The discussions

How to extract data from named sheets to summary sheet

Hi, I have data in sheets, say Nov1, Nov2 to Nov30. I am looking for a solution, a) in cell B2 of the summary sheet, the values have to appear fro...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Nov 2014 by


Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 38.0.2125.111 plzzzz download this file help me

1 reply Last reply on 8 Nov 2014 by

How to use a condition on a worksheet to copy a line from same

Hello, I'm trying to use an input value on one worksheet to copy a line from one worksheet to another worksheet. Specifically- I'd like to copy ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Nov 2014 by

Can't log in to

Hello, the e-mail site does not work. It opens but does not provide the places to login and type the log in information. Configurati...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Nov 2014 by

Excel conditional formatting

can I make a cell = a value based on the value of another cell? example: I want to make A2 = 5 if A1

7 replies Last reply on 6 Nov 2014 by

Conditional formatting using countifs - help

=COUNTIFS(D$3:D$21,"Yes",$A$3:$A$21,$A3)>1 Above is my countif statement to count the number of times a particular criteria exists. D3:D21 should ...

5 replies Last reply on 5 Nov 2014 by

A table that filter makes problems

Hi everyone, i dont know why but every time i filter something the whole screen goes blank. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

1 reply Last reply on 4 Nov 2014 by

How to transfer current data from one sheet to another sheet


I have two sheets. The first sheet contains several columns for various vehicles wherein the first column is intended for the dates. Everyday I have t...

Last reply on 4 Nov 2014 by

How to transfer current data from one sheet to another sheet

Please refer to the figure below: My problem is that I want to see in Sheet 2 under column C the updated Odometer reading that I entered in S...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Nov 2014 by

How to insert/add zero before a format of number

i have an excel sheet in which column A contains value like a)1344.0001, b)1344.001, c)344.001, d)1344 i want all my information to be in 000...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Nov 2014 by

Conditional formatting

This is my first post and I need some help please. How can I format excel so that if E3 ="STO" then I3 Formula =F2*100*G2-H2, IF NOT I3=F2*100*G2+H2....

1 reply Last reply on 3 Nov 2014 by

How change date format in excel

Hello, how to change and edit in date format dd/mm/yyyy in excel

1 reply Last reply on 1 Nov 2014 by

Sum a cell with both numbers and alpha text

Is there a way to add multiple cells that contain numbers but also contain alpha text?

3 replies Last reply on 1 Nov 2014 by

Data selection

Hello, I am looking for a macro or formula in excel to select some information according to the same criteria: eg. from this table A 3.32 10 12 ...

3 replies Last reply on 1 Nov 2014 by

Conditional formatting

Hello, Would anyone know how to make this work in conditional formatting: =COUNTIFS(G1:K8,5,A1:E8,">=30")

1 reply Last reply on 31 Oct 2014 by

How to format cells based on the text in another cell


Help me! I'm trying to conditionally format multiple cells based on different texts entered in another. For example: I have selected certain cells to...

2 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2014 by

Match value in 2 separate columns and return a value from a 3rd

Hello, Here is my issue. I have 2 worksheets within 1 workbook. I need to add a formula that will look at the value in sheet 1 column A and t...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Oct 2014 by

How to copy my all data in excel sheet1 to sheet 2

HI.. all I have a Question. I have some data in my excel sheet1 . i want same data move or copy sheet1 to sheet2 by formula. i wait response. ...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Oct 2014 by

Insert/remove photos depending up on ref. cell value changing


Hello, I designed a Student Profile in excel using LOOKUP function. In this profile, near the Student Name title I created one drop down list of stu...

9 replies Last reply on 29 Oct 2014 by

Calculate difference in date

Hello all I have date column in following format- 21/09/2014 06:26 AM I want to calculate difference between above date and today. I tried doing ...

2 replies Last reply on 29 Oct 2014 by

Excel vba copy and paste loop with logic condition


Hi, I am new to VBA and would appreciate some help with a problem I am trying to solve. I would like a macro that is able to copy information f...

6 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2014 by

Excel workbook with two sheets


Hi, i have an Excel workbook with two sheets and when i enter data in sheet #1 it automatically goes to sheet # 2. How on earth can i stop this fro...

2 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2014 by

Need help with formula if multiple cells are empty then another

I am using excel 2010, I need help with a formula that i can t seem to get i know i am close. example. A1,B1,C1,D1 - if B1 is blank and C1 is blank ...

2 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2014 by

Keep rules & formatting intact when data is copied to cells

Hi, I have an excel sheet made with few rules and formatting for cells but many times I have the requirement to copy values to these cells from tex...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2014 by

How to copy data from rows with value to a new sheet using macro

I have a massive excel spread sheet that I am using to keep track of sales. I would like a formula or function that will take both the headers along...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2014 by

%age of numbers

I have ten different numbers in a column. I want to calculate the percentage value of each number in next box to each number with respect to 350

1 reply Last reply on 27 Oct 2014 by

Shared file want to get a pop up message when the file is opened

I am trying to share a file between 3 people. I found the share option but I want to get a pop up message anytime the file is already open & someone ...

