The discussions

Macro for shifting contents of a particular cell

I am trying to create a small macro which helps me copy the contents of a particular sheet (In my case the total of a long list of calculations) as an...

Last reply on 13 Oct 2014 by

Format a cell with a comment based on a comment in another cell


Hi, I need to format a cell with a comment based on a comment in another cell. So cell A1 might ask a question like is the window clean? B2 will...

Last reply on 12 Oct 2014 by

Macro to copy paste without having all the source books opened


Hello Kioskea users. I hope you're all doing great. Today I have a concern that I'm not able to figure out. Any help will be really appreciated. I...

Last reply on 12 Oct 2014 by

Pdf overwriting previous pdf

Hello fellow Kioskeans, When I generate an invoice from my invoice template, it is automatically saved to an "Invoice" folder as a pdf. However, I...

Last reply on 11 Oct 2014 by

Automatically moving cells with data

I have a column of times ie A1 = 00:25 A2 = 00:32 A3 = Nothing or it could be 0 or #N/A A4 = Nothing or it could be 0 or #N/A A5 = 00:27 an...

Last reply on 10 Oct 2014 by

How to get software word on tab

On my tab there's no micro soft word. How can i get it

Last reply on 10 Oct 2014 by


Hello, I have report which consist date 1-30 in that first 15 days different format. last 15 days different format. first 15 days i can change dat...

Last reply on 10 Oct 2014 by

Delete rows with no conditional formatting highlights

Hi everyone! I have a quick query regarding tidying-up some worksheets I generate regularly that I've been unable to find a solution for despite se...

Last reply on 9 Oct 2014 by

Adding cells in excel from diff. sheets

Hello, Is it possible to add cells from different sheets in a single workbook. If so what is the formula? Thanks

Last reply on 8 Oct 2014 by

Vba code not working when modified

Hello! I have the following VBA Code on an Excel worksheet, which has been working fine up until today, when I modified it slightly (just changing ...

Last reply on 7 Oct 2014 by

I have downloaded openoffice and can't get it installed on vista

I do not see an executable file among the files downloaded. How do I install OpenOffice on a Vista system? Carol Marie

Last reply on 7 Oct 2014 by

How to convert date to word in excel


how to convert Date to word in excel e.g. 05/01/1992 to change Five January, Ninteen Ninty two

Last reply on 6 Oct 2014 by

Macro:- deleting rows on condition for selected no of col.

Hi. I have an excel for which i require to delete rows if there is "n" found in the row. But i want this row to get deleted for only a particular n...

Last reply on 6 Oct 2014 by

Chg background color of any cell in range based on another cell

Hello, I am trying to maintain a spreadsheet of races and personal bests for runners. My runners are in rows. The races and Mile Split times are...

Last reply on 6 Oct 2014 by

Automatically transfer data from one sheet to another


Hello, I have a workbook with 2 worksheets. Sheet 1 has about 400 line items. I would like to be able to select certain line items on Sheet 1 and ...

Last reply on 6 Oct 2014 by

Calculate total total hours per client


Hi, I have a spreadsheet in which employyees time are entered on a daily basis along with the client they worked for. The spreadsheet calculates ...

Last reply on 3 Oct 2014 by

How to change row color based on percentage??

Hello, Starting in cell "AB10" I have a value in percentage, if the percentage is below 20% I want the entire row to be yellow fill, if below 10% ...

Last reply on 3 Oct 2014 by

Building a reporting tool

Hi Guys, This is my first time on this forum but it won't be my last. I am pretty functional with excel but lack VBA/macro skills but I am in the p...

Last reply on 1 Oct 2014 by

Enter current date and time with shortest cut

Hi, I'm using a tracking sheet for incoming couriers everyday, and would like to log each item as they come with current date and time. I've been u...

Last reply on 30 Sep 2014 by

Convert values in 1 cell to rows

Hello, I have an excel in which there are multiple values in 1 cell separated with comma. i want all the values in cell to be converted in to d...

Last reply on 29 Sep 2014 by

How to count date cells for monday of this week


Hello, I would like to count the number of cells with date = to MONDAY of this current week and also MONDAY of the following week within a defined...

Last reply on 29 Sep 2014 by

Xlsm vs xlsb

Hello everyone, I've been reading up on the two different file formats and discovered a large variance in opinions. XLSB, being binary, apparently ...

Last reply on 29 Sep 2014 by

Excel help: if function using or, how to make false disappear!

So I'm writing an excel formula based on Award placings in a race using the IF and OR function. I have the formula correct but I don't want anything t...

Last reply on 29 Sep 2014 by

Copy a row and paste it down 119 times

Hello, I am using Mac Excel 2011 and I am quite new to Excel Marco. For the purposes of organizing research data, I need help with creating VBA c...

Last reply on 29 Sep 2014 by

Auto generate the seller sales report


Hi! I create a sales report and I set up total 6 worksheet Worksheet 1 I named it Price list ... is a Data for my sales report. and I set a co...

Last reply on 26 Sep 2014 by

Formula to increment date by seven days.


