The discussions
Game is not working
Hello, When I try to open call of duty black ops in my computer it showsXINPUT1_3.dll is not designed to run on windows or it contains an error.can ...
Call of duty 4 multiplayer is not working properly
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.112my game is running well.when I click to join with servers.there show me awaiting connect...
Call of duty wm 4
Hello, i just installed the COD4 WM But i've got that problem, i searched in google and many sites for a soulation but i didn't find it i also tried...
Call of duty black ops not opening
Hello, I downloaded COD BO from torrentz,installed.Its not opening. My pc config: Intel i5 4GB RAM in directx diag tool:Directx version=11.1,Int...
Call of duty black ops steam must be running
SolvedHello, After, I installed my pc game Call of Duty black ops, I have been receiving this error message: "Steam must be running to play this game"....
Call of duty 4 internet connection is needed
I got cod 4 then my multiplayer said this when I when to open it. An internet connection is needed in order to perform a one time multiplayer authenti...
Cod multiplayer online,it stucking all time
help, when i playing cod mw 1 multiplayer online,it stucking all time and only i can shut down it(sorry for my english language)
Cod mouse won't click on any of the menu options
Hello, My mouse scans over the menu on Mod Warfare 2 and World at War, but won't click on any of the menu options. I use the windows mode for Warfar...
How do i get key code
ClosedHello, i dont have a key code. pls how do i get one. Configuration: Windows / Chrome 45.0.2454.85
Call of duty multiplayer doesnt start , windows xp .
SolvedHi guys , i have windows xp 32 bits sp 3 . all drivers updated i installed Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare ...i layed just multyplayer for a while ...
Cod4 acting super weird!!!
I recently bought COD 4 Modern Warfare and it worked fine the first time I played it. The next day it had some weird issues. I really don't even know...
Hello, india Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 42.0.2311.152
Call of duty world at war solo problem
Solved/ClosedHello, I click on play solo / Co-op but nothing happens the screen disappears and nothing. what the heck is that. PLEASE ADVICE.. Thanks
Problem with multi player
ClosedHello, I've had COD4 for quite a while but now it stopped working. My mac ran out of battery, then when i turned it on and went back to wanting to pl...
Call of duty world at war "error: unable to get our address info
Please I have a big problem !! I have WaW for PC (cd) but when I go to the coop and select HOST ONLINE to cooperative with some of my friends, I get t...
Cod4 patch 1.7 cannot be installed?
Hello, i'm having trouble to install the patch 1.7. Actually i've just repiaring my computer, so most of the game need to be installed including my c...
Cod mw multiplayer stopped working error.
Hello, Guys I installed my Cod and the singleplayer works fine but whenever i click on the multiplayer icon an error pops up saying Cod has stopped ...
Call of duty 4 multiplayer not working
I just Downloaded Cod 4 for my Pc a few days ago and The Multiplayer does not work. I don't understand it. Everytime I choose a server, it says "K...
Doesn't refresh and in local it shows o/o servers found
Hello when I refresh my list it doesn't refresh and in local it shows o/o servers found . please tell me
Cod waw "multiplayer has stopped working"
SolvedHELP! I have been playing the on-line multiplayer COD WAW for months now, but in the last 24 hours I can't get it to keep working. After I enter a...
Error when he is trying to play multiplayer on xbox
My son keeps getting an error when he is trying to play multiplayer on xbox live that he cannot play xbox live. How do I fix this? Please help!!
Cod4 iw3mp.exe stopped working at launch
Hi everyone, I have had COD4 for a while now but I can't seem to open my multiplayer sucessfully. Everytime I open multiplayer I get a message saying ...
Can i play call of duty world at war
Hello, I have the following configuration, plz let me know whether i can play call of duty world at war or not.... Windows Vista 32-bit operating sy...
Cannot connect on call of duty 4 to online
Solved/ClosedHello, When I play call of duty 4 for PS3 I go to multi-player and then go to play online when I try and find a match such as team deathmatch or f...
Cod waw pc running error
Hello, i got a problem.. everytime since yesterday i bouhght this game and installed it, when i try say play multiplayer or play singleplayer, the s...
