The discussions
Cannot change the date format in excel 2007
Solved/ClosedHello, I have tried everything mentioned in this forum and they still do not work. I have a sheet with the date appearing dd/mm/yyyy, I have ...
Excel lookup 2 cells to match in 2 rows.
SolvedHello, I am using Excel to makes archives of PC issues we have in our compagny I have Info that i have to write in two cells that are standard...
Row conditional formating in excel
SolvedHi All, I'm trying to play around with the conditional formatting in excel to highlight a row in excel if a cell in that row contains certain text....
Highlight help
SolvedHello, I am needing help with being able to highlight a cell based on another cell's value. Example: I am dealing with cells J2 and J3. I am needi...
Counting sites visits within a year
SolvedHi All, I have a small database that is regularly updated keeping track of site visits and I want to be able to create a table of number of visits ...
How to apply conditional formatting
SolvedI would like to apply conditional formatting so that Cell A4 is highlighted (filled) if Cell B4 has Text (date in the format 22-DEC-17) and unhighligh...
How to copy data to a different worksheet?
SolvedHello, I would like to copy data from a specific cell of a worksheet and paste into a specific cell in a different worksheet Eg from cell b2 of a l...
Conditional formatting - dates
SolvedHello, On a spreadsheet, the cells in column N contain a date. I need any date that is 6 weeks ago or longer to be highlighted. How do I do ...
Rearrange multiple columns in four columns, vba
SolvedHello guys, An excel rookie needs the help of more experienced users of Excel and VBA. I have a data set that looks the following way: There ...
Matchpoint score
Solvedhello I hope that someone can help me. I have an excel sheet in which I record scores of teams and I would like a formula to calculate the points acc...
How to use conditional format based on text?
SolvedHello, I want a cell to change color if another cell contains the words "first aid". The text comes down from a drop down list and could read "Fi...
Copy and convert data
SolvedHi, in advance I would like to thank everyone for reading my post and providing any assistance. I have an exported worksheet with 50 rows of data (30...
Vlookup, if? question assigning value to text options
SolvedHello, I need to make an spreadsheet that corresponds different text values and gives them a score. I have several tables set up, that I was tryin...
Data showing who pays a doesnt after manually input receipts
SolvedHello, Hope im clear on this. Im a bit lost. I have sheet one. This is a spredsheet where we input a secuential number with the name of the ...
Filter the data in excel through formula
SolvedHello, I need a formula of the following quotation: Column A Belongs To Customer Name Column B Belongs The Date Column C Belongs To Item ...
Insert rows on change of value in excel table
Solved/ClosedHello, I have an excell spreadsheet that contains a table. I want a macro of vb to insert a row into the table when the values in a particular colum...
If function in excel error
SolvedHello, anyone can tell me where the error Is. =IF(G:G>="0:05", 0:30Min, IF(G:G>="0:20",1:30hrs, IF(G:G="0:00",0:00hrs , 4:00hrs))) * * ...
Conditional formatting with multiple rules and blank text cells
SolvedHi, I wonder if someone would be able to help me with this. This is probably really simple, but I can't get it to work. I need excel to change a c...
Setting up excel formula
SolvedHello, I need some help with the excel formulas I have new taxation laws that apply my organization from January. The current taxes are 10%...
Comparing data between two excel sheets
Solved/ClosedHello, I have two excel sheets with the same columns. Essentially Name, Email, Phone. One sheet is the 'original" data and the other is the "upd...
Formatting cell
SolvedHello, I want to highlight the coloumn B, if the coloumn A is greater than 0, In column A having numbers and the column B having texts. here so...
Drop down look up
SolvedHello all, I have a 40 sheet workbook. I want to hide 39 of the tabs and use one sheet as the "master" to pull all of the data. I have the tabs in ...
Automatically update master worksheet from other worksheets
SolvedOkay, first I should mention that I'm a complete amateur when it comes to excel. No VBA or macro experience, so if you're not sure whether I know some...
Help- conditional cell formatting
SolvedHello, I am trying to do some conditional formatting and having a little trouble. Here is what Im looking to get. I have a column A (estimated ...
Make a macro run when data entered in a cell
Solved/ClosedHello, I have a macro that runs when the user clicks on a button. Instead, I want the macro to run when Cell D10 is populated. The data for D10 c...