Hello Everyone, In a work sheet, I have an invoice date (say column A) and a due date (say column H) with the due date being seven days after the ...

Last reply on 26 Sep 2014 by

Automatically transfering rows from one sheet to another


Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help. I've created a spreadsheet to track all contracts complied within our department. I have a "Contract Sta...

Last reply on 26 Sep 2014 by

If function with date addition


Hello, I'm having trouble finding an answer as to how I can add 5 more days in my condition. I have 4 columns: one for an Order date (A2)...

Last reply on 25 Sep 2014 by

Dealing with 'today()' formula in excel vba code


Hi Everyone, I have this VBA code in a Excel sheet (specifically in the Module) which does the following: - finds the empty cell in range "B:B" -...

Last reply on 25 Sep 2014 by

Macro needed to delete rows with certain condition.

Hi, I have about 169,000 lines of items to go through and I'm trying to figure out a macro to delete every row that contains the word "Discontinue...

Last reply on 25 Sep 2014 by

Excel > macro for defined range dates


Hello, I've a question that I have starting date in Column "E3" Sheet 1 and ending date in Column "F3" Sheet 1. I want a macro that insert dates i...

Last reply on 23 Sep 2014 by
Game Start Now

Macro or vb code help on moving data from one sheet to another

Hello, Would request you to please help on the following query I have. I have an Input sheet which has data entered in Column A to F like name, emp ...

Last reply on 23 Sep 2014 by

Find second empty cell/row and start pasting from it

I've already did a lot of research and couldn't find a solution. I'm trying to find the second empty cell/row (or other especified cell) in a column a...

Last reply on 23 Sep 2014 by

Excel place a vaue in a cell if a number is in a certain range

I need to setup ranges and place a number associated with-in that range. 150 300 450 600 750 900 This data is from column M. I need to b...

Last reply on 23 Sep 2014 by

Formula compare two different cells containing the scores of tes

Hello, I am trying to create a formula that will compare two different cells containing the scores of two tests. A student can only get PASS remark ...

Last reply on 23 Sep 2014 by

Static dates

Hello, I'm new to the abilities of excel and would appreciate any help. I'm trying to create a worksheet where when any data is entered in column A ...

Last reply on 23 Sep 2014 by

Microsoft publisher

I tried to download Microsoft Publisher at least 10 times and I kept getting caught in some kind of loop to nowhere. What gives? Also, the downloa...

Last reply on 22 Sep 2014 by

How to copy data based on criteria met


Help! I am totally stuck and this is probably a very simple fix. I have two sheets "Priority Accounts" and "ACN Dashboard". I need to move data i...

Last reply on 22 Sep 2014 by

Need publisher

Question - You had "free" microsoft publisher but need a key to unlock. What does that mean and how much does it cost?

Last reply on 20 Sep 2014 by

Having problems with office word 2010 can someone help?


Hello, I had to re-download Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010. Now whenever I save a Word document I winds up saving it as a WordPad document....

Last reply on 19 Sep 2014 by

Excel 2010 vba date formula


Hi, I am trying to get a formula setup so when you click on a cell in excel it automatically enters the date. I am using the formula below which wo...

Last reply on 17 Sep 2014 by

Word document with picture jpeg as background

Hello - when I covert a word document into a PDF file, the background changes into a tile effect format.I cannot change this by locking the picture f...

Last reply on 16 Sep 2014 by

Copy values in row to columns in spaces


Hello, I am a beginner in VBA, and would mcuh appreciate some guidance on transposing data in a row to a column via VBA. My row data is as foll...

Last reply on 16 Sep 2014 by

Copying data from one data sheet to another automatically excel

Dear Excel Gurus, What I want excel to do is, if a name put in a certain category on sheet one, then it automatically get copied into another sheet w...

Last reply on 13 Sep 2014 by

Conditional formatting


Suppose I have date in Column A (from A1 to A100) and in Column B (from B1 to B100), Both data are numerical. If the data in Column A is greater than...

Last reply on 10 Sep 2014 by

Movind data from one cell to another via a macro

Hello all-- I am in need of someone's valued assistance. Here's the story: I have an excel spreadsheet that contains address data in Cell B6 & B...

Last reply on 10 Sep 2014 by

Removing " false " value in "if&quo

Hello, I would like to know how to remove the "False" Value when if function is nested. Here is an Example =IF(C13="",IF((K13>="06:00"+0)*(K13="...

Last reply on 9 Sep 2014 by

Excel 2010 code that clears content of a cell on open

Hi I am looking for code that clears content of a cell based on a value when the workbook opens. I have several sheets in the workbook with varied...

Last reply on 9 Sep 2014 by

Conditional formating of row based on other cells

Hello, I am trying to format cells A7-E7 based on the relationship between C6 and C5. Ideally they would be coloured on a scale between green and y...

Last reply on 9 Sep 2014 by

Specific data from one worbook to another (excel 2010).


Hello there, I have two workbooks, one is an accounting spread sheet (named Cash Book) and the other has an Invoice Template (sheet 1) and Invoice...

Last reply on 9 Sep 2014 by
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