Open TikTok business account: features and cost

Open TikTok business account: features and cost

How can you use TikTok app to help your business? In this article, you will find out it.

How to use TikTok for your business?

As you know, the mechanism of TikTok is simple: it's a platform that allows you to create short videos between 15 and 60 seconds (if you chain up to four). Although in principle the clips shared on this network are mostly musical and comical, you can use its features to your advantage as a powerful digital marketing tool.

How to open a professional account?

The first thing you have to do when using TikTok to promote your company is to open a professional account. This type of account offers you analysis tools so you can follow the number of weekly and monthly views, the growth of your followers and trend videos etc.

To open a pro account, start by downloading the TikTok app and create a profile in it. Then open the Privacy and Settings section. Go to Manage Account and click on Switch to Pro Account. The application will tell you the steps to follow. Once completed, you'll see a new analysis section where you can find statistics to help you understand the scope and dissemination of your videos to your community. Remember that you can have and manage up to three different accounts.

How to increase the reach of your business with TikTok?

Once you have your Pro account, we recommend that you start following accounts from other companies, brands and influencers related to your company's activity: this way you can see what the current trends are and what your potential customers demand.

Something that should be said before continuing is that you should be clear about your target audience. Most users who use TikTok are between 16 and 24 years old, so this platform is especially useful if you have a young target range. However, think that with the potential growth that this social network is having, the average age is starting to rise quickly and there are already many people in their 30's, 40's and 50's who are also starting to use it.

Recording videos in this app is very simple: just click on the Add button (located at the bottom of the screen), choose the functions you are interested in and create the desired clip.

tiktok professional account
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Here are some tips to maximize the reach of your content:

  • Create your own channel: this way your content will be located in the same place.
  • Make fun and informative content: the combination of both is the key, because by offering entertainment you will entice your audience to stay and you will be able to tell them what you have to offer in terms of services and products.
  • Use TikTok language: remember that this platform has a light and creative visual language, so don't get too serious. Use humor, effects and music, better if it's about the hottest topics.
  • Use hashtags: users use the tags to search for the content they are most interested in, so don’t hesitate to use the hashtags.
  • Shoot vertically: Although the first professional advice when shooting videos is to shoot horizontally, with TikTok the rules change. Record vertically for correct viewing.
  • Use the challenges: as you know, challenges are very fashionable in social networks, especially among teenagers. If you encourage your followers to create content with a theme that identifies with your brand, they will in turn become loyal and will also be doing some free advertising for your brand and increasing your reach. Remember to use hashtags to make your content easily recognizable. Lastly, don't hesitate to participate in other brands' challenges as long as they are not direct competitors.
  • Take advantage of advertising: like other social networks, on TikTok you can pay for promoted content. The advantage over others is that the model is not yet too exploited, so there is more advertising space than on other platforms such as Facebook or Instagram.
  • Focus on increasing your audience, but always from a qualitative perspective: remember that your goal is to reach a wider audience and build loyalty in your community. In this article we give you some more clues on how to gain more followers and likes.
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