The discussions
Facebook problem
Hello, I can,t open my profile in facebook. They say Sorry, we are experiencing temporary technical problem, please check back later. Pl...
Font issue
SolvedHello, Recently I've been having issues with the way text is displayed on my computer. Everything had been working fine until a few weeks ago, and I...
E-mails in yahoo
SolvedHello, I've been receiving my yahoo e-mails through my Outlook Express for ages until a couple of days ago and now I get the following message. ...
Issue while downloading firefox
Hello, i am not able to download firefox.. i have no idea y dis is happening.. i have no trouble with opera @ google chrome.. pls help me.. ...
Y is it that i cant download fire fox
Hello, ok.. i had a firefox.. which ihad to delete it b4 downloading the new1:(.. so i use internet to download but its of no use.. and i have bee...
I can't connect to the internet help please
Okay so I just Installed my computor but i can't get this one to work. My labtop works though, please help!!!!
Video players online
ClosedHello, when I go to to watch movies online, the player will load but for some reason it won't go full screen, when I make it go fulls...
My internet wont work
Hello, my internet says its connected, but I cant browse the internet nor any other internet-related programs. It's a Window's Vista Home Premium 64-b...
I forget my yahoo password
Hello,i for get my yahoo pass word ...send me plz Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 9.0
Skype downloading problem.
Hello, why the skype downloading speed is so slow?I can see its showing MORE THAN 1 HOUR TO GO from 1 hour constantly,it's very irritating & tim...
I am expreince this message" gateway timeout"
Hello, I am facing this problem since a little time please if anyone knows reply mesage with best wishes Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet...
Internet explorer has stopped working
SolvedHello, Internet explorer crashes on my gf PC,Tried to reset using Internet options,checked without addons still IE crashes.Its IE 9. Is there...
Internet speed increase
SolvedHello Sir/Madam My want to increase my internet download speed so please tell me , which software will support me . Thank You Puneet Narang
Can't open facebook
Hello, i have tryed EVERYTHNG!! and facebook still wont load, i have no idea what it is. iv tryed installing virus, spyware, malware removers, changed...
Cant log into my facebook account!
Hello, Ive been trying to log into my fb account and everytime i click login it tells me "sorry something went wrong". Ive changed my password alot ...
Internet not working
Hello, I have dell inspiron 1420 and using ethernet cable to connect internet. From last few days, i am facing issue while connecting to internet....
My facebook account!
Hello, I received a message saying from fb security that my account will be disabled in 24 hours if i dont give information! However i dont have ...
Modem and internet
Hello, My internet works fine when my computer is directly plugged into my modem, but it becomes laggy/won't work at all when I add my router to t...
Resetting the laptop
Hello, Can any ine tell me how to reset the toshiba satellite C660 on to the factory settings please? Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explo...
Facebook not working properly
Hello, facebook is not working properly in my dell laptop please help Configuration: / Indeterminable Indeterminable
Why my fb acount disable
SolvedPlease i need my fb come again.....i hope my fb can open again because my data about my friend have in fb.and iam sorry about my mistake and iam not r...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, Someones hacked my facebook account and added a security question which i cannot change. Please help me. Thank You Configuratio...
I cannot download from youtube videos
Hello, i have been using this youtube downloader for many times,before is okay but now i can't download it anymore it says; Unable to download rem...
About my id of face book
Hello, sir my id is not opening properly this opend like not pad not like face page plz tell me whats the problum here Configuration: Windows ...
I cannot access my e-mail account
Hello, I can not access my yahoo mail account. I tried several times to use the user name and password that I have been using for years and it w...
How to increse u torrent speed
Hello, sir, i usually use utorrent to download things, my speed is 512kbps, so the speed oscillates around 45-55 sometime less and some time mor...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my facebook a ccount is disabled,please ,how can i fix it Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0
Connected but ie wont work.
Hello, My laptop works just fine, but my desktop wont let me browse. It says it is connected but nothing happens when I try to use IE and Firefox. I...
Internet of registered laptops not working
Internet of registered laptops not working in school? my laptop is already registered in our school but i cant use the internet with it. the last t...
Sos facebook woes
Hello, Windows XP / Safari 534.30
Cannot log in fb - nizzar izhar
ClosedHello, My fb cannot log in. How can I login....I didnt change my password. Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.6
My facebook is damage
SolvedHello, My facebook is damage How can open this face book. its can't work for one week plz tell me Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.5
Router problem
Hello, i keep losing our connection all the time, fed up with ringing sky don't get no help.all they say is check your wires. everytime you go on to b...
Ppp link control protocol was terminated
Dear sir I have BSNL 3G internet connection,during the starting the connection I always revived the msg "PPP link control protocol was terminat...
Email problem
Hello, I had problem , net conection is very well but my emails are not accesses (not open) pl help me .
Lost password and remember only one answer
Hello, i lost my password on yahoomail and there are two secret question for e-mail, only i remember one question and answer. second question's a...
Can't login to
SolvedJo, thanks for the advice. When I opened the file, the bottom was this: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. # ...
The connection has timed out server problem?
Hello, i have a website , recently the server has been changed and now it does not work on any of my pcs using my internet BT , ...
My computer
Closedi have comcast internet on my desktop but i have a laptop also i did all the steps to setup iinternet on my laptop got it connected but when i open...
Sound stopped working on firefox
SolvedHello, i open any website and I have no sound. video works but no audio. I tried on youtube and everything. I have vista. Can someone help me? It ...
Blocked account
SolvedHello, my hotmail account is blocked please tell me how to solve thise problem becouse i really need to read my e's urgent...thanks ...
Flash player is not working in ie8
Hello, hi everyone I just instaled ie8 and downloded flash plaer 10.3 it is not working as I read in the advises I enabled every thing security level ...
I need to unblock my account
SolvedHello, i have the same problem with my windows live account, it suddenly got blocked & ive been trying all sorts of solutions, but didnt succeed yet, ...
I log into facebook and my homepage wont load
Hello, I am only 14 years old and i was using facebook perfectly the other day. I use google chrome by the way, and i logged into my sisters acount...
Can't connect from home
ClosedHello, desktop works fine any place elese but not at home. Had the line checked and all ok in fact the telephone man connected his laptop and was ab...
Facebook hacked
ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 534.30 facebook home page opens but when i entered my id it doesn't open
Cannot connect internet
ClosedHello, yesterday i get a youtube link in my facebook. i click the link, then my Pc computer cannot connect internet.If click internet it show dat...
My facebook account hacked
Hello, please help me , my facebook accout hacked and the hacker change many things in my profile,and this will make proplems 2 me , can u please ...
I can't acces my facebook
Hello, i can't acces my facebook, the adresss isn't correct, please help Configuration: Windows XP / Opera 9.80
Not sure what problem is or where to look
Hello, I have a Dell Inspiron 1464. I had to order this computer and being the cheap person that I am I chose the free shipping, what I didn't kn...