The discussions

Convert dd/mm/yyyy to words in ms word

Hello, I have a database that passes dates into word documents for letters etc. for some of the templates I need the format of the date to be in ...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

Macro for changing tab color

Hello, I have a list that prints out every day with different goals listed for people who work with me. I have a worksheet for each person on Excel...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

How to get xls due date reminder alert email

Hello, Can you fix how to get an email if the xls due date is getting over or giving reminder 2 days before from the due date. Configuration: W...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

Data filtering from one worksheet to another

Hello, I have a excel worksheet with inventory data in it. Column A is Item Number Column B is Type of Coating Column C is Stock Level to maint...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

Can't send e-mails on outlook express

Hi! I can't send e-mails on my Outlook Express, but I can receive them. I thought I set it up correctly. Please help!! Configuration: Wind...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

Product id (microsoft office eccel,word2007)

HI , Hello, i want a acer product ID of Microsoft Office Excel, word, power point, PDF 2007. because my word is not open to any files.. they...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

Gmt to gps conversion

Hello, How can we convert gmt time to gps time? Configuration: Windows 2003 / Internet Explorer 8.0

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

Forgot password and user id

Hello, iam sijimon i downlord actionvoip when i come to use it shoing password or id is incorrect so i delete from my computer i can't re...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2010 by

Can i modify excel or word doc on the iphone?

Hello, Is there a way to modify a word or excel document once it has been emailed to my iphone? Sometimes when I go out on a sales call I need to ...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Jul 2010 by

Forgot password

Hello, i am forgot the pass word of my micro sd memmory card.i am using strontium micro sd in nokia 6233.please give me a solution to remove the num...

2 replies Last reply on 17 Jul 2010 by

Issue me the pass word

dear sir i lost my password and also the secret question's answer my mail is can u plz give me the reply to the alternate e m...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Jul 2010 by


Hello, ON MY Mefee protection it is in ttravillion name how this happen but i would like to have it in my name have no i did h...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Jul 2010 by

Statistics problem in office 07

Hello, I am using office 2007 I got problem while using stat formulas, I could not found them in my excel sheet. what can be a prob.

1 reply Last reply on 17 Jul 2010 by

Downloaded apps and games

Hello, I have an i168 and need to know how to install downloaded apps and games. I ony have access to the memory card, not to the phone files. ...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jul 2010 by

Formula results


Hello, can I show fomula results in next cell Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0

2 replies Last reply on 16 Jul 2010 by

All icon is showing in pdf.

Hello, I have having same problem. My system having window 7 Home basic. when i installed adobe acrobat reader, after installing it all icons of m...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jul 2010 by

Conditional formatting of a column of cells


Hello, I am working on a task list/project sheet and I am trying to set a conditional format for a column of cells that is based on two (technical...

4 replies Last reply on 16 Jul 2010 by

Seperate column into 2 parts with ordering

Hello, bascially, i have got a column consist of data that i want those starts with "EMUA-I" to be place at the front, with the ascending order of...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jul 2010 by

How to convert a numeric value into english w

Hello, How to convert a numeric value into English words in Excel plz show that formula Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jul 2010 by

Pass word cracker

Hello, can u plse send me the password cracker iv tried ever thing thanks

2 replies Last reply on 16 Jul 2010 by

Problem moving records to another worksheet


Hello eberybody I have a doubt, I know how to move records from one sheet to another, as this: Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i + 2).Resize(1,...

6 replies Last reply on 15 Jul 2010 by

Excel formula

Hello, Sheet 1 22 1234 12 Sheet 2 1234 Yes 1234 Yes 1234 Yes 1234 No 1234 Yes 1234 yes 1234 Yes 22 Yes 22 Yes 22 Yes 2...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Jul 2010 by

Auto fille cell based on different cell value


Hello, I wanted to know if I might be able to solicit for some help on a problem I'm looking to resolve. Currently I use a Excel 2007 spre...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Jul 2010 by

Using a dropdown list to input a relative ref

Hello, In Excel 2007 I am trying to use a validated dropdown list to input relative stored information. For example, I have a number of differen...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Jul 2010 by

Transfer records to another worksheet


Hello, I have tried everything to move these records to a sheet called "Data" , but I wasn't able to get any good results. what I have been trying...

