The discussions
My ipod wont turn or work for me at all!!!
Hello, my ipod is stupid...i plugged it into the wall charger and it just turned black. then the apple pic showed up and it just stayed there for 15-2...
Ipod touch power
my apple ipod touch comes on with a charger plugged in it but goes off when you take the charger off nee help Configuration: Windows Vista / Int...
i keep downloading and installing itunes and when i go to open it it says to uninstall and reinstall itunes this making me very mad because i just pa...
I need 2 put songs in my ipod
hey GuYz... i NEEd to PuT sonGs In My IPod..whiCh SeeMs QuiTe imPoSSibLE To Me...,i haVE MaNy SOnGS iN My REalpLaYEr LiSt bUt i AM unAbLE To AccEss ...
My ipod is not turning on, its turns on but
my ipod is not turning on, it turns on but only when i connect it with my pc to charge it.. it shows the full battery but when i plug it out! it went ...
I cant add songs to my ipod shuffle
Randomly after adding 24 songs to my ipod the 25th wont work. I keep on trying but it freezes for 30 seconds and then when i click on my ipod at the s...
My ipod touch won't sync, what should i do?
Okay so heres my problem. I have downloaded new songs onto my itunes, but the sync button is gray and won't let me sync my ipod ... when i charge my i...
The new itunes won't let me put my songs on!!
Hi so recently i just got my laptop fixed and thought that it would be a good idea to upgrade everything on it however, when i tried to drag my songs ...
My ipod won't turn on!!!!
my ipod won't turn on ,won't charge and i've already tried a thousand things!!! help what do i do? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
I can't connect my ipod yo pc
I have already downloaded the iTunes 9, but i still can't connect my iPod 60GB to my PC. Please help me....
Itunes could not connect to the itunes store.
Hi. I am using Windows XP Service Pack 3, running Internet Explorer 8 with the new iTunes 9, and I can not connect to the iTunes store. Every time ...
Music videos on itunes
how do u fix a music video on itunes that wont download? Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari 525.13
Help i restored my friend ipod
i don't know what to do bout this ipod a friend gave me it to charge and i restored it will it still have the songs
Ipod not recognized, help!!!
For some reason everytime I plug in my ipod mini 3rd generation into my computer, it's no longer recognized by my computer or itunes. It's never happe...
Itunes will not install.
Hello, i have just got an iPod touch and when i try to install itunes+qucktime off the apple website it wont work. it gets to the very end of the ins...
How to import video from ipod to pc?
Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.3 What if you accidently deleted dhat DCML folder , or what if there is no such folder ??
I have a problem with my ipod
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0 my computer does not reconize my ipod and i tried so many ways but i could not make it work i need a...
Itunes could not connect to itunes store..
i have a ipod classic and rarely have any problems with it, my boyfriend got the itouch n downloaded itunes to my laptop and since he has done this mi...
Ipod nano help please
ok i need help with my ipod nano...i have been having mines for almost a year and in my videos section some of the videos are grayish or just totaly g...
My ipod touch doesn't sync with itunes
my ipod touch doesn't with itunes. it doesn't appear in the tab on itunes! help would be appreciated!
Hi there I have installed the new itunes on my pc without a problem and its says its been downloaded successfully but when I go to open itunes it won...
Music missing from itunes library
I recently downloaded my iTunes again after my computer failed. After logging into my account, I discovered that NONE of my music was there. How do I ...
Itunes and computer don't recognise ipod
I plugged my ipod nano into a set of speakers through the headphone plugin the other day and it completely froze. So, I reset my Ipod which also happe...
Cant open itunes
i have downloaded i tunes but each time i open it i am told there is an error so i have to reinstall i keep doing that but there is still no change pl...
Can you fix my ipod ..?
what happend was i didnt use my ipod for ages and then i charged it up and it worked and everything and then it said get new updates for your ipod so ...
Computer not allowing to sync my ipod
hi i have a 16 gb ipod touch. I havent seen it for about a month and now it said to connect to itunes. when i put it in, it said that you have to put ...
Itunes won't detect ipod classic
SolvedHello, I have spent approx. 7 hours trying everything from apple suggestions and all other website suggestions. I have reset my ipod classic 80...
What to do when my ipod falshes orange?
I have this problame I can't listen to my ipod for some reason it is bran new and it didn't come with earphoens and when I try to attach it it falshe...
Ipod touch
hello im wondering if you can a viruses on an ipod touch so i can tell a friend. thanks, Gervarod Configuration: Windows Vista / Firefox 3.6.3
How to put videos on ipod nano without itunes
hi im getting videos at school for my ipod but ofcourse school doesnt have itunes. what can I do?? Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer...
My ipod will not open auto play
I bought a new ipod touch and a new laptop with windows 7. I also have a previous Ipod which I want to transfer my pictures from my Ipod to my laptop...
My ipod is being soooo wack!
I plugged my Ipod in one day and when i unplugged it it erased EVERYTHING!! Now everytime I plugg my Ipod into any computer the iTunes freezes and my ...
My ipod wont work!!!
Okay so idk what happened to my ipod but it was in my Ihome on the way back to missouri and the touch sensor stopped working and i try pressing the bu...
My postal code wont work for a itunes account
When i try to make a ITunes account on my IPod, I will put in my Postal Code but it always says that its wrong, Why does it do that!?!?
Transferring songs to a new itunes
ClosedHello, I have an iPod Nano. I originally used it with iTunes on my PC but no longer have access to that PC so have downloaded iTunes on my Laptop. ...
My ipod touch will not turn on i need help =\
my ipod will not turn on it will go to the little apple and turn off iv bee holding the button but it still wont work it keeps turning off its only li...
Ipod touch problems
hey i just got an new ipod touch for my birthday and its great but today when i got home and i try to go into the app store on the ipod it just says "...
Ipod nano 3rd gen. not recognized in itunes 9
Hi everyone! My ipod (3rd gen. nano, 4GB) is no longer recognized in itunes 9.1. I use Windows XP. What I did already (followed all instruction...
How to transfer ipod files to ipod/computer/i
How to transfer iPod files to iPod/Computer/iTunes (Windows/Mac) Do you want to backup your iPod files to your local computer? Do you want to transf...
Dropped my ipod touch
Hello, my name is Matt Freeman. I dropped my IPod Touch and the top button is messed up. It used to turn on fine u just had to tap the top button quic...
Ipod wont sync with itunes
I had windows 7 installed on my computer and the music files got renamed and or moved and now my ipod wont sync with itunes. I hadn't backed up my so...
My itunes store won't work right
Closedi have just upgraded my itunes to version 9 and my itunes store has stopped working right. i have done all the things suggested and nothing changed. i...
Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.3 After installing windows 7, my itunes files got either moved or renamed and now ipod wont sync to itunes.
Where has my itunes library gone
After the last iTunes update to iTunes9, my old iTunes library has disappeared, when my iPod is plugged in, it says that my iPod is sycned with anothe...
My ipod touch is not charging or connecting
some song in library won't play Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
okay my name is in 9th grade..iv have my ipod nano 4g since i wus in 6th volume limit is so low i cant hear it! i forgot my pa...
Itunes account
How do I use one itunes account with a credit on it to purchase apps and songs between 2 ipods Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
My ipod nano won't turn on!!what happened??
i have a silver ipod nano.I downloaded a few songs and put it to charge.It was good when i took it off the charger, then the screen went black and i c...
How to reinstall itunes
Hi. I have a Toshiba Satellite, which runs on Windows Vista. I tried installing the updated Itunes - it deleted the Itunes files I had - And it didn't...