How to open the Control Panel: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7

Finding and opening the Control Panel in Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and 7 is a handy skill in many scenarios. Here we reveal how to do it in a few steps quickly.
How to open the Control Panel on Windows 11?
- Open the Start menu by clicking on the Window icon on the taskbar.
- Type Control Panel into the search field. The Control Panel application will appear in the list.
- Click on Control Panel.
How to open the Control Panel on Windows 10?
- Open the Start menu by clicking on the Window icon on the taskbar.
- Type Control Panel into the search field. The Control Panel application will appear in the list.
- Click on Control Panel.
How to open the Control Panel on Windows 8.1?
- Open the Start menu by clicking on the Window icon on the taskbar.
- Type Control Panel into the search field. The Control Panel application will appear in the list.
- Click on Control Panel.
How to open the Control Panel on Windows 7?
- Open the Start menu by clicking on the Window icon on the taskbar.
- Type Control Panel into the search field. The Control Panel application will appear in the list.
- Click on Control Panel.
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