4 replies Last reply on 15 Jul 2010 by

Row copy

Hello, I have one sheet with all the details of the students in each row according to the name. now, I have another sheet in which we are suppose ...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jul 2010 by

Can't autofill a formula to a variable last

Hi, I'm new to excel macros and I'm trying to create a macro that will autofill a formula down to the last row with a value. The number of rows in ...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Jul 2010 by

Formula to copy 1 cell by number in another


I have a spread sheet with text and numbers in a1 to c1 and then in d1 is a number that i need it copy and pasted by E.G Hello ...

6 replies Last reply on 14 Jul 2010 by

Not able to send or receive mails in outlook

Hello, I am not able to send or receive mails in outlook2007 please help. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jul 2010 by

To get password

Hello, how can i get restore factory settings password (input pasword ) for iphone 32gb a1241 Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jul 2010 by

Extracting date from a series of numbers


Hello, I need to extract "date" exsiting in a specific space in a series of numbers and get it in another cell. I don't want to split the series us...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Jul 2010 by

Extra cells removal. excel


Hello, Does anyone know how to hide unused cells in excel? I have got a program that does all the matching for me, but everytime when i finished ...

3 replies Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Link cell to another worksheet


hi there, What i want to do is to link a worksheet to another worksheet. Like, when I type data on cell in sheet1... then, same data will auto...

8 replies Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Help - excel 2007

Hello, Kindly assist - my excel freezes everytime i try to work with 3-4 worksheets and usually occurs when trying to copy paste data across diffe...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Color to tex

Hello, Hi if cell formate is color, i need a result next cell say "ok" can any body help on this pl Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Expl...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Excel formula

Hello, What formula to use in excel if i want to find a value in particualr cell satisfying more than 1 condition.say,i have date range in column ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Comparing outcomes using a unique id

Hello, I have 2 different spreadsheets with unique Appointment IDs in one row that match an appointment outcome - ie. Cancelled appt/tested/medical...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

How to compare two excel worksheets.

Hello, Iam having two excel sheets as below. file 1 --------------------------------------------- sl pol no loan amount name -----...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Macros to button in excel

Hello, I want to create two buttons a "Start Button" and a "Stop Button" in MS Excel 2007. Every time i click on Start or Stop in any active cel...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Extract a specific word from cells and count


Hello, I want to find the formula in Excel 2003 to be able to extract a specific word from a cell and count the number of instances this word ...

2 replies Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by
Allen Des

Unique list if random eomonth dates

Hello, I've been building an excel model which looks to model a series of 33 investments. The model employs End of Month (EOMONTH) and runs 15 yea...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Excel macro -

Hello, I deal with spreadsheets in which I want to modify the data in column A. I need to delete the first 9 characters of each cell. The colu...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

How to select the sheet name from ddm


Hello, I want to select which sheet to store data from the drop down menu. thank you . Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Integer Fo...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Copy a name to a different workbook.

Hello, I want to create a schedule of workers from a list. Example: Workbook1 will have a list of workers with a column for monday-friday. I will ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Macro help needed

Hello, I need a macro that will calculate complaint rates against sales, and the apply that macro against sales for x number of monthly sales, ...

3 replies Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Avoid "flashing" of data - waiting

Hello, I've got a tendious program to run and i want to avoid the "flashing" of the excel sheets when loading the data. I wonder if there are any ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

English words in indian system in microsoft

Hello, Kindly mail me the formula to convert numeric value into english words in indian system in Microsoft Excel & Function words(fig, Option...

4 replies Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Can browse/cant connect to most sites srvers

Hello, Hello, As my computer will not connect to this site, i am using an alternate one. I own a custom pc with an NVidia nforce networking controller...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Input password

Hello, can i get input password for my china dual sim iphone model no A1241 fcc bcga1241 ic id 579c a1241

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jul 2010 by

Excel formula of conversion

Hello, Kindly mail me the formula to convert numeric value into english words in indian system in Microsoft Excel. For eg. Rs. 5551.00 convert int...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Jul 2010 by
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