The discussions
Excel external data connection not working properly
SolvedHello, I made a connection between two workbooks where there is a master workbook and non-master workbook that uses the master as an external sourc...
Html to pdf convertor licence cost?
Hello, SWP: HTML TO PDF Convertor (Full packedge) what is the cost for an enterprise one/unlimited user license for a year? thank you Mor Sagr...
Conditional row copy/consolidate
Hello, I am working with a database that deals with student scheduling in schools. I am getting repeated lines for each class a student is enrolle...
How to create a macro to copy and paste
How do I create a macro in excel to copy and paste row 1 through 18 in column A into column C. I want to copy and paste every 18 rows in order in colu...
Macro for coloring cells depending on values and presenting them
Hello guys!! I have an excel file with 2 columns of percentages. The first column has theoretical values of an experiment and the second column has...
Ms office 2010 installing problem
kindly solve my problem with ms office 2010
I need to create a formula if with dates and 2 variables
Im trying to create the following formula in excel If theres number greater than 0 in a column and if the date in the other column is before one mon...
Compare two column from two different sheets
Hi...I want to compare two column from two different sheet which contain time and date.In sheet A column with date and time.In sheet B , there are two...
Search option did not getting in filters
Hi All, Hope you doing well !! When I update fliter in my Excel sheet then I did not getting the search like this, please find the snip below. ...
Urgent help-vlookups in excel
Hi, can we compare 2 excel sheets in which we have date related to Emails ID'S (Email recipients) but one sheet is having 230 rows and other 160 , i n...
Convert pst to mbox for importing into thunderbird
Solved/ClosedI have a pst file which contains all my outlook mail backups. I want to convert .pst to .mbox for importing those mails into my Thunderbird account. ...
Create a date from 3 different cells
SolvedHello, In excel I have date spread across 3 cells; 1 with the day (A1), 1 with the month (A2) and 1 with the year (A3). I want to put these 3 numb...
Forgot my password to restart my outlook 2007
Hello, I forgot my password to restart my Outlook 2007. Please help. Thanks
Check register with vlookup
Check Register Col.A Col. B Col.C Col H Col I 1 Payee ...
Comparing two excel sheets and copying like data to third
Hello, I used the below answer and it works but i actually need to tweak it to copy from the second sheet. So I have sheet 1 has full data and co...
Creating a calendar that autopopulates from multiple sheets
Hi all, I am attempting to make a calendar that will auto populate or vice versa from multiple other sheets. This is all to track training hours fo...
+1 for every letter "s"
I am trying to add 1 for every letter "s" between C5:C53,F5:F53,I5:I53. So far I have this formula =SUM(IF(C5:C53="S",1,0)) Which is giving...
Macro to insert multiple rows between existin
SolvedHello, I am trying to create a macro that will insert 2 blank rows into an existing spreadsheet after every 2 entries. The amount of rows needed wil...
Conditional format help
I have an excel spreadsheet set up with 4 columns: Start Date/30 days after Start Date/60 days after Start Date/90 days after Start Date What I wo...
Microsoft office 2010 - downloaded from
I downloaded the so-called FREE Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Business software and went into the installation process, but it is asking for the Prod...
Student position formula
Hello sir : I want to find the student position. But those student who fail in exam not incldue in the position.
Macro for creating separate files with fixed password from colum
Hi All, I need urgent help for a macro which will create separate files from a column value I have this data in the picture attached http://sta...
Word document on lenovo ideapad
Hello, Hoping someone can help me out here. I've got a strange problem with Microsoft Word 2016. I cannot open Word document on my Lenovo IdeaPa...
Copy and past the not equal value using macro
SolvedHi guys!! Please help me with this. I'm trying to compare two sheets in excel. If it is NOT a match then copy the entire row into a new third sheet. ...
Cf using date to change font/backgroundcolor to another cell
Hello, Good day, can you help me how can I change the font/background color of another cell base from the list in another cell. Example in A...
