Find Elden Ring wise turtles: Rise puzzle guide

On your way to revealing the mystery of the Elden Ring, it will be very useful for you to get into the towers of Oridys's Rise, Testu's Rise and Chelona's Rise, which store valuable spells and Memory Stones. But access to these towers is impossible without finding and killing the three triplets of the Great Wise Turtles. Here you will find a helpful guide on how to find all blue beasts.
What can I find in the towers?
"Dogs", you say? Well, yes, there is an atkoy meme in which turtles are affectionately ironically referred to as "dogs" in Elden Ring. But turtles are harmless animals, and they open the door for you to wisdom and important spells. The turtles hide in their shells, and in order to break through the shell it is better to use fire or a blow (just don't kill the Pope turtle, he's good and very much loved by the fans of the game). Finding all nine turtles, which are the keys to the three towers, is not easy (like everything in this game!), as the turtles are well hidden, but our tips will help you. But first we will tell you what is in the towers. Each of the three towers contains valuable spells, including one of the most powerful spells, Ranni's Dark Moon, which is guarded in Chelona's Rise tower in Liurnia of the Lakes. There is also Memory Stone with which you can to increase by 1 your maximum spell slots.
Oridys's Rise Tower
You will find this tower on the road to Morne Castle in the east of the Weeping Peninsula.

The first beast is located north of the tower, and the second one is located to the west of the puzzle sign, in the bushes. Finally, the third turtle hides underwater in the lake behind the tower. Walk into the lake and you will see this wise beast.

The tower is guarded by wolves, which you will need to deal with. Kill the turtles and you will get the Memory Stone.
Testu's Rise Tower
The Testu's Rise Tower is located at the east side of the "Sorcerer's Isle" Site of Grace.

When you read the sign, you will see turtles, accompanied by ethereal zombies, who will try to stop you. After eluding them, kill the turtles and get the Memory Stone. To find the first of the turtles, go down to the southeast of the tower. Another turtle is located east of the tower, on a tree. And finally, another turtle hides in the rocks in the northern part of the island, guarded by a skeleton.

Chelona's Rise Tower
To find the turtles of this tower, located on the mountain above Liurnia, you will have to spend a lot of time and overcome additional obstacles. First of all, in order to get to this hill, you will have to defeat Astel in Ranni's quest line.

If this condition is met, look for the first of the turtles on the lower ledge on the southwest side of the hill. Don't rest or travel fast while solving this puzzle! You will find another turtle hovering in the sky above the ghostly tornado. And finally, the third turtle hangs from a cliff in the western part of the plateau. When all three turtles are killed, you will take possession of the Ranni's Dark Moon spell - search for it in the chest.