How to use Avast Antivirus: download, review

Avast is one of the most popular antivirus software programs that protects your computer from viruses, malware and other attacks. You can set up the filters and specify the parameters to scan everything you download, your external drives and even specific websites. Continue reading to find out how to use Avast antivirus and make the most out of it.
What are the different types of Avast scan?
Avast Antivirus has various types of scans and you can choose the one that suits you the most.
- Smart Scan: detects malware, outdated software, risky browser add-ons, network threats, and performance issues.
- Full Virus Scan: in-depth scan of your PC that also can check your storage drives.
- Targeted Scan: scans only selected folders and files.
- Boot-Time Scan: detects and scans malware during your PC startup, removes it before it can damage your computer.
- Custom scans: personalised scan based on your selected parameters.
- Explorer Scan: scans particular files or folders in File Explorer.
How to create a custom scan?
If you’d like to specify your scan settings by sensitivity, frequency, priority, storage areas or file types, you can configure it and create a custom scan. To do so, open your Avast Antivirus software and click on Protection in the left-side menu, then choose Virus Scans.
Next, go to Custom Scans and select Create a New Scan.
Finally, you can define the parameters: choose whether you want to increase the sensitivity of your scan, adjust its frequency, choose specific files with risky extensions or scan your external devices such as USB and hard drive.
How to exclude specific files or websites from scanning in Avast?
You can configure Avast to exclude a particular file, folder, or partition during the scan process. The process is simple and it will take you 5 minutes to set up the scan.
- Open Avast and go to Menu > Settings.
- Then, go to General > Exceptions > Add Exception.
- Type the file or website name and click Add Exception or select Browse and choose the files or folders from your computer.
How to uninstall Avast antivirus using the Avastclear Uninstall Utility?
If you cannot uninstall Avast antivirus in the usual way, try to do it with Avastclear uninstall utility.
Install the program on your computer, then, restart Windows in Safe Mode. Open the Avastclear uninstall utility, choose Avast antivirus and click Uninstall.
The software should now be completely uninstalled. You should note, however, that your system is now vulnerable to attacks, and that you should replace your antivirus software as soon as possible.