Excel formula
who to pass in exam give the grade and who to fail in exam not give the grade show the empty cell excel formula
Script is really slow and sometimes crashes
SolvedHi, My script is really slow and sometimes crashes when there's too many rows. Can someone help me figure out how to make it faster? Dim b A...
Need vba macros to copy specific data based on condition
Suppose I file A which contains yearly data which we update on daily basis. lets say File A contains the data for year 2017 with following columns. ...
Need help creating a formula for excel
I'm not too familiar with excel, i'm trying to start a small home business and i'm creating invoices using excel. I need help with a formula that woul...
Colour excel cell based on regional post code
I want the cell colour to change based on the Regional Post Code I have used in segmenting the UK. It's my own project.
Need help with script or formula
SolvedColumn A shows "Date" while column B shows "Passenger #" I want to Copy and paste the Passenger # to Column C "Total Passenger" The problem is I o...
Matching cells but exclude blanks
SolvedHello, I am trying an "IF" formula to see if A1 matches B1 and if so I want to return C1 but if the two cell are blank its working I want to exclud...
Vba code for adding sheet from range specified in another sheet
Hi Everyone, I am not well versed with VBA. I m looking a code if any one can help. I have a fixed template in sheet"4" which contains the name o...
Rounding up time
SolvedHi, Im having a problem on rounding up time, I've use =mround(A1,"1:00") it works fine on dates and time like this "5/2/2017 7:01 AM" but whe...
Adding formulas
Hi guys need help with some formulas I am currently trying to combine. the Rules is 1. If there is a "Form submitted" in the day I have to copy wh...
550 relaying denied error
Hello, I have contacted my ISP provider and walked over configuring both incoming and outgoing mail servers but still cannot send emails using Outlook...
Automatically copying columns from one work book to another.
Please I need assistance with a problem I've struggled with for quite awhile. If I could write code I'm sure it would be quiete easy. My issue is: I...
Outlook 2003 error -
This error has just surfaced causing Outlook not to load properly. Been running Outlook successfully for years. (Suspect cause might be a security upd...
Graphing student data
As a tech teacher, I run typing reports on my students each day/week. Each report is saved as a worksheet in a quarter workbook. The list of student ...
Vba compile error: do without loop
SolvedHello, So I modfied this code from an CCM post. I have Do I have an End IF Why am I getting the Error? This query is copying data from s...
Inserting pictures from a file name that is made from 3 cells
I am looking for a macro to insert all of the pictures from a folder who's address is derived from multiple cells. Picture location is as follows: ...
Sorting the highest value with dates
Need help with formula or script Where I need to look for the Van's highest Passenger# with the latest month available for example van 800's l...
Conditionally copy col values from one sheet to master sheet
I have 3 workssheets, Master , Billing and EA.I'm trying 2 diff things: 1. update the master sheet when either of the Offer or EA sheets are updated/...
Compare of two column
I have 2 columns column a have unique record in repetition and in column b I have non unique values what I want ...I want to place the remark...
Dates in excel are all mixed up and won't convert
Hi, I downloaded some data from my bank for some transactions. Using MS Excel 2008 V 12.2 on a Imac 2015 I usually convert the dates to YYYY-MM-...
Problem with script in excel
SolvedHello, I have a problem with my script. What I want is IF the value in column J is equals to "0" then I want the column H to be blank. Ex. J1 ...
Conditional formatting rule
I was wondering if anyone could help me to set up a conditional formatting rule for a cell that may contain any text that has not already been specifi...
Best/cheapest place to buy microsoft office 2017
Hey everyone, I'm going to University in September and I was wondering if there are any sites which people would recommend buying Microsoft Office ...
Macro to split data into multiple sheet
I have a data sheet with below columns, would like a macro to split data into each tab according to cardholder_name if this is possible Cardholder_...
Auto copy excel cells to my systems
Hello, This Lim, can i have some help to solve "manual things" problems? This is my excel worksheet (contains orders numbers) Everyday I...