The discussions
Forgot my password
Hello, Plz help I forgot my gmail password
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Solved/ClosedHello, Hello, Please assist me on my problem with signing my yahoo mail. I forgot my password and the same time the registered mobile number t...
How can i recover my gmail id
I cannot opened my gmail I'd please help me. I cannot remember the recover I'd of my gmail so please send me my recover I'd especially number
Forgot gmail password no recovery
Hello, i forget my gmail password and i did't put any recovery so, what can i do please help me. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 60.0.31...
Forget my gmail password
Help me to recover my gmail and password pls
Retrieve my mail.
Hello, Last week 20 August I decided to use another email address to Activate a music equipment from. steiner. I used the Email as ***@*** then s...
Gmail id forget
Hello, Dear sir My Gmail I'd forget System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forgot my password and i have no idea how to change it. Thank you. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91
Forgot my gmail password and i lost my recovery mobil
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 54.0.2840.85 I forgot my gmail password and I lost my recovery mobile number also. How can ...
Forgot gmail password and recovery number
Hello, I have lost my recovery mobile number and also forgot my password plz help me for log in. My current mail I'd : ***@*** My current phone ...
I cant access my yahoo mail account
Hi please help me to recover or sign in to my yahoo account.. i know my ID and my password but it says that i have to verify if its really me the owne...
Forgot my alternate email password
Dear Sir, At the time of login yahoo account they sending safety code on my alternate email but i forget my alternate email password. Please help...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello please help me how can i do
I don't my password
Hello, i don't my password System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
My gmail account hacked
Hello My gmail account hacked
Forgot my recovery phone # on file
Hello, I can't remember the phone number on my google account recovery number on file System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Lost phone can't verify my account
I lost my phone and I can't sing into my Gmail, the recovery email that is provided with it I no longer have access to so no matter what I do it tells...
Retrieving my emails through my new mobile number
Hello, Hi I've been trying to get into my emails but it keeps asking me for my mobile number that I no longer have and I can't change it to my new...
Yahoo email id not recognised
ClosedWhy is the yahoo email id I created two days ago not recognised by yahoo ? I believe if it is more than 12 months it will get deleted . But what about...
Did not receive account key
Hello, with some problems i can't access to my yahoo account yahoo reply the account key but didn't receive the account key System Configur...
Forgot password but access on other mobile
Hey I have forgot my password but in other mobile that account access then how can I use that account on my mobile...
Gmail account hacked
hi,how to recover my old gmail account from hack ,my password,recovery email and phone number is change..pls help me to get it back to me.and do it fo...
Gmail account recovery
Hello, please help me out recovering my account. the account key is not being sent on the number i provided. No account key is being received on ...
Gmail account hacked
Hello, password] and i no longer haved thst phone number i got pictures and very inportant stuff on it my kids birt pictures and phoned number and...
How to change phone number
please i lost my phone and i want to change my number
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, FORGot password n new mobile phone number? Why didn't I see security question System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0?
Old hotmail password
I used to have a hotmail acc. a long time ago, but when it chaged to Microsoft something went wrong and I could no longer access it. Since then I'm u...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, Hi how can i get my yahoo password because i change my number System Configuration: Android / Chrome 59.0.3071.125
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, I'm trying to get in my yahoo mail and forgot my password and have changed my phone number System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2...
Yahoo mail account recovery
To whom it may concern, I wish your help to activate my yahoo mail account ( ***@***) to open because it appears invalid both my email and...
Lost phone, no email access
Hello, I lost my mobile and I can't access my email without it. Help!! The problem here is that you may respond by email, which I can't access. Call...
I can't open my yahoo mail, please help!!!!
Hi everyone, Kindly advise how do I open my Yahoo mail, I remember the password, however, it requests my recovery email address or a tel number. I ...
Can't login my email
Hello, Please can you help fixe my email cause i can't login System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3029.83
Forgot gmail password
I have forgotten my Gmail password whenever I go to try to reset it when I put the code in its then asking me when did I create my Google ac...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Pls i wish to know what i can do to acess my yahoo email account for i change my phone number and has forgotten the password. I use all the questions ...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, i forget my yahoo passowrd System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 60.0.3112.113
Gmail account verification
Hello, i already finish the google questions and they verifi me as the owner of my account but nothing happens till now, i didnt open my account ...
I am locked out my yahoo account
when I try to sign in to my account it says this Dear stephanie Your account safety is our top priority We have detected some unusual a...
Change password and mobile number
I forgot my password for my yahoo account and also my mobile number was changed. So I want to that what can I do. My email is ***@*** and ...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
My name is mary white i forgot my password and I don't have access to the old phone anymore I have a new number please help.
Forgot password and have new phone
Hello, I forgot my password and phone number was very old phone I no longer have the number .. haven't been able to check my mail System Config...
Recover deleted email
Hello, I am trying to retrieve my messages from the 17th of August System Configuration: Android / Chrome 60.0.3112.107
Remember email and password but my verification number is lost
Hello, i remember my email and password but i lost my veryd number so my account is cant login so how can i log in System Configuration: Windo...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, I forgot my yahoo password, but I don't have the same number, how can I restore my account? System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Gmail hack
Hello, My gmail account hack how can recover System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3029.83
Gmail account hacked
Hello My gmail account ***@*** has been hacked and recovery email And phone no. has been changed ...and the date when I have made my gmail accoun...
Lost my phone and forgot my password
Lost my phone and forgot my password
Gmail password recovery
Hello I'm adikamal I lost my gmail password please show me