The discussions
Match requests sent to bank with requests processed by bank
Hello, I am trying to match the requests processed by the bank with the requests sent to the bank for processing. The bank could process part of ...
How do i recover a corrupt p-point ?
I have a presentation of the problem, and I read the other thread about it and tried to download the presentation up through Open Office and it failed...
How to return a cell value from a sheet that is not created yet?
Hello, I am creating a job summary sheet to collect data from sheets that will be created based on each day worked on a project. I've created a...
Creating sheet with list having duplicate values.
Hello, I have a list in a column need to create sheets with each value in the list. The list will have duplicate values. but excel cannot have two s...
Hide page breaks in excel 2010
Hello, Is it possible to hide page breaks in excel while shifting from print preview to normal view using vba? I know to remove pages breaks ...
Link data from one cell to another
SolvedHello, ok now what I am trying to do is make a simple formula that will let me take some data out of work book a and have it appear in work book B. ...
Excel:print one enlarged page to multiple pages
SolvedHello, Is it possible to print a enlarged page to multiple pages in excel? Configuration: Windows / Chrome 45.0.2454.101
Master sheet data
I have a master sheet on Excel with inventory of uniforms and who is assigned to each piece of uniform, ex: Gordon has #4 hat, #22 coat and #88 pant. ...
Want to add new colom if a text is found in a cell range
Hello Everybody, As shown in attached fig. I want to write in foundIn colom if a text in authors colom is present in Publications colom. If it is fo...
Inputting a text based on another column text.
Hi, Hope all is well. I was wondering if you can help. I cannot figure out the formula to automatically add text to one cell base on another c...
Macro or help with populating data after inputting
I would like to be able to enter information into the sheet shown daily (therefore every day different and new data will be inputted into this main sh...
Excel /vba - copy data from one work book to another
Hello All, Can you please help me to make VB program for an excel file. Basically I want to copy the data from an excel work book which is located...
Entering current time in specific cells
SolvedHi, I am using a workbook where I record the time that I give each of my students an exam. I am using a tablet and I would like to be able to touch (o...
Excel dynamic matching
hiya, i have three sheets: sheet 1 - detail is input manually someone's name and personal details sheet 2 - a sheet that takes some detail f...
Count the number of days from start date to end date
Hello, I want to count the number of days from start date to end date. ie. 1/2/15 - 1/4/15 is 3 days.
Need help with formula
I am needing some help with a formula...if possible. I have numbers from 1-85 listed in column F. These numbers can appear multiple times. I have a v...
Finding multiple doc cases that do not have a specific document
Thank you for letting me post here. My question: I have several thousand case files, a different one for each of several thousand clients. There...
Calculating the positions of my students
hi i need help in calculating the positions of my students after having calculated their total marks
Show the duplicate values for each party name
I want to show the duplicate values for each party name. Kindly help
On cell change event vba
Hello Folks, I m trying to get hold of on cell change event vba code, if the cell value is changed to blank or zero. otherwise i have code which tr...
Comparing two columns with other two columns in excel 2003
Solved/ClosedDear Sir, I want to compare two columns with other two columns in excel 2003. Columns are as below A B C D a 10 a 10 b 20 b 30 c 30 d 40 ...
Excel - shortcut key for print view
SolvedHello, I am srinu what is d short cut key in ex-cel 2003 for print viewConfiguration: Windows XP / Safari 532.5
Please assist with an if formula referencing 2 cells
Good evening, I was hoping if someone could please assist with in creating an if statement to utilise in a training register. I have a dropdown men...
Create worksheets with names from a list
SolvedHello, I would be most grateful if you would kindly help me out. I have a long list of projects and need to create an individual worksheet for ea...
Finding terms in one word sheet & display on another word sheet
I have two work sheets: Projects sheet that lists clients and the services we provided: A B C D ...
