
Cod 4 connect multiplayer
Hello, I am unable to connect to multiplayer mode, how can can this task completed. Please help me, it will really grateful to you, thank you. ...
Cod4 on vista
Hello, When i start my Cod 4 and make a game , some thing pops up and says alot of stuff , must i enter something or en/disable something ? Please h...
Error cod 1601
Hello, While installing an application, i keep getting the Error Code 1601. Please give me assistance to get it fixed. thanks. Configuration: ...
Cod 6
SolvedHello, Please can someone tell me if you can use a cod 6 ps3 cd key for PC online and how i can do this.Please and thank you in advance. Config...
Call of duty
Hello, why wen i go call on call of duty mdf2 on the multiplayer the mouse doesnt move Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 534.3
Call of duty problem
Hello, Hp intel core duo 4gb nvidia 220 1GB windovs 7 ultimate I have a problem.When i start call of duty 2 it works just fine, but 5 min. la...
Cod4 mw initialization error.................
Hello, I have COD MW on my system. Config: Dual Core E5300 2.6 GHz, 1 Gb ram,250 gb HDD and no graphics card, Win XP SP2. Whenever I run the ...
Please help me with call of duty 5
Hey, I'm having some troubles starting CODWAW. THis is what happens: put disc in, press solo, shows CODWAW box, screen goes black, then it crashes. ...
Cod4 multiplayer servers not same as friend's
Hi all. Last night a friend and I tried to play Call of Duty 4 together online. We both get servers listed but none of them match what the other h...
Call of duty 1 multiplayer server password
ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0 I usualy play Call of duty 1 on lan in multiplayer mode. Whenever I try to join...
Call of duty waw
Hello, im having a problem i downloaded der reise and still cant play it what do i do Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Call of duty 5 system requirements
Hello, call of duty 5 game run my pc and play game my pc is OS: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 Processor: Genu...
Call of duty 4 modem warfare
Hello, call of duty 4 modem warfare game run my pc and play game my pc is OS: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 Proc...
Fails to load a map in cod mw2 multiplayer
Hello everyone, I have a problem with cod mw2 multiplayer. it goes like this: - I start up mw2. -Then this message comes: It appears that mw2 did...
Cod 2 error
Hello, cod2 game not run error this game "DirectX(R) encountered an unrecoverable error. chect the DirectX(R) FAQ for possible solutions."" s...
Call of duty 2 not run
cod2 game not run my pc so how play game cod2 my pc is Operating System: Windows XP* Professional, Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600) Hd : ...
Call of duty world at war
Hello, why can't i play the single player mode.but the multyplayer work's very good.please help
Hello, My punk buster doesnt work for my cod 4 game. when i load multi player it says 'UNable to initialize punkbuster. Punkbuster is disabled.' w...
Cod 4 not working
Hello, My cod 4 game doesnt work for pc. When i boot the game up it says iw3mp.exe stopped working. It happens evrytime i load up Cod 4 multiplaye...
Call of duty waw
Hello, when i go to a match on call of duty waw it will pop up and say error DW fetch file by ID 112 - 'BD_LOBBY_INTERNAL_FAILURE' what does this...
Call of duty modern warfare 2 mp update error
Hi, I turned on my ps3 and it says update required so, I download it and at between 1005 and 1% on installing it said ERROR i do not know how to re-do...
Cod 6 not responding when started.
Hello, When i start cod 6 the little square window of cod appears like normal. Then it goes black and its not responding?? I start the task manager...
Cod 6 multiplayer
Hello, Im looking for any 1 who can help me download COD 6 multiplayer. I downloaded Call of duty 6 but whenever i run multiplayer theres a problem. D...
Call of duty mw2 issue
Hello, Basically my ps3 is refusing the acknowledge my disc. It's not a problem with the ps3 itself as all my other games are fine. It may be th...
Pl3 wont play any call of duty online
Hello, My PS3 wont play any Call of Duty online Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6
Call of duty 6
Hello, when i first bought call of duty modern warfare 2 i had a problem with finding matches. Like everytime i tried to find a game it took for ever....
I cant online on cod4
hi can u help me to connect online cod4? plsss tell me how to get key code ^^
Can i play cod6 or cod4 with g31 foxconn
Hello, can i play cod6 or cod4 with g31 foxconn motherboard with onboard vga,, without external k,,