The discussions
Ask for geniune microsoft software
You may be a victim of software counterfeiting problem in my computer
Windows xp pro laptop problem
was given older Dell inspection 6000 with xp pro, been using everything ok only added extra men and virus/malware when 1st got it no prob it just popp...
Folder lock
Hello, we use folder lock i have forgot the password yours instruction followed but cmd running display cmd is tel specified path is not how to get...
Forgot my folder lock password(v.7)
hi i am using windows 8 system i forgot my folder lock password(V.7) please help how to reset the password...
System freezes.
SolvedI have XP SP2 in my system. Recently it was infected by a root kit virus. After every efforts failed, I reinstalled the OS. Now the system is very fas...
How do i view my computer history in windows 8.1 os
Dear friends, I'm staying with my colleague. i think my roommate has been seeing my personal files on my laptop. So how do i view my...
Dell inspiron n4050 in safe mode will not shut down
Dell Inspiron N4050 in safe mode will not shut down
Have installed folder lock trial version 6.6.0 i forgat passwor
Hello, i have installed folder lock trial version 6.5.0 i forgat password i don't know how to unlock it plz help me .... Configuration: Windows...
Forgotten password
Hello, i have protect folder program and i forgot it`s pasword what can i do ??? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Fogotten folder lock password
Hello, Am using Lenovo G500s & installed operating system of Win8. Facing problem to unlock the folderlock software where I forgotten the pass...
Printing out all threads pages in sheets of paper as single book
Hi, I really have participating in quite a lot of forums, and I have quite a lot of threads, each of which have some pages. But, I only find that t...
Challenges and solutions with modern storage devices
SolvedIn this computer world digital data is the most important and hard to manage thing for an individual or a company/organization. Every organization has...
System query
how to boost a laptop
Folder lock 7 master password lost
There is no file named win_mpwd_sys.dat in C:\ProgramData C:\Users\Vortex\AppData\Local "C:\Windows\" in windows X86 Or "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" in...
Usb cannot format its show disk is write protection
Hello, i want to format my usb so please give me some sugesstion plz Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Adobe flash player
I am using 64 bit Windows 7 ultimate OS. Is there 64 bit Adobe flash player?. I know that I can use 32 bit flash player on 64 bit system
Problems related to memory card formatting
SolvedHello, everyone who have similar problem that cant delete the files of the sd card,deleted them now they are back....just one easy solution 1) r...
Convert ost to pst - how can i complete this task easily?
Solved/ClosedI need perfect solution to restore ost email into healthy pst file, convert ost to pst, if you have easy answer then please suggest me fast..............
Forget master password of folder lock
Hello, I have installed the folder lock 7 trail version in windows 8.1 os and i forget the master password. May i know how to get locked folder. ...
Battery plugged-in but not charging. new battery
Solvedhi everyone. my first time on this site so forgive me in advance for any errors. my problem is that my laptop wont charge but works but it works on ...
Restarting problem
Unexpected end of archive file of deep freeze program
SolvedHello, I have downloaded Deep freeze from this link below However, whe...
Dell xps 8300
Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving! In Dec 2012, I purchased a desktop PC (Dell XPS 8300) for my children to use for homework and gaming. Well, you ...
Folder protector
Hello, i have a big trouble to unlock my folder protector software. i forget my password. please give me a solution.. Configuration: Wind...
8gb micro sd card invisible after format
Hello, I have problem with my 8gb transcend micro sd card im using card reader and it say's need to reformat then after format, card reader say's ...
Folder lock password recovery
Hello, i forgot my folder lock 7.5 password . my operating system is windows 7 . how do irecover my locked folder . Configuration: Windows 7 ...
Folder lock master password
Hello i am using windows 8 and have installed folder lock trial version 7.3 and i forgot my master password. i don't know how to unlock it. plz help ...
Forgot my folder lock password
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 36.0.1985.143 please help me. i forgot my folder lock password how to recover or set new password.
Dnt-touch.exe folder lock ...
ClosedHello, i have forgotten my password I have used Don't-touch.exe file please help me ...... Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
My explorer not working properly
hi when i click explorer it will open but when i click the drive or any other menu in the left suddenly the explorer closes how can i solve this...
Folderlock encryption forgot password
ClosedHi i used folderlock encryption 4.0 exe software. I forget my password now how to recover my files.
Samsung tab 3 can not get latest firmware upgrade
Can not get latest Firmware upgrade to download on my tablet.
Folder lock 7 forgot password
i am using folder lock 7 to windows 8 pc and I forgot my password. I have some personal files saved in it. so how can I unlock these files. plz tell m...
Computer wont come out of safemode
Hi my computer seems to be stuck in a endless loop of rebooting itself into safemode then shutting down before i can change anything. so far i have a...
All my pc applications turned to .lnk
all my PC applications like Excel Word PS Powerpoint Explorer and even Google Chrome .exe has turned to .lnk and their default program is set to Word....
Forget folder lock password
i have to forget folder lock password ... so plzzzzz inform me that how i can uninstall or open the lock,,, waiting of your kind reply....
Folder lock is not get open
i installed folder lock in the folder at E:/harsh/folderlock after i lock the folder harsh. now my folder lock is not get open. nd my all dta is in i...
Why is my tablet not allowing....
Why is my tablet not allowing my to download Adobe Flash Player.
Adobe flash player
hi buddies i can't install the flash player it will disconnected when it's downloading. here anyone help me
Computer displays startup but goes blackscreened afterwards.
Hello, I've got a pavillion dv7 running windows 7. When I start the computer, it goes to the screen that informs me of an unintentional shutdown...
Recover a file which is locked by folder lock
Hello, i have installed folder lock trial version and i forgot my password so i uninstall folder lock now after uninstalling folder lock i don't hav...
Folder lock its not opening
Hello,by mistake i locked newsoftawares folder lock now its not opening please someone tell me what should i do????
Cant format usb
Hi! So me and cousin bought these usb's from hong kong and i cant use it, my laptop (its windows 8 notebook) says that i have to format it but it says...
For trouble shooting problem which pc cleaner is best?
ClosedHello all, For trouble shooting problem which PC cleaner is best? Discuss here.. I am using WinMD Pro PC cleaner software. Thank You...:)
How to restore sony vaio to factory settings without disk?
I'm trying to restore my Sony Vaio laptop to factory settings. I've been told that holding Alt+F10 during start up will work but it just continues to ...
Forgot my portable folder lock password
i forgot my portable folder lock password..plz sombody help
Signing in error
guys can you help me, i cant access my skype, when i sign in there is an error and asking me to contact the network administraton, can you help me to ...
Installed folder lock trial version 6.01 and i forgot my passwor
ClosedHello, I have installed folder lock trial version 6.01 and i forgot my password i don't know how to unlock it plz help me
Download please latest version of flash player
Hi,my laptap f.player is out dated,I receive repeadly a message to update it.W8.1 Configuration: Windoows / Firefox 32.0