Fix registry error loading key Warcraft III\InstallPath

Upon updating your Warcraft 3, the following error message is displayed: "Registry error loading key Warcraft III\InstallPath". In this article, we'll talk you through the solution to this problem.
How to fix "Registry error loading key Warcraft III\InstallPath"?
As the message indicates, the "InstallPath" (installation path) registry key can't be found. First of all you need to follow these steps:
- Open the registry editor
- Start> Run > type regedit> Ok
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III
How to create InstallPath, InstallPathX, Program and ProgramX keys?
Note: If the keys listed below do not exist, you must create them by:
- Right click> New> String Value
- Under Warcraft III should find the following registry key: InstallPath.
- Right click> Edit.
- Set the path to the folder of Warcraft III folder: (default) C:\Program Files\Warcraft III
- If you have installed The Frozen Throne, you must repeat the operation for InstallPathX.
- Under Warcraft III should find the following registry key: Program.
- Right click> Edit
Set the path to Warcraft III.exe: C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Warcraft III.exe. If you have installed The Frozen Throne, you must change the ProgramX key by putting the path to Frozen Throne.exe: C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Warcraft III should look like this (with Frozen throne installed):