The discussions
Do not detect my hard disk
Hello, My sony external hard have some issues.. when i connect it i can hear the sound when always connect a removable disk.... But i can't f...
"file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"
Solved/ClosedI have a Terabyte external hard drive that is filled to capacity with music, movies, pictures, accounts etc . All of a sudden it is no longer accessib...
External hard drive local drive g help
Hello, So, a few months back I pulled my Toshiba 1TB Hard drive out of my Asus 551y laptop because I was having the "restart/boot loop" issue ...
External usb drive doesn't display
Hello, My External USB Hard Drive do not show up in Win 7 64bit, Its working Fine on My Lapi nd other desktop. By plugging it in there is even n...
Unable to see files in external hard drive
I have an external 1 terabyte hard drive. It is a Western Digital Passport Essential SE 0740 USB 3.0 Device that I bought from Best Buy in I believe 2...
Wd my passport not recognized
Hi guys, I have had my 1TB WD hard drive for over 4 months and it was working fine until this week. I tried connecting it to 2 computers but there'...
Western digital - my passport not detected
Solved/ClosedHello, My Western Digital is not getting detected which was working 1 week before. Suddenly this was not detected and following is happening a...
My transcend sorejet 320 gb hard disk is not been detected
8tb backup external drive not appearing in the disk management
When I connect my 8TB backup external drive not appearing in the Disk Management but it is recognized in the Device Manager. I use Windows XP. Can you...
External hard drive not recognized
I cannot access my external hard drive, it was previously being used for my Wii U so I understand that I need to format it to use it for PCs but I can...
8tb backup external drive icon not appearing in disk management
8TB backup external drive icon not appearing in disk management but it exists in Device manager and USB Bus Controller
My passport wd 1tb is not recognizing by pc,laptop
Solved/ClosedHello, When I was transfering data pc frezeed and extracted my passport wd harddrive while it was transfering file. Now it is not recognizing b...
Windows 10 pc has been playing up
when I start windows and it load you hear the sound of pluging something into the usb port when you look in my computer my spare hard drive is gone , ...
Failing external hard drive
SolvedHello all, I'm kinda freaking out at the moment. I have a WD elements 1tb external hard drive and it was working fine until a couple of days ago. I...
Not working of segate hard disk
Hello, Forum Hardware Hard drive Report Reg: not working of segate hard disk [Closed] Ask a questionsagar - Last answered on Sep 15, 2012 at 11:25...
Hard drive not read by pc anymore
Solved/ClosedI purchased a new seagate drive. It worked initially well at the first time. While I was taking a back up on it, accidentally I dropped it and it came...
Hd is not detect during installation windows10
Hello, when i trying to install windows 10 on my system Hard drive in not detect, however it showing in bios System Configuration: Windo...
External 1tb hdd not detected
Hello, my sony extronal 1tb hdd is not detecting...kindly help me System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 62.0.3202.94
5tb hard drive cloan small
Hello, I installed a 5tb hard drive in my pc after cloning my OP drive of 300MB, The clone worked fine. But the PC thinks its the exact same size dri...
Hdd password reset dell mini 9
How do i reset the hdd password in the bios? Info: PhoenixBIOS setup utility, hdd Master ID: STM000006F0E Dell mini 9 OS: Windows XP Professio...
Asking for format device
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 62.0.3202.94 asking for format device
Cannot recognize two devices with 12 hard disks
Hello, I can not recognize two devices with 12 hard disks. However, it is recognized as an external use. What is the problem? System Configur...
Orico 500gb hard drive
Hello, My computer doesn't recognise this. Shows as removable (F) with no media in disk management. Whats wrong and can I fix it? System Config...
Wd hard drive not recognised
SolvedHello, I think my WD external hard is corrupted. It shows under safely remove hardware and doesn't show under my computer. Under disk management i...
Unable to open particular folders in external hard disk
Hi, I am unable to open folder in my 650GB External Hard disk, when i am trying to open particular folder it's showing dialog box as "choose the ...
