How to download private Telegram videos: online, PC (2024)

There are several ways to download videos from chats and telegram channels, including private ones. You can download videos from Telegram to your computer or mobile phone using the application menu, as well as using a link or an online tool. Here we share all the options with you.
Telegram not only offers secure, confidential communication and channels with a variety of content, but also the ability to exchange files, including large ones. However, when videos are posted on private channels, many users are confused about how they can download them. There are several ways to download private videos to a mobile device or computer.
How to download videos on Telegram?
- Open Telegram and find the video you want to download.
- Click on the video until a menu appears. You can also click on the video and then on the three-dot menu in the top right corner.
- Select "Save to Gallery" or "Download." The download process will take some time, don't worry and be patient. Once the download is complete, you can find the video in your mobile gallery.
Using the same method, you can download videos from group or private channels. The video is most likely saved in the file manager (in the Telegram folder) and not in the image gallery. If for some reason this is not suitable for you, we will offer you other options later.
How to download videos from Telegram on PC?
To download photos and videos, you will have to download each video or photo in the same way as we explained in the previous section. That is, uploading one video after another, and this can take a long time, and this is not very cool. We'll show you a trick that will help speed up this process.
- First, you need to download the desktop version of Telegram. You can download it directly from our Downloads section.
- Once you have downloaded and installed Telegram for PC, go to the chat where the files you want to download are located - this can be a private, group chat or channel.
- From the chat menu, select "Export chat history".
- Select the files you want to upload. Set the size limit (2GB recommended) and export format (HTML for viewing and JSON for importing into another application). Likewise, you can search for files that were sent to you within a certain period of time.
- Click "Export" and wait for the download to complete. The time varies depending on the size of the exported file.
Once the upload is complete, you'll see your content organized into folders based on file type: videos, photos, files, message history, or stickers.
How to download private videos on Telegram?
If you want to download a video from a private channel or Telegram group, you may find that you can't do so due to the channel settings. You can solve this problem in two ways:
Use Telegram download tools. You can search using the following words: "Telegram Video Downloader". These are usually online tools where you just need to paste the link of the video you want to download.
- Log in to Telegram from the desktop version of the messenger.
- Once there, simply find the video you want to download and follow the instructions we explained in the first section. This way you can save the video to your computer.
How to download a video in Telegram from a link?
You can also use the Telegram bot designed to download videos. You can find the bot by searching for "video" or "SaveVideoBot".
To use the bot, follow these steps:
- Search for the bot in the app's search bar.
- Once you find it, click on it to open the chat.
- Copy the link to the video you want to download and paste the link into the chat. To get a link to a video, long press on the video. From the menu that appears, select "Copy Link". If this option doesn't appear, you need to request the link from the person who shared it.
- As soon as you paste the link into the chat, the bot will begin downloading. All that remains is to wait until he does his job.
When everything is ready, the bot will send you the video in MP4 format so you can save it to your device.
Why can't I download videos on Telegram?
If you are unable to download videos from Telegram, there are several solutions. But first, consider the copyright of the video you want to download. Likewise, ask the person who shared the video if you can download it, since it may contain personal or sensitive information. On the other hand, it is recommended to only download videos from people you know or from trusted sources.
- Use a VPN. This way you can virtually change your location and thus download the content.
- Read Telegram's terms of use carefully as they are intended to ensure user safety and prevent misuse of the app. These restrictions may be why you are unable to download certain videos.
- Use a third-party Telegram client, such as a bot. Before choosing one, do your research to avoid security risks.