My computer won't let me access anything!!
- I cant open anything on my pc
- Ms access download - Download - Databases
- Access and downloading - Facebook Forum
- How to access google usa - Guide
- How to gain access to my hacked facebook account - Facebook Forum
- If this was you, you won’t be able to access certain security and account settings for a few days. you can still access these settings from a device you’ve logged in with in the past. - Instagram Forum
23 responses
if u have access to a different cmputer, follow these instructions.
1. go to
2. copy the exe file to a blank CD and write it there/ or you can mount it(more complicated)
3. insert the CD in the laptop. it should open by itself....or you could go to my computer and open the CD.
4. run the exe file. run the setup and at the end choose to LAUNCH IT. do not update it. AGAIN, at the end of the setup, chose to LAUNCH the program.
1. go to
2. copy the exe file to a blank CD and write it there/ or you can mount it(more complicated)
3. insert the CD in the laptop. it should open by itself....or you could go to my computer and open the CD.
4. run the exe file. run the setup and at the end choose to LAUNCH IT. do not update it. AGAIN, at the end of the setup, chose to LAUNCH the program.
I have a desktop computer with vista that is doing the same thing only this thing keeps popping up that says that I need to choose some kind of program on the computer but that doesnt work either and everytime I try downloading something it stills pops up I need up someone help me I want to play demos again