Cod4 says "please insert the correct dvd-rom
SolvedHello, When I run my COD4,it says "Please insert the correct DVD-ROM,select OK and restart application..Please help Configuration: Windows 7 / ...
Call of duty 4 modern warfare
hey some prob here..we are playing COD4 with my frnds..wer using laptop for network use cuz we dnt have router...every1 can play but y i can...
Call of duty 1 training problems
SolvedHello, I installed call of duty 1 on my pc but in the training mission for the grenades, when I throw in the grenades in the windows they do not seem...
Call of duty not working
Solved/ClosedHello, i just installed call of duty :black ops in my pc..........when I open it says "it appears call of duty:black ops did not quit prope...
While starting the game....
hello frnds...., my installation call of duty 4 has been completed..... but while starting the game it shows the error "DirectX encountered an unrec...
Na nic neragu je tak co mam deslat?
Hello, ev zprávy chybí E-mail chybí Zadejte prosím název popisuje vás problém (jiné nez "SOS", "naléhavé" nebo "pomoc"). P?íklad, by bylo snazsí, sp...
My multiplayer call of duty 4 is not working!
Solved/ClosedHello, I have just bought Call of Duty 4 and a new laptop. When I try an go on singleplayer it works perfectly, but the problem comes when I go on m...
Downloading map packs
Hello, I have a problem, I do not know how to download to CoD5 Map Pack, will help me how to do it? Thanks.Hello from the Czech Republic Config...
My cod4: mw doesn't starts!
Hello, Well, I have a problem and I want to fix it soon because I'm very excited on playing this game. I've been downloading it for ages. Well, an...
Mw2 multiplayer wont load (ps3)
I tap multiplier, then Online and there is a box that says "online Status" in the box it says "fetching Playlists..." "updating ranks and unlocks..."...
Call of duty 4 error
Hello, I NEEED HELP!!! I upgraded my Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (1) for PS3, and after the upgrade it took me to a screen like this, Ca...
My cod4 mp wont start....
ClosedHello, cod4 mp wont start for me, I've already tried everything, disabling the stereo mix; plugging in a mic and headset; updating RealTek driver... N...
Call of duty modern warfare 2 key code
Do I need a key code to use the game in single player mode, or just if I play multiplayer please? Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explor...
Cant play cod on 2 separate xboxs in 1 house
Closedme and my brother want to play call of duty online and we cant it always say joining attept #1 #2 #3 then says connection failure or some thing but if...
Cod 4
Hello, If I start cod 4 and i choose profile, click on multiplayer and refresch the list the whole list is EMPTY! Can somebody help? Configur...
Problem starting cod 4-mw
ClosedHello, i have brought the pirated of call of duty4-modern warfare,but it is not starting,i have copied all the files from both dvds,ext...
Black screen and audio but no picture, cod 4
Hello, i have an acer 5332 aspire and whenever I run a game like dawn of war or cod 4, I dont get any picture, all I get is the audio from the game ...
Cod 4 multiplayer doesn't start
SolvedHello, I've decided to play cod mw online, got this error, done the normal troubleshooting routine, went to google, Based on this post: http://...
<<help for installing cod blackops>>
Hello, Hi ! I just installed the Call of Duty black ops But, I facing a problem...''Run in safe mode ?'' also ''It appear that Call of Duty: B...
Call of duty 4 multiplayer
Solved/ClosedHello, I have call of duty 4 and singleplayer works great but my multiplayer wont. when I go on to multiplayer I can load in fine but when I go to jo...
Call of duty black ops game errors
Hello, After i installed my game call of duty 7,i run it and it writes me "video card or driver doesn't support separate alpha blend,glow will be disa...
Cod mw starting problem
Hello, after downloading and installing cod mw it says something about video card can someone please help
Call of duty 4 modern warfare keeps freezing
Hi,I have call of duty 4 modern warfare on my PC.I enjoyed the game but there is one problem.After I played the single player or the multiplayer for a...
Iw3mp.exe has stopped working [cod4] plz help
SolvedHello guys I will be so happy if anyone can help me , when I will to run COD 4 modern warfare MULTIPLAYER , I cant Run It , the box is coming wrote i...