The discussions
How can i change the phone number to my yahoo account
Hello, I am trying to access my e-mails but I no longer have the same phone number or access to it. I also do not have the password for my back u...
Unable to sign in because forgot password and security questions
Hello, I am unable to sign in my yahoo account because I forgot my password and security questions. But I remember my login. Please help? Been off y...
Need help i forgot my password
Hello, hi im. marilyn guino i cant open my facebook the best way is to go my yahoo. .. to get code and to recover my facebook but i forgot the passw...
Can not access my email account
Hello, Pls help, can't access my email account, password invalid, no mobile no. recovery and that i am prompted with a gmail account d**********@**...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, Im unable to access my account. I cant rememberthe password and no longer have access to the phone number either help please Configuration...
Hacked e-mail address
my yahoo e-mail address was hacked sometimes ago by hackers. I couldn't access the account again as they changed my number and alternative e-mail addr...
I cant access my account
How do i recover my removed by account? i dont have access to the phone number i use.
No longer have my old recovery phone number
Hello, I no longer have. removed by moderator. My new number is removed by moderator. I need a code sent to that number so I can change my passwor...
Password problem exporting email from yahoo to outlook 2016
I am trying to export my yahoo mail into Outlook 2016 but every time I do my password is not accepted. I can log into yahoo mail through the web using...
Recover my password
Hello, this information for you that i forget my password & change my mobile no also totally i lost please help me to open my yahoo id Configurati...
Forgot pasword
Hello, i forgot my password to my yahoo email and but i have changed my phone number and all. i have a recovery account and i know the password but ...
Changed yahoo address problem
Hello, Waqas here, My yahoo account was removed by moderator now when i log in to this account. I signed in as removed by moderator. how can i get m...
Forgot yahoo mail password
forgot the yahoo mail password thanks @***
Trouble remembering my gmail account password
Hello, I changed my phone number and I don't know how to reset my gmail with out old number is removed by moderator but now I have a new phone ...
Forgot my password current password
Hello,sir/ma'am, Asking help to recover my yahoo mail account because I forgot my password,& I changed pmy phone number before?My phone number ...
Lost password. some one chaged my cell number from alternate acc
Hello, my E mail ID is removed by moderator and some one haked this e mail and changed my cell number. can you help. you can reach me at ***@*** ...
Hello, plz help my possworad
Signing in
Hello, I used to go right to my yahoo mail. Now I have to sign in my e-mail, password, and wait for a text. Is there anyway I can go directly into my ...
Mail rcovery
I cant remember my password and i have a new phone number. so whenever i click on forgot password button it points me to get a code from my old phone ...
Forgot my yahoo password,alternate yahoo mail and password
Hello, forgot yahoo pass word,alternate yahoo email and password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 55.0.2883.87
Using the right password and yahoo id, but i still can't sign in
Please help me solve this prob asap Thanks in advance
Yahoo mail password forgotten
I forgot my yahoo mail password on this account removed by, how do I retrieve it back pls help. Tanks
Can't access my gmail, my phone # changed
I logged into my email, but it says because I haven't used it in a while it wants to send me a text with a code, but I no longer have that phone
How to reset my password without my phone number
Hello, Please help me to reset my email password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
Password forgotten
I need help recovering my yahoo account i seem to have forgotten my password and my alternative email and phone number is noy up date..........PLEASE ...
Forgot yahoo password and don't have the same number
Hello my name is Angeline 2 years ago I had a face book called Angeline stay strong and I got hacked and didn't have my password so I made a new Face...
Send me my password code
Hello, I can't login to my yahoo account I need help signing into my Yahoo mail the email you have is incorrect the one you have is ***@*** I no l...
Locked out of yahoo mail
SolvedHello, I am locked out of Yahoo mail, I know security question and email or users ID, but I have changed phone number and need access, is there anyone...
Can't access yahoo mail recovery number is obsolete
Hello, I can't assess. My yahoo mail the number to recover it don't have no more and the email was my ex wife s Configuration: Configuration: i...
I forgot my yahoo password need to change the mobile number
Hello .. i forgot my yahoo passward .need to change the mobile number without login the account .. what can i do ?
Cannot access any of my email
Hello, When I ask to recover yahoo password, I am asked if I am ***@***. I have not used hot mail in many years so of course don't know password. W...
I have not been able to access email or retrieve or reset passwo
I cannot access my yahoo or gmail accounts. I changed my password when prompted too, then forgot and changed it again. When I ask to retrieve it, I ...
Recover my yahoo mail password
Hello, I have a new number and I'm trying to recover my Yahoo mail password and I no longer have access to my old phone how do I recover my passwo...
I forgot my yahoo password and security question
SolvedHello, I forgot my yahoo password and security question.. there are store more data and important files I tried and inserted this process more t...
Lost access to account
Hello, I don't have phone anymore or access to my email account n there's no security question what can I do. I used my husbands phone and it said...
Password for my email
Hello, hello!i forgot m password and i change my phone no. can u txt me here removed by moderator the code so that i can manage to open my emails....
Email address retrieval
Hello, thanks for replying my email, I did registered with secret question if you can look it up and ask me then I can answer it !instead of the alter...
I cannot access my email
Hello, Sir i forgot my pasword and i got no more that telephone number witch they can i acces my email?
Retrieving my emails and i forgot my pin number and my username.
ClosedHello, I can't receive my yahoo mail, I forgot my password or my user's name. I already have an account with you. Please help this has been going o...
Reset password without security question
Hello, I am looking for help. I forgot the answer to my security question for my removed by, though I am entering the answer that...
Telephone number for password recovery
Hello, How do you change telephone number for yahoo email account? Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
Can't remember password and the details for recovery
SolvedHello, I can't access my account I can't remember password and the details for recovery are old and I just don't remember details My is @*** ...
Missing yahoo password
Hello, please recover my ***@*** password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
No longer access to alternate email and phone number
SolvedHello, Please help me. I forgot my yahoo password. Also no access to my alternate email and phone number. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 55.0.2883....
New phone number
Hello, My number need to be changed so I can get my mail Configuration: iPhone / Safari 10.0
Blocked my mail
How do i reopen a blocked email account?
Yahoo email account forgot password and recovery number
I am unable to access my email account with yahoo. Yahoo did a security update and I forgot my password and the cell phone number I gave as the contac...
How can i recover my yahoo account without recovery email?
how can i recover my yahoo account without any recovery email accnt?
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, I have an account that I have had for year I need to log into it but I forgot my password Configuration: Configuration: iPhone / Chrome...
Retrieving yahoo password
Hello, My name is Mahmoud Bowler, I have forgotten my yahoo password and i have changed my phone number with the registered e-mail address. Please h...