The discussions
Email set grey can't add acct
Hello, I want to add a second email account to outlook 2010, when I click on the + tab, the add account tab is grey. Can't add the new account. H...
How to split text into columns in ms word
Hello, I have the following text VENKATA RAMAN with a space in between I want to convert into a table with VENKATA in one column RAMAN in se...
Command button open a file(path is in cella1)
Hello, Can anyone tell me how to open a file (other than MS office file) from a command button and the file path is sitting in Sheet1 Cell A1 I hav...
Conditional seaching and extrcting value<urg>
Hi, I have a requirement to copy cells conditionally by seraching from another sheet. Below is the scenario explained in detail Sheet1 Sheet 2 ...
Macro for counting duplicates in raw
SolvedHello, I apologize in advance if even my search efforts have not found an answer to my question, believe me I've tried. Ok, I need ...
Working with time in a rota spreed sheet
Hello, I have a spreadsheet of a work rota, i have start and end time in seperate columns , i need to work out how many hours each persons shift...
Help with calendar
Hello, Hello, I am trying to make a calendar that when you click on a certain day number it will bring up a sheet to input data. I also wa...
Match data from excell
SolvedHello, I have information in different spreadshits which I would like to match by the name and year of a company. How can I do that? Example: ...
Search range if two vaules are the same copy
Hello, i'm a new in excel soo that's very hard for me to understand. i need a formula or a vba code for the following : i have two excel files...
Give results if a value in a column matches
Hello, I would like Column L on sheet 1 to display the data in Column O on sheet 3 if the data in column A on sheet 1 matches the data in column c i...
Sort data with same value
Hello, QUESTION ONE I have alot of data that needs to be sorted by date column A and and column E and F have values entered. Now need to sort onl...
Copy data from 1 excel sheet to another by cl
Hello, i am trying to copy data from 1 excel sheet to another by clicking on button. my code is: Sub Button4_Click() Worksheets("ManHour").Ran...
If formula help
Hello, I am trying to create a spreadsheet using Excel 2010. All the data works fine... Except for this one formula. When entered into seperate...
Locating excel files and copying using macro
Hello, I want to copy certain data on rows and columns of different excel file from one tab with the date as the identifier and put it in a new...
Excel/vba2010-select cells between 2 keywords
SolvedHi guys, Here's a tricky one. I'm trying to write a macro that starts from the active cell - goes up the column selecting say 20 cells and searches...
Matching columns from different worksheet
Hello, I am trying to match project codes in different work sheets and display the date. Column E5 worksheet Contract award to match worksheet ...
Cells ending in '0'
Hello, Is it possible to use conditional formatting to highlight the cells in a column of sequencial numbers ending in '0'? ie 10, 20, 30 etc to ...
Excel 2010 lookup options
ClosedHello, I'm trying to compare a field with TODAY() against a range a fields that are sequential dates, and when it matches, I need to return the values...
Help with excel
SolvedHello, does anyone kno of a formula that will automatically input the next month. for example if I am starting with 10/28/2011 what is the formu...
Multiple rows and columns in a single row
Hello, I have some data in excel sheet. Here is the example. AAA 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
If statements
SolvedHello, I'm trying to create an "if statement" that will allow for the following scenario: B5
Copy rows by column match condition
Hello, I want to copy the rows from one sheet to other sheet based on column name matching. E.g, ================================== EN...
Macro/vba needed to find, match, copy/paste
ClosedHello, Ok so i've searched and searched and still haven't found code to do exactly what I need. The macro needs to be able to search hundrends of ...
Help for the
SolvedHello, I got a message when i was open the Microsoft Excel i got SKU011.CAB error i want to know how i get this error solutions Thanks Sh...
Key 25
SolvedHello, i have a laptop hp pavilion g6, i am a student so i want to work on microsoft office, we ask me to enter a product key, so i don't how do i d...
