The discussions
Two yahoo accounts each one is an alternate account of another??
At some point I had only one yahoo account, then with the recovery option using alternate account, I created anther one. now I am locked from both bec...
To sign in yahoo on pc
Dear, When i try to sign in on my yahoo email on PC i get message that i must be sign in on yahoo app on phone. I forgot recovery mail and change te...
Please help me to unsubscribe
Hi I wish to cancel my subscription because I have been re-united with my wife. The password that I believe is the correct one does not seem to work ...
Re use yahoo mail
Hello, Hello sir I have a problem that my yahoo id is I did not use from long time so I want to use it again but I forget my password so please can ...
My yahoo id was not recognize by system
Solved/ClosedHello, i was use this mail about 2 year ago after that about 4 year did't open this email,when i go to open this yahoo email today has beem told not...
Yahoo mail account recovery
Hello, i cannot recover my yahoo mail account ,please help Configuration: Configuration: Windows 8 / Firefox 50.0
Forgot yahoo mail password
hello i have forgotton my yahoo id while updating i have given my mobile number which was not updated now i am not having pass word recovery pho...
Get access to old yahoo account not operated from 2011
Hello, I want to get access to old yahoo account not operated from 2011. It has important documents. ***@*** Can you please help to recover my ya...
I cant reset yahoo mail password
Hello, I have Yahoo open on my mobile. Forgot password, can't sign in on lap top. Reset page says my cell phone # is wrong - it is correct. What ...
Recover yahoo mail account
Hello, I have to recover my yahoo account as I have lots of important documents there. Unfortunately I also forget the alternative email address. ...
Yahoo mail phone number changed
Can't get into my yahoo account it just keeps sending re set number to my old phone I don't have anymore
Can't login forgot my info
Hello, Hello I made a yahoo.account for my Facebook and I forgot everything can I red do it by my name and stuff Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 55...
New password process
I have forgot my password to email id:***@***.I have try ed to change the new password. So many times I have done.Now it is not accepting to change...
Non opening of email id
Hello, i forgot the mobile no and also the linked id i dnt have access due to forgot of pasword.that email id was linked with face book.which i was ...
Forgot security question
Hello, i forgot my password and secrity question plz help to solve the problem i remember my last password but that not work. some on hack my acc...
Phone number without country key
Hello, I know the password but yahoo asking me to confirm the phone number. The problem is I used my phone number without country key. Please help...
Locked out
I forgot my password and now i am locked out of my emails for 12 hrs for trying to log in continuously. The recovery number is an old number that I do...
Yahoo mail how to change phone number
Hello, How can I changed my phone number in my yahoo mail Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, i had to reset my phone and i was wondering if you could help me get back into my yahoo account because i have forgotten my password. ...
Recover yahoo mail password
Hello, I've forgotten my password for yahoo mail. I remember answer just to one of the security questions. Yahoo account is active on my phone - I...
Need to change mobile number
Hello, How would I change my mobile number in yahoo account? I got back from Denmark to Pakistan. I do not have access to mobile number that I used...
Yahoo mail how can i help you
I forget my password and forget old phone number how can I help you
Helping with yahoo password
Hello, Hi I can not open my yahoo I don"t remamber my passwerd when ask for scurity question I know only the scend one . can someone help thank...
Can't access yahoo
Hello, I have a question regarding yahoo, I can log in to my yahoomail using my correct password, however, they asking me to provide the verificati...
Forgot recovery question
Hello, Sir I can't loging I know my yahoo I'd n password but forgot recovery question plz help Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38...
Forget my question and answer on yahoo and i can't logi
Please I forget my question and answer on yahoo and I can't login to my Email it keep asking me
Forgot password and don't want to change it
Hello, I forgot my email password and don't want it to change. Can you send it to me by text? Thanks Richard Gans ----- ***@***. Or removed...
I forget my yahoo id passward forget and securit question
Hello, i forger my id passward and my security secrate question. thiis id is very necessary becaues on this my hec account registrad and i aaply for...
I forgot my yahoomail security answers
Hello, Please I forgot my yahoomail security answer. Kindly assist. Thank you. Configuration: iPhone / Firefox 49.0
I forgot the security questions of my old yahoo mail...
Hi there, i want to acces my old yahoo mail account.Even if i Know my Id and password, i ca't connect to it because i have to answer a security quest...
Can not access my yahoo mail account
Hello, please help, how can I recover my yahoomail account using security questions. I do not have recoverymobile or email add thanks, Morris A. ...
Cant access my yahoo account because i dont have my mobile
Hello, Hi I have not been able too access my acount plase Help me out Configuration: Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari
Forgot password
Hello, I have forgotten my password and the phone number I have as a contact to get a reset code is not longer in use and I do not have an alternate ...
Password help
Hello, I have forgotten my password on yahoo mail and the phone number I have as a contact to get a reset code is not longer in use and I do not have ...
Cant reset my password
Hello, Pls help to reset my password without security questions I pleade Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Forgot password
II can't access to this email id, ***@*** now. due to phone number changed it is sending the verification to my old no. which is not working so please...
Reset my password
Hello, I have forgotten my yahoo email password and I no longer have the phone number that is on the reset password option what do I do? Configurat...
Forgot yahoo mail password and secret question
Hello, Pls how can I recover my yahoomail password, and I can't remember the security question nor do I remember the phone no I used. Thanks
Forgot yahoo mail password and secret question
Hello, Dear Sir, I forget my password of my yahoo mail, I even forgot my mobile no. & alternate email. & unfortunately I forgot my secret ques...
Change my old alternate mobile number
Hello, Could you please help me to shortout my biggest problem. I have an account on When I was opened it, a verification code sent on ...
Cannot change email or phone number
I have a yahoo email account but when I try to sign in I get the same message to enter an old phone number and an old email address. How can I speak...
I forgot my yahoo password
Hello, Team, I forgot my yahoo mail I'd password . Pls do the needful. The details as are under. ***@*** Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgot yahoo password and can only answer one security question
Hello, I know what my yahoo id is but I recently changed my password because yahoo kept bugging me with "secure your account, change your password"....
Reset account password via yahoo app
Hi everybody! I have a problem concerning my yahoo account: I am only able to read my mails via the app on my ipad since I forgot the password and ...
Recover my yahoo mail
Hello, Hi my email suddenly locked when I open email id don't have older massages please help recover my old massage thanks Configuration: iPad / ...
Mobile number and password
Hello, I changed my mobile number and now I cannot retrieve my password even though I put in the correct one, I don't know what to do. Configuratio...
Yahoo email
Hello, I can't bet my emails i think I was hacked Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Yahoo emil
Hello, I can't get my emails from yahoo It is telling me to reset password or security notice from yahoo Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 55.0.288...
No access to my recovery email
Hello, I have no access to my recovery emails,but i do have my login and password. I cant sign in because yahoo wants me to provide a security cod...
I want recovery my mail
Hello, Plz recovery my mail Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89