3 replies Last reply on 24 Oct 2014 by

Convert from one column using if function

hi i have the information in one Column "A". This "A"Column contains 100 address .(Each line of the address has been typed in separate row) but eac...

3 replies Last reply on 24 Oct 2014 by

Auto transfer of a filtered item to a different sheet.


Hello everyone, I would like to ask for some help regarding some EXEL problems. Example: I want some data from sheet1 E columns to transfer to...

6 replies Last reply on 23 Oct 2014 by

Moving data in specific columns to another sheet

Hi there, I have a workbook with multiple tabs. I need to move the first 3 columns of data in a row on tab, "MV Data" to another sheet labeled, "Campa...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Oct 2014 by

Microsoft office 2013 suddenly stopped opening on asus (notebook

Excel, Word, Power Point suddenly stopped opening on ASUS (Notebook) Laptop. Please explain what to do. Thank you. Charles

4 replies Last reply on 21 Oct 2014 by

Power point question

Hello, Iworked very nice with introductioneffects (opbouweffecten)but where can I find these in pp2007 and pp 2010 Configuration: Windows 7 / M...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Oct 2014 by

Sorting contents from columns to rows

Hi, I have data sets in particular file format. Total no: of rows : 3623 (Column A) Total no: of rate cards: 26 (Column E) Rates for each code...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Oct 2014 by

Any way to keep the formatting when using a formula in excel2007

I would like to copy the contents and format of a column of cells and paste them in another column using a formula. All columns are formatted as ty...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Oct 2014 by

Comparing data between two spreadsheets

I have two spreadsheets that includes account number, name, and a charge amount for one (positive number) and a waiver amount (negative number) on the...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Oct 2014 by

Can't send email in outlook 7.


I have Outlook7. I can receive email with no problem, however, I can't send email. Anyone know a sure fix to this? I use pop and smtp. Thanks.

7 replies Last reply on 18 Oct 2014 by

How to conversion pdf to word

How to conversion PDF to Word? Tool is the best to conversion PDF to Word? Thank!

1 reply Last reply on 17 Oct 2014 by
Anonymous User

Quickbooks download i have no license number


downloaded QuickBooks Free but no license number

Last reply on 17 Oct 2014 by

How do i check for a blank cell in a range and replace them

I am looking for a way to check to see if cells in a column are blank and replace the blanks with a character (in the case a ?) in an Excel 2010 works...

3 replies Last reply on 16 Oct 2014 by


Hello, how to write in Hindi on MS office 2007 -- gujjar boy

2 replies Last reply on 16 Oct 2014 by

Color cells based on input

I want to change color of my cells based on an input. eg: If I input 3 in a particular cell, 3 consecutive cells must be highlighted. Any thoughts?

1 reply Last reply on 16 Oct 2014 by

Cant send email form outlook 2007 & 2010 ( using go daddy domain

hi, i am able to receive emails but cant send any emails it is giving below error message. The server responded: 554

1 reply Last reply on 15 Oct 2014 by

Excel 2007 using vlookup function in vba


I have a list of name and employee number in sheet 1 in column a and b.. Then what i want is to by simply typing the employee number in sheet 2 column...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Oct 2014 by

Conditional formatting-color a cell based on the value of anothe

Hello, I have 2 columns of cells: R1-R100 & S1-S100. The cells in column R are the sum of cells L2:Q2, etc are is labeled "Expected Time to Process ...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Oct 2014 by

Comparing street address in two different worksheets

Greetings collaborators! I would like some assistance with comparing street addresses in two different worksheets. The lists are quite long (thous...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Oct 2014 by

I am trying to add 10 days to a "custom" date

In the original cell I am using a custom date format of 00\/00\/0000 and in another cell I am adding 10 days to the date with the simple formula C1+10...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Oct 2014 by

Text string count within a cell


Hello, I have number of records (see below) and want to know if I can use a function to count the number of records that contain a specific te...

10 replies Last reply on 14 Oct 2014 by

Strange problem with a macro

Hi, I've been using an Excel macro for some time that opens another spreadsheet, selects all of the cells, copies them, comes back to the .xlsm wor...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Oct 2014 by

Automatically transfer data from excel forms into worksheet

Hello, I have a requirement to automatically extract data contained in Excel Forms, (there could be hundreds of forms) into a worksheet. Any assistan...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Oct 2014 by

How to write vba macro in excel 2013 to delete cells in column

I am analyzing data of two column A1-A310632 cell and B1-B310632 cells to check and delete the first 2 columns i.e A1-2,B1-B2 while keeping the nex...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Oct 2014 by
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