Worksheet_selectionchange event not working
SolvedHello, I wanted to execute a Worksheet_SelectionChange event code. But its not working. I searched on net to find that if I change (General) to Wo...
Working out the difference in times between two columns
SolvedI have various times in Column B (Departure time), and another set of times in Column C (arrival time). If the time in B is between 07.00 and 00.59...
How to copy columns to a specific column header and repeat?
SolvedHello all, am new to using macros in excel. i have data and i want to be able to columns and paste it under some specific columns repeatedly. Examp...
Changing format of date in excel
Solved/ClosedHello, I have an excel sheet which has lots of cells in a column with the date format as - day month date time year & I wish to convert that to dd/...
Copying formula by changing only one rule.
SolvedHello Team, I want to copy the formula "=INDEX((Sheet1!B2:B99),MATCH(B24,Sheet1!A2:A99,0))" 1000 cells by changing only "B24" to "B25, B26" and so ...
How to compare a range of data in excel?
SolvedDear Team, I want to compare a range of values from columns in row A (A1 to A6) with date input in column C1. If C1 is equal to data in A1 then D1 ...
Vba for copying from data entry sheet to corresponding sheets
SolvedHi, I am new to excel and would need some help. I wanted a vba for copying from data entry sheet to corresponding sheets automatically in the same ...
Delete or insert rows in a workbook
SolvedHello, sir how i can delete or insert rows in a workbook between sheet one & sheet two for example when i insert or delete row in sheet one i wa...
How to use a macro to check data in 2 work sheets
SolvedHi team I have 2 work sheets with thousands of data. I need a macro to compare data in these 2 work sheets and show the result(matching or not matc...
How to generate a static unique identifier for each excel row
SolvedHello, How can generate a unique identifier for each Excel row that WILL NOT change when I delete or add rows? System Configuration: Windows /...
Two if forumlas inside an if formula
SolvedHello, I am very new to using excel but somehow have managed to bluster my way around so please let me know if I am barking up the wrong tree! ...
Autopopulating multiple sheets from one main sheet
Solved/ClosedHello, I'm making an accounting workbook for an organization I am the treasurer for, and I've run into a problem. On the first sheet "Account"...
How to sum a number from a range of cells, based on value
SolvedHello, I'm trying to update a spreadsheet that contains our wedding mailing list. The rows contain the invitee name, address and email address....
Rank of numbers between specified range
SolvedHello, Dear Sir, I have following data Marks Desired Rank 91.3 2 91.4 2 91.5 1 91.7 ...
Formatting cells based on certain criteria
SolvedI want to make a cell change colour based on a number of different criteria: Cell A1 Has an incident date B1 Displays the date 14 days after the inc...
Sum ifs function
SolvedHello, I need a formula to sum the values in a range of cells if the content in another range of cells equals the text currently in a cell in a co...
Excel macro: copy formulas across worksheets
SolvedSo first off, I have no Idea how to program, but I can kind of understand simple programs. Either way, I'm trying to figure out a macro in MS Excel...
Arrow keys scrolling in excel
Solved/ClosedHello, I'm working in Excel and my arrow keys are moving the entire spreadsheet and are not moving cell by cell up, down, right or left. I do not...
Help with formula please
SolvedHi, please could someone help me with a formula to add up cells that have data in them. My spreadsheet has data in columns B-N - some of them have ...
Subtract last column from first column
Solved/ClosedHello, I am having a problem i have a excel sheet there are the data for various employees timing. first of all i want to search the last colu...
Need to calculate monthly avg and yearly miles from odometer
Solved/ClosedGood afternoon, I am having an issue figuring out how to get excel to calculate the yearly mileage and monthly avg by just monthly odometer reading...
Auto-populate info. from master sheet to multiple sheets
SolvedHi, I have been working on an excel sheet for the past month and have not found a solution that would do what I need it to do. I'm sure there have ...
Update data from one sheet to the next.
SolvedThe macro I want just takes data from one tab and adds it to another like an update. i suspect that the macro will take some time to make as the updat...
Conditional formating - apply on more cells
Solved/ClosedHello, i'm not so familiar with conditional formatting, so I would like to ask something: I'm making a doc where Column A has number values, column ...
How to change the date format in excel 2007
Solved/ClosedHello, i want to know that howcan I change the dateformat in excel 2007 worksheet if I want it like :- monday,1dec.2008 plz. answer me soon....