Calculate percentage in excel
Hello, My question is how to calculate 495000 kg main item scrap only 8 kg how to calculate in % figure
R, moving every other value in a column to a second column
Hello, I have been tasked with manipulating the data ina a vector of 900 values in a form of a column. Every two values signifies a lenght and weig...
Integers in multiple rows to single row
Hello all, My data set is like as follows: (All integers) ROW 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 26 (26 cells) ROW 2: 27 28 29 30...52 (26...
Copy a set of cells and paste it 430 times
Hello, In excel i need to copy set of cells and paste down 430 times. Any suggestions. Regards, Arunmaran
Keep track of hours
Hello, I have a list of people and how many hours they have missed from work. Is there a way to sync this every day with the new data which might ha...
Get mirrored column "structure" in 2 sheets
So this turned out to be a complete mind-breaker for me. Thanks to the help I previously received on this forum I can already manage (and enjoy!) q...
Help please if & vlookup returns
Hi, I'm trying to use the following formula which works however I can have more than one number which is the same e.g( B2 can be in the TOPWE tabl...
Transfer, populate and calculate data between excel sheets.
Hello, I want to be able to input data daily onto the first sheet of my excel file for six different things. I then want to have a separate sh...
Microsoft word corruption
Whenever I send and receive emails that have `word' documents attached, the documents often get corrupted in transmission. This shows itself as spaces...
Incrementing the column at regular intervals
Hello, I need to increase the cell range at regular intervals using macros. My code is: Do While Cells(2, m).Value "" Range("cells(2,...
Hide zero rows or zero columns in a worksheet
Hello, I would like to know if there is VB code out there that solves for Hiding rows and Columns that show either zeros across the rows or the ...
Excel - merge several worksheets into a single one(thanks)
Hello, I use Excel to store information about several users and their cars information and have a different worksheet for each month. How to merge...
How to filter out data to separate sheet?
Hello Guys, Can someone pls help me out with this problem I am having. I have 5 drivers on payroll for a car service company. I have all the a...
File attachment
SolvedHello, is it possible to attach an excel file in this forum, for a better understanding of a particular posed question? Configuration: Windows ...
Check info on two different cells...
SolvedHello, Ladies, Gentlemen, I am working with the formula below, and it WORKS GREAT =IF(Z17="PAID","",IF(F17"CTF","",IF(TODAY()>B17+15,"PAY NOW","HOLD...
Disable right click on sheet tabs in excel (mac) using vba code
Hello, I am looking for a VBA code to disable right click on worksheet tabs in MAC excel. Application.commandbars("Ply").enabled=false is not ...
How to restrict user from deleting a sheet?
Hello, I want to restrict the user from deleting a sheet using vba code. I dont want to protect the sheet. Is there any option to protect the s...
Allow rules wizard to work without exchange server?
Solved/ClosedHello, I no longer work for the company that had the Exchange server and I have my personal pop3 email coming into Outlook. When I try to use th...
Macro auto run on file creation.
Hello, I have an excel file created automatically every day, I want to be able to run a macro against the file when it's opened. I can automat...
Adobe reader unable to open pdf file
Hi sir, User unable to open pdf file and also not able to save the file it having only the import checklist file the remaining pdf is working fine in...
Write data if a text is found in that colomn
I want to write some value if A text String in Cell A is present in another colom and if found then I want to write the value of that row in front of ...
Compare data from one excel sheet to other
Hello, i should compare data from one excel sheet to other, please help me to solve the issue. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 45.0.2454.101
Random sorting without adds-in
Hello, Is there any way to random sort without using random sorter add-ins? I just want to random or shuffling the row just like the pic. ...
Conditional formatted cell with specific colours should copy in
Hello, i got live data from web. i had given some condition to each row if the values are higher or lower when comparing with specific cell. i had...
My enter keys and arrows stop working in excel. what can i do
Hello, My enter keys and arrows keys stop working in Excel, what can I do to fix this problem/ Thanks for any help. Configuration: Windows / Ch...