The discussions
My account has blocked and i cant get into it
SolvedHello, my name is raya and i was trying to enter my account on hotmail and i recieved a message telling me that my account has blocked and i tried s...
Forced to use mexican google
ClosedHello, I live in Mexico. I have a Mac Mini. All of a sudden it will not bring up sites from my bookmarks in English. I am not able to get it to ...
Facebook account hacked
SolvedHello, MY facebook id has been hacked and m nt able to log in.. hw cn i restore my acount!! plzz need help urgently!!!!!.... Configuration: Win...
I can't go to my live classes on insight school because ask is in my mozilla fir
SolvedHello, I can't go to my live classes at insight school on the computer because ask is in my mozilla firefox. Can you please help. I am not doing v...
How do i get a new security key?
SolvedHello, My friend gave me a Netgear wireless cable modem gateway CG814GCMR and i hooked it up to my modem then tried to connect to it but it keeps ...
Explorer.exe file corrupted
ClosedWhenever I try to start my computer, nothing is displayed on the screen (just the background wallpaper, but no Start bar or desktop icons). By opening...
I want to download audio device on high definition audio bus driver
Hello, sir I want to download audio device on high definition audio bus driver for my pc but i don't that which driver will support my pc. please s...
Download music from youtube to my computer
SolvedHello, am called david, how can i download music from youtube to my computer i will be very graetiful wen given advice.thanx Configuration: W...
Icon desktop for google crome
Hello, please creat the Icon on my desk top for Google Crome Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 534.16
How do i get my internet explorer 8 back
SolvedHello, I need to get internet explorer 8 back because all my programs dont work with IE9. Operating system is windows 7. Help please Conf...
Chrome has overriden ie!
Hello, Hope this doesn't make me sound like too much of a luddite - I recently downloaded Chrome again (had done so before and uninstalled cause I...
Explorer 9 or magic jack ??
Hello, I have the Magic Jack on my XP computer, and it works fine. Some time ago last fall the Magic Jack lit up with a Red Box and said" Not to Dow...
Where can i download a new driver for my cam?
Hello, my webcam driver isn't working; i'm searching everywhere to download another driver; but i'm not finding anything:S if anyone knows a site...
Forget my security qustion and i can't log in
SolvedHello, What can i do ? i am trying to log into facebook and i know my password and everything but its saying that i need to verify my account and...
Itunes will download but wont work.
Hello, i downloaded itunes then it worked,but then the next day it didnt work. there was a message when i clicked the message said: please disinstall...
Local area connection problem
Hello, My toshiba laptop won't connect to the internet. It says that a network cable is unplugged, but my wireless network connection is great.I'm n...
I can't download skype
Hello, it would be easier to, the community to assist you!"s been one week i'm tryin to download skype yet the instalation start till 19% and stop.i...
To download sound drivers
Hello, I would like to download sound drivers of system model presario v6000(GN397PA#ACJ).windows xp operating system.can anyone help me out........p...
Internet speed
Solvedhi everyone i have recently upgraded to a virgin hub which gives me 50 meg. my laptop is telling me its running at 56kbps, is this correct, or should...
Internet wont show up on my laptop
Hello, my TOSHIBA laptop's internet wont work .when i say this i mean the wifi bars that are supposed to be in the bottom right corner, wont show up.i...
Msn wont let me log on
ClosedHello, it says on MSN when i press log on if i want to dowload the new version, but if i press no, it wont let me log in.
Facebook page in english
Hello, I want my facebook be opened in English page not in German page, please support me to be done. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explo...
Forget e-mail password
Hello, sir telll me plz i forget my id password . or ithink anyone change my id password. this reason i cant access my email id tell which typ...
Download sound driver for compaq presario c700
Solved/ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0 i have a compaq laptop series presario c700 and first time I installed window vista ...
Internet downloading speed
SolvedHello, please let me know, how can we increase downloading speed of internet
Skype download
Hello, skype account is obtained but "skype"is not there in my laptop,pls ans me wat to do Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 534.13
Why my account disable ?
Hello, my acc disable why ? please help me.... Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.15
Please able my disabled facebook account
SolvedHello, my facebook id has been disabled can l reactivate it Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
Cant watch youtube on windows ce 6.0 arm.
SolvedHello, I just bought this windows ce 6.0 notebook for my son for a birthday present and I cant figure out how to get youtube to play. I try t...
Download sony vaio sound device
Hello, my sony vaio has realtek sound device and i got that frm a local shoap. now it is alwys gives a disturbing soun from the fan. what i hav...
Connect mobile with laptop to use internet
Hello, please can you tell me how do i connect my mobile with laptop to use internet Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Youtube downloader remote file
Hello, Hello, i am parwez .....i always use youtube downloader download videos from youtube...but now a days i can't download anymore c...
Internet explorer help certificate errors
Hello, when i try to open websites and email addresses it shows certificate errors and inability to function. please help me in coming out of such ...
I entered router security pin in a laptop
Hello, I'm 16, i am not very knowledgable of networks and connected my Gf's laptop to my network with security pin on back of router, now the internet...
Delete facebook account if you 4got paswrd
SolvedHello, Ive forgotten my facebook account password and need to delete it,so what are the procedures for deletion of account.Help me please. Than...
Free music download link
SolvedHello, Please give me free music download link specially remix, Thanks
Connecting my computer to internet
Hello, am not able to connect to internet from my computer through my mobile.can any one help me out and list me the ways of doing it. Thanks
Only audio can be heard in youtube
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 4.0 will you please tell me why i cant watch youtube videos? as i have isntalled adobe flash pla...
Internet satting
SolvedHello, I want the GPRS setting in Nokia mobile 2700. please provide the information as soon as possible. Thanks!
Facebook help on email confirmation
Hello, pls help me because facebook home page keeps prompting me to confirm my email. Upon confirmation, it will block my access, what do i do? ...
Problem while opening the face book
hello................sir! i have a problem in face book, when im opening it s asking about certificate please help me
My commputer is blank
Hello, my name is Ainaa.I cannot open the video in youtube. It just totally blank and black. Last week my mother brought it to the workshop and it fin...
Youtube has no video
SolvedHello, My Youtube has a sound, but no video. I was listening to some music and then I clicked on a new song and no video appeared. What should...
I cant find regedit
i cant find regedit where is it help me please where is it!!!!!!!!!!!
Connected to internet, but wont browse
Hello, I need help! I have an acer aspire one, which i have had for over a year now and the internet had been working fine BUT today i swiched rou...
I cant download from reyal player video
Hello, i cant download viedos from reyl player. one masseg coming. that masseg is ( this application has failed to start because msvcp90.dll was n...
I can't get audio in youtube
Hello, I can't get audio in Youtube and in internet,though Windows media player is working alright.I use windows xp.I tried the fix suggestd by Al...
Free download driver for dell 1564-n
hello sir i need dell inspiron 1564-N corei3 all 7/32bit chipset drivers. i search all site here i didnt found. so please help me... regards&thanks ...