Change WordPad's default font

In this tutorial we show you how to modify the default font of WordPad. While it is possible to change the default font via the Settings menu of most word processors (such as Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Open office, etc) WordPad doesn't provide such option. The solution is to create a document template with WordPad and use it as a shortcut. Read on for the procedure.
How to modify WordPad's default font?
- Launch WordPad.
- Click at the top of the document.
- Select a font, font size, font color,...
- Click on the File menu > Save As.
- Save the file on your desktop and name it as WordPad.
- Right-click on the WordPad file > Properties.
- Check the Read Only option and click OK .Read-only eliminates the possibility of making accidental changes to the document (lose your custom font settings).
- You can now launch WordPad using this file. WordPad opens with your custom font settings.
- Just remember to save your new document using another filename.
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