The best YouTube tech channels

The best YouTube tech channels

There are so many different Youtubers that produce excellent tech-related content that it can be hard to decide what videos to watch. This is why in the present article we will look at some of the best Tech YouTubers who produce content all across the tech spectrum.


One of the biggest tech YouTubers, with almost 7 million followers iJustine makes videos on tech (mobile, laptop, PC) and video games. What distinguishes iJustine from other tech YouTubers is her vlog, where she incorporates travel and cooking! iJustine regularly collaborates with other tech YouTubers to create some really fun content!

Marques Brownlee

Arguably the biggest tech-related YouTuber is Marques Brownlee (MKBHD). With over 11.5 million subscribers, Marques produces content on up-and-coming tech releases such as new phones, laptops, gaming computers, and consoles, among others. He covers tech news, retro-tech and also produces Q&A with some of the biggest names in tech.

Marques has also created videos with Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and even Will Smith!


NothingButTech's Jacklyn Dallas is best known for her mobile phone reviews and buying guides. She produces content in order to allow potential buyers to make educated purchases.

Ur Avg Consumer

Judner Aura, better known as Ur Avg Consumer (UAC) focuses on producing easy-to-understand tech videos, breaking down complicated subjects, and giving his opinion on a wide range of tech. He reviews smartphones, laptops, cameras, games, and more. As of September 2021, UAC has over 400 million views.

Linus Tech Tips

Linus Tech Tips aims to make the complicated world of tech a little simpler with their expert advice on consumer technology, product reviews, step-by-step computer build guides, and other tech-related content. Their focus on producing comprehensive and informative tech content is what helps them stand out from the crowded world that is YouTube Tech.

Unbox Therapy

Unbox Therapy is another popular Tech YouTube channel. Unbox Therapy focuses on unboxing the latest tech devices, reviews of smartphones and laptops, and more tech-related content. This is a great channel if you want to see what some high-tech products look like, but can't quite afford one yourself. One of their videos went viral with over 73 million views - The iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test, where they show how the iPhone 6 Plus bends in reaction to Appleā€™s Bendgate.

The Tech Chap

One of the UK's leading tech YouTube Channels is Tom The Tech Chap. Tom produces videos about laptops, PC and Console gaming, mobile phones among other tech products. He uploads regular videos and is an excellent option if you are looking for tech news or are planning on upgrading your PC.


Dave Lee primarily produces tech videos on mobile devices, laptops, and general tech news. His honest tech reviews and guides can help users decide whether or not they need to buy a certain piece of tech.


TechMe0ut focuses on unboxing videos, product reviews (laptops, phones, headphones, and other tech), and general tech tutorials. She produces content for both iOS and Android devices.

Android Authority

Whilst most tech Youtubers cover both iOS and Android products, Android Authority produces very specific and quality videos on all things Android. If you are looking for Android mobile reviews, news, and hands-on videos, this is your best

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