Wd mybook not recognized
Solved/ClosedHello, guys I'm suppose to ask a question but I am providing a solution to WD external hard drives at least for my book anyways, I've had my My Book f...
Sata hard disc
after deleting system information from my sata hard disk my computer didn't read any more
Sata hdd not detected while installing windows 7/ windows 8
Solved/ClosedHello, I was using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit. I wanted to use Fedora 32 Bit. This is why I installed it on my hard drive along with Windows 7. Af...
Hdd installed but not visible
Hello, I have a brand new transcend HDD 1TB. in disk management I can find it but does not show in my disk drives/my computer. I can't access i...
Corrupted file
when i start cmd chkdsk /f e: give this message the file system is NTFC unsecifid error
Cannot copy data to my 1t hard drive
I can see my hard drive when I go into "computer" but when I'm in a file and right click to send it to my hard drive, the hard drive is not visible at...
How to recover my photos?
DEAR , I was copying photos from laptop after completion of copying photos i found my photos folder was missing then i restart my laptop ...
Hard disk problem
SolvedHello My pc while runing stop display and lcd goes off but desktop still on.. I cheked ..sound came from hard disk . Like.. tickkk..tiickkk... like ...
Hard drive not showing up, need help
hi, I have an external hard drive that does not show up in this PC and even in device manager, can some one please help me?
A single folder went missing from my external drive.
Solved/ClosedA big folder went missing from my HDD, right in front of my eyes and now I can't find it.All other small folders are still there. I have tried Recuva...
Wd 1 td hard disk doesn't get detected in 3.0 usb port
Hello, I m Harish My WD 1 TD hard disk doesn't get detected in 3.0 USB port but the light is on in the harddisk. Its gets detected in 2.0 USB. any s...
External wd 1 tb driver
Hello, I have a WD hard drive since 2011. recently I tried to use it, but my computer hanged and can not open it on my computer with win 10. I trie...
Hard drive not showing in my pc
Hello, when i plug external hard drive (1TB) with cpu then it should show this in my computer. but it is not shown. where Right side at ...
Wd my passport is not getting detected
Hello, My WD my passport is not getting detected in my laptop it is showing in the safely remove panel but not in my computer. and i have checked ...
Usb conection with sata3 cable
Hi everyone, I have a problem here, are many good answers but cant see one to solve my problem. I have conected my new wd black 2Tb Hdd to pc to mig...
Mac computer intermittently seeing external cd drive
Hi, Can anyone offer a suggestion to solve this; my mac computer only sees the external CD drive and the CD in it if I switch it off and in again...
Partition error
hello guys i have 2 tb hard disk while i played game through my external hard disk suddenly my laptop top shut downs and my hard disk gets corru...
How to recover data from a hard disk?
Hello, I have followed your instructions stated in the link below. I...
How to correct a single corrupted file on hard drive?
Hello, i understand your method but i dont have any problem with whole drive, but 1 single folder in hard disk drive got currupted...what to do no...
Not detected and not showing in my computer
Hard drive detected but not showing in my computer
External hard drive not being recognised
Hello, ive tried the above but when I get to highlight the drive to change the path its not pressable. any ideas? System Configuration: Window...
External usb hard drive doesn't show up in my computer
Solved/ClosedHello, My External USB Hard Drive doesn't show up in My Computer Win 7 64bit. I've just received my Western Element 2,5Tb today. When I first pl...
External hard drive not recognized
Hello, when I am going to connect my hard drive with my toshiba laptop the light in hard drive is start blinking. but it is not appearing anywhere i...
Unable to access files in usb hard disk drive
Solved/ClosedHello, I am unable to access files in my USB HDD after a few minutes of operating it. If I try playing a movie, it will run smoothly for around 5 ...
Unable to format my pc
Hello, I'm trying to format my computer but it's not working I have a windows 10 os and I want to format it so that I can Falah it again but when I ...