Splitting document file from a merged file
ClosedHello, here i had tried the coding for splitting the document file , guide me the coding to create a new document and to save the content from the ...
Excel (mac) opens docs when started
ClosedHello, Recently my Excel (Office 07 for Mac) program tries to open ALL the documents in a particular file whenever I start it up. It choses to open...
I need this excel formula urgently
Hello, I have the values 2,3, 2, 4, 5, 7,5,1. I want a formula that will select the first five lowest values and add them thanks
How to replace cell data based on criteria
Hello, I'm trying to write a macro in excel that will utilize two spreadsheets. One sheet contains a large table of information while the other onl...
Matches using a list of keywords
Hello, Can you guys help me with this one? I have a list of keywords and I want to find all the rows that contains any words from my list. Exampl...
Cant open downloaded image in my email
Hello, Hi i need somebody to help me with.., If i download a particular attached file in my email.., I could not open the attachment.. I am not a ...
Hello, i can't open my word document
Hello, I can't open my word document for i think some unicode problem. one day i send one word document to my E-mail id after that process i can'...
Excel vba
Hello, Please, I face difficulties to come into solution on one issue about how to use vba & one cell of a sheet1 to enter data into cells on ano...
Pdf downloads but doesnt open well??
Hello, can you help me open my PDF cause my cousin send me an email and it has an attached file and when i download it its fine but when i open it ...
Excel auto populate
SolvedHello, I've created a drop down list as B, I and A. on one sheet I need it to calculate the count automatically. The next sheet has coulmns sa...
Excel macro
Hello, I'm trying to create a formula if I input an age range ex. 17-24 in one column then write a price, if another age range is entered ex. 25-2...
Phone unlock password.
ClosedHello, i have samsung s 5230 phone which i have used for about three months. two days ago when i put it on as usual it asked for a password to unl...
Help! cells to follow "scrolling."
Hello! This is the situation that I am facing. I have already freezed the required panes on a spreadsheet however I am trying to get a table to...
Excel charts / graphs
SolvedHello, I need your help with regards to creating a chart on a different sheet in the same workbook. I've got employee names on top as a row , ...
Data copy commads
Hello, Sir i am faceing some problem. that i want values copy from C1 to C2, not link through formula. and C1 cell data or values copy to my anothe...
Calculating a future date
Hello, I have a worksheet that needs to calculate the third weds. from today. So for example today is 11/19/11 in cell A1. I need cell B1 to tel...
Copy/paste formula to variable # of data
SolvedHello, I'm recording a macro where I have data in Col A (it's variable, it can be 5K rows one month, 6K rows another month). I want to copy a for...
Excel 2007 conundrum
Hello, I need to sum rangeof prices in Q6:P143, based on a selection made from a range of calender months in I6:1143. The calender months that ne...
Phonelock forgot the password
Solved/ClosedHello, how am I going to open again my phonelock ?? I have forgotten my password . please help . cherry mobile c2 Configuration: Windows 7 / ...
Conversion of numbers to words in indian st.
Hello, Is there ne possibility to get the code by default as every time u open a new worksheet.B'coz wht m i gettng that able to do only at the s...
Installation asks for a password
Hello, I downloade some softwares while installation askes for a password , would you please show me to find the password, Thanks shekib l...
Formula needed for yes/no calculation
ClosedHi, I am trying to create a formula with an IF function in Excel, but I can't seem to figure it out. Here's the "business case": I am trying to ...
Word 2007 open publisher 1997?
Hello, I have a document created with Publisher 1997 but I need to open it on a computer that only has Word 2007.Please help, can this be done? Than...
Micro sd card password
Hello, i have my micro SD card..2GB...and it was locked...i dont know what was the pasword of it.......can you help me unlock my memory card????ah...
Multiple rows in multiple columns
Hello, I have a spreadsheet with two columns and 100+ rows. Data in column A, the category repeats, Data in column B is unique to what is in col...