The best religious apps: free, for Android, for iPhone

In this article, we've rounded up our top 5 apps for various religions, to provide people with continued access to their chosen religions and which also offer more in depth knowledge about their customs and traditions.
The Bible App for Christians
This is one of the most popular apps for Christians worldwirde. The Bible App offers a huge range of features in visual, audio and written format. There over 1400 Bible versions and the app is available in 40+ languages, in addition, the bible can be downloaded and read offline and the app offers multiple audio bibles. There is a strong emphasis on connection and community with this app and you can view and share comments with friends about scripture and verses you have bookmarked.
Muslim Pro
The all round app for Muslims world wide, Muslim Pro contains an impressive list of features ranging from azan application and the most accurate prayer times internationally, to the full Quran in over 40 translations. It will help you locate Halal restaurants and Mosques near you, offers fasting times during Ramadan and there are audio and visual notifications available for the calls to prayer (Azan). Muslim Pro is the perfect app to help you continue to practice the Muslim faith from the comfort of your home and also allow you to further explore the religion, its traditions and scriptures.

Laudate app for Catholics
Ranked as one of the leading and most comprehensive free Catholic apps, Laudate boasts a vast range of features. Available in over 17 languages, with daily mass, audio bible, interactive rosaries, confession and more, Laudate is the app for those who still want to maintain their religious devotion and contact or simply want to delve deeper into the religion. There is access to a huge selection of Catholic media and resources providing daily mass etc, a detailed calendar listing all holy and feast days and access to Vaitcan documents.

Download Laudate free for Android and iOS here.
Shema app for Jews
The Shema app was designed to help connect Jews and to build a closer connection to Jewish traditions. The app was developed in English, Hebrew and Spanish and has been described by users, as a sort of training guide to help them learn more about traditions, offering prayers and timers for when to start, Jewish music and also provides help with studying the Torah.
Hinduism Today
Hinduism Today is an informative journal providing a wealth of information on all topics and traditions related to Hinduism. There is a large educational section providing much information on ancient wisdoms, Hindu trends on food, yoga and ecology and users can get regular updates on the network of Hindu temples and communities worldwide. Hinduism Today, also offers access to vast resources on Himalayan Academy’s websites which includes videos, artwork, teaching resources and more.