Disable ads on Skype: Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone

Skype contains ads to continue offering its services for free, enabling us to make audio and video calls all around the globe. If you have a Skype subscription or purchased some Skype credit, you won't see ads. However, if you use a free version, there is a way to disable Microsoft targeted ads in the Skype app manually.
How to disable targeted ads on Windows?
- To remove ads in Skype on a Windows computer, first of all, quit Skype if you were using it.
- Go to the Task Bar and type Internet Options in the Search tab.
- In the new window go to Security tab and select Restricted sites > Sites.
- Paste the link apps.skype.com in the Add this website to the zone tab and click on Add, then paste the second link g.msn.com > Add.
- Next, click on Close and log in to the Skype app – normally, ads should have disappeared.

How to disable targeted ads on Mac?
- To remove ads from Skype on Mac computers, go to Finder > Utilities > Terminal.
- In the Terminal program, you could make changes in your OS.
- Paste the link sudo nano /etc/hoststhere and press Return to open host folders.
- Then Terminal will ask you to insert your Mac password.
- Do so, and press Return, and your Mac will open a text editor called Nano.
- Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to access the line below the last one and type the code, press Tab and type skype.api.com, click Return.
- Then, type in the next line, press Tab, type skype.ad.com and press Return.
- To save the changes press Control + O on your keyboard. Finally, press Control + X to exit the window.
- Now you have to finalise the process on Terminal that opens automatically after you pressed Control + X. Type sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder and press Return.
- Submit your password and press Return. After this, your changes will be saved and you will no longer see ads on Skype.
How to turn off ads on Android and iOS devices?
To block ads on Skype for mobile devices and tablets, you need to install an ad-blocking app, such as AdLock or AdGuard.
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