Legends of Runeterra (Lor) is a free video game set in the League of Legends (LoL) universe, in which you will find many well-known characters from LoL. In this card game, you will have to build a deck and battle your opponents. The art of building an as strong as possible deck, requires a combination of skill and strategy.
- Skill and Strategy: All the decisions and risks you take are important. Through trial-and-error, you will have to experiment and combine different plays.
- The Cards: You can earn new Legends of Runeterra cards in each game session or acquire them in the game store. The three main card types in LoR are: Followers, Champions and Spells.
- Create a Champion Deck: You can select your favorite champions to take them to battle. Make sure to choose warriors that perfectly match your playing style.

Game modes
- Combine Regions: The game consists of six unique regions. Characters from different regions have different characteristics. In order to make the perfect deck, you are allowed to make an alliance between characters from two different regions.
What are the best Legends of Runeterra decks?
Players of Legends of Runeterra can have a maximum of 30 active decks in their collection and each deck may not contain more than 40 cards. It is difficult to say what the best decks are, since the quality of a deck not only depends on the characters that it is made up of, but also on the current level of each character. If you are looking for ways to improve your LoR skills, we recommend you to become part of the Legends of Runeterra Reddit page community.
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