How to use TinyWeb Server on Windows?

One of the best features about TinyWeb server is that the webmaster can launch multiple tiny web browsers at any given point in time. All these features make this a very handy tool on Windows for those who feel restricted while working with their usual servers.
What is TinyWeb server?
The server requirements of a webmaster working on a website may vary from time to time. If they are constrained by a small size, minimal memory, speed and low costs, then TinyWeb offers a nice solution. TinyWeb is a lightweight server for Windows, which works quickly and is very precise. Not only is a extremely small server, it also works without installation. It can be easily run on Windows OS by accessing it via command.
- It doesn't require installation.
- Ultra-compact (only 59kb in size).
- Consumes less than 3 MB of memory.
- Very fast .
- Free .
You can download Tinyweb.
How to run TinyWeb?
- You will have to create an index.html file:
- Example: c:\www\index.html
- Then add some content, e.g.:
<html><body>Hello, world !</body></html>
- In the command line, run:
tiny c:\www
- Note: You need to use the absolute path
- Check the result on :http://localhost
How to stop TinyWeb?
- Open the Task Manager (CTRL+Alt+Del) and end the process tiny.exe
- Or, using the command line:
taskkill /F /IM tiny.exe
How to use Tinyweb for CGI?
You can use TinyWeb for CGI:
- Create a file:
- Add the following code:
@echo off echo Content-type: text/plain echo. echo. echo Hi ! echo Your IP ADDRESS is %REMOTE_ADDR% and your BROWSER is %HTTP_USER_AGENT%
- Go to:http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.bat
You can launch several Tiny web servers simultaneously.
Note: there is also an SSL version, which is also free - TinySSL. You can download it here.
How to send binary files in CGI?
Unlike Unix / Linux, the Windows console does not use binary data by default. If your CGI needs to send binary files you will need to force it into binary mode manually. For example in Python:
import sys if sys.platform == "win32": import os, msvcrt msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)