How to know that you've been blocked on Skype?

Skype is a great video call application that helps people stay in contact from all around the world. Occasionally, you may find that one of your contacts seems to have disappeared from the app. Sometimes it happens because the person doesn't use Skype anymore, but in other cases, it may be because you have been blocked by them, or they are ghosting you. In this article, you will learn how to tell if you've been blocked on Skype.
How to tell if you've been blocked on Skype?
There are several tricks that can help you to understand if you’ve been blocked by another Skype user. To check whether or not you are blocked, log in to your Skype account and type the name of the person in question.
- If you’ve been blocked, this contact will constantly be offline for you. It might be written that this person was online days ago even if you talked with them yesterday.

- You will not be able to see their online status.
- If you want to be sure that you’ve been blocked, you can try to call or write a message to the desired contact: The message will never be delivered, and the call will automatically be ended because the user is unavailable.
N.B: Even if you still want to communicate with this person, remember that if you are blocked, that means this person doesn't want to be in touch with you. Try to respect their choice.