PS3 error codes and solutions

This article will introduce you to the most common PS3 error codes and what they mean.
Sony's PlayStation 3, or PS3, is a high-quality game console that gives you access to a wide range of games. Nonetheless, it can still experience errors every so often, especially as it ages.
Common PlayStation 3 error codes and solutions
Here is a list of the most common error codes for the PS3 and some of the solutions that go with them:
710,102 DNS error, the DNS server is no longer valid
8013030 System Error - Update Failed
80010001 Unable to read game (disc damage)
80010014 Download failure (buying a game on PSN)
80010017 Blu-ray game unreadable
80010036 Error while deleting files
80010510 Unable to launch game (stored on HDD)
80010514 Hard drive error, restart the PS3
80010516 Read error from PS1 game, eject the game and try again
80023017 Playstation store is down for maintenance
80029024 Unable to acquire IP
80029513 violation of the copyright law (running an illegal copy of the a game)
80029564 unable to install (downloaded) software
80029945 Unable to read Blu-ray movie
80030920 Corrupted file or folder
80031150 System error (reset device to default settings)
80031601 error while creating an account
80130203 PS3 can connect to the internet but not the PSN. Open the following ports:
TCP 80,443,5223
UDP 3478,3479,3658
80410418 DNS error
80710016 Playstation Network unavailable
80710092 Disconnected from Playstation Network/loss of connectivity
8001000B Wi-Fi key error
80710101 Connection error
80710541 Connection time-out
80710723 Error (ports not open)
81019002 unable to copy backup file
8001050D Unable to launch games
80022A07 Error loading trophies
80028EA5 Unable to connect to the PSN
80028EA6 Connection error, restart the PS3 and the Wi-Fi router
80028F10 Display error, set to automatic settings
80028F17 Unable to read PS2 game /restart PS3
80028F18 Unable to read PS2 game /disc unreadable
80029C68 Corrupted data (file stored on an external support)
8002A10D Unable to invite a friend
8002A4A6 Unable to play game online
8002A515 Connection error
8002A548 Wi-Fi connection unstable
8002A705 Connection to server impossible (test ports)
8002A71A NAT error
8002AD23 Connection Error
8002AE21 Demo/file is corrupted
8002B241 DVI audio connection error
8002f147 firmware update impossible, disable UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) and Proxy server, reactivate them after update
8002F994 Update error (PSN)
8002F997 Unable to install update (from external support)
8003051E Partial backup error
8013013D Connection error, the wifi signal too low
8013013E WEP key error
8013030F SSID Error
807101FF DNS error
8071053D Connection to the Playstation Network impossible
80710B23 Playstation Network is unavailable
80710D23 Turn off the PS3 for 30 minutes
This is a non-exhaustive list of the most common errors encountered when using a PS3.
For a complete guide (updated regularly) please visit the official PlayStation website.