The discussions

Formula help


Can someone please help me with this formula =IF(G2="1",VSC410, IF(G2="2",VSC450, IF(G2="3",VSC470))) What i am trying to do is : if G2 has the...

3 replies Last reply on 3 Feb 2016 by

Conditional formatting based on year


Guys, I come again cap in hand with another plea for help on a sort of finished project, but I want to make it better. I have some conditional f...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2016 by

Extracting rows from excel


Hi there, I have an excel sheet with a very large data. I want to extract different rows and write them in to different sheets of the same excel (or ...

3 replies Last reply on 1 Feb 2016 by

Increment cell value based on change in value of another cell

Hello, Say I have a value of 100 in cell B3 and I need this value to increase/decrease based on the change in value of A2. How do I do that? For e...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Feb 2016 by

Excel query

Hi I looking for a formula that will calculate an average order spend by day without having to do this manually(1, 2, 3 ). So for example it tak...

4 replies Last reply on 31 Jan 2016 by

Copy and paste multiple

Hi I'm looking for away to be able to copy a single cell from multiple sheets (tabs) for example cell a1 and list it's contents on a separate summ...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jan 2016 by

Auto populate record from one sheet to another

Hello, I'm working on a commissions spreadsheet for my company and would appreciate some assistance with a question I have. There is a separate ta...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Jan 2016 by

Data link

Hello, I'm needing help please, I'm trying to figure out how to either: Link an Access database to an Excel Spreadsheet where it has a templ...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Jan 2016 by

Conditionally format a cell so it turns a certain colour

I was wondering how to conditionally format a cell so it turns a certain colour when it goes past a certain date. Thanks

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jan 2016 by

If, and question

Hello, I'm trying to work a formula that will change a given value in one based on dates going into several different cells. Example. If I pour a co...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Jan 2016 by

Column to vlookup


I am trying to write a formula that will give me the value in a cell, it needs to come from two sources. I must be able to locate the column based on ...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Jan 2016 by

If function with time duration

Hello, I dont understanding why this can't work : =IF((g2=timevalue("0:30"));"25) G2 has a time duration time unit in it which equals 0:30. ...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Jan 2016 by

Disable a cell in excel using vb code


Hello, I am looking for a VB code to disable a cell based on the value of another cell in excel. Example:- Need to disable Cell B1/C1/D1 based o...

13 replies Last reply on 28 Jan 2016 by

Conditioning formula to convert "x" into another cells value

good morning, I have a spreadsheet I am trying to create for a chili cookoff, I am trying to find a way to type an "x"(or any text) in a box showin...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jan 2016 by

User friendly code for admission no


Hello, I would like to request to Code for Admission No Range is started from B11 to B510 If user enter a123456789 or a-123456789 it always conv...

6 replies Last reply on 26 Jan 2016 by

Days of the week conditions

Hello, I am trying to create a template for my work. I have a table sorted by dates but need to reference the day of the week that date falls on....

1 reply Last reply on 26 Jan 2016 by

If one cell g4 has value 12345 then cell f4 will have....


I need help with a basic excel formula. Please :) If cell G4 equals 12345 then cell F4 equals USXX but also if cell G4 equals 54321 then cell F4 w...

3 replies Last reply on 26 Jan 2016 by

Auto copy row from one sheet to another via info in first cell


Hello everyone, hope you all had a great New Year. I am in the process of exporting a BOM out of Inventor and then opening it with Excel. Once I ha...

10 replies Last reply on 25 Jan 2016 by

Creating a summary sheet

Hello, I have a worksheet that is recording customer interactions, and I would like to create a seperate sheet to summarize all the customers that ...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Jan 2016 by

Button to copy sum to next row on another sheet

Hi, I think i have almost go this (pretty new with vba). On first sheet 'comparison' i have a few variables which can be changed then the sum of...

3 replies Last reply on 22 Jan 2016 by

Barcode help!!

Hello, I am making a barcode system and I want to be able to display the information given in the barcode in the cells next to it. For example I a...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Jan 2016 by

How do i exclude a value when using counta?

Hello, I am currently using the following formula to count cells that are not empty =COUNTA (D4:D17) However in this range there are certain...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2016 by

Automatic transfer of data

Dear CCM, I have a sheet with combined values for different units and I manually sort into the different units manually by copying and pasting into ...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2016 by


Hello, if the column a and column b are equal, i want to put "-"(minus sign) before the data of column b for further technical purpose. eg. it lo...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2016 by

Vba: creating new sheets based on copy, nameing them the cells

Ok, i am gonna try to be so clear i can. on Sheet 1 (Start Sida) i have a list from cells A9 to A500 with names. atm only A9-A52 have names in them. ...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2016 by

How can i multiply a numeric value and alphabetic value in exce?

Hello,plz answer as soon as possible

1 reply Last reply on 21 Jan 2016 by

Difficult query


Hello, I would like to request for a difficult query that may be not solvable logically. If user enter az123456789 or az-123456789 it always co...

Last reply on 21 Jan 2016 by

Automatically transfer data from one worksheet to various others

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to automatically transfer data from one excel worksheet to another worksheet but only when a specific cell(s) ar...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Jan 2016 by

Automatically transfering data after generating new worksheets

Hello, It has been a while since I have worked with code and would appreciate any help. I have one code already working which is gathering all ...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Jan 2016 by

Search and copy..

I have two Work Books open and I have filters on both WBs.. Let's say I have filters for Name, Birth Date, Address, and Phone# for both WBs. Is it pos...

3 replies Last reply on 20 Jan 2016 by

Macro to rename tabs based on cell reference on another sheet

Hello, I am attempting to rename 5 sheets in a workbook based on values from a sheet titled Raw Data Information. The first sheet should be named bas...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Jan 2016 by

Countdown in excel

Hi, I'm a bit of a formula novice in excel. I have been googling, but not sure if I'm typing in the right questions, or if what I want to do is eve...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Jan 2016 by

How to combine 2 formulas in one box?

Hello, I would gladly appreciate any advice on how to finish or redo my formula. I have most of my formula but I can not figure out how to do the la...

2 replies Last reply on 19 Jan 2016 by

Automatically copy the row into the appropriate sheet

Hi everyone. I've set up an excel 2010 workbook to log maintenance repairs through the hotel. sheet 1 is an ongoing log of 5 columns. A= location ...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jan 2016 by

Excel filter/macro


Hello, Thank you in advance for any time/help you can offer! I'm working on a contact list in Excel and I need to be able to filter my contacts i...

4 replies Last reply on 15 Jan 2016 by

Run-time error with copy-and-insert rows macro

Hi, I am using the following macro to copy and insert rows in an Excel spreadsheet, based on a user inputted value. I place the cursor in the desire...

12 replies Last reply on 15 Jan 2016 by

Colours for dates that are on 2 & 3 month cycles

Hello, In my current role, I have a number of people that I have to assess. I would like to be able to do the below so i can easily identify who i...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jan 2016 by

Columns & rows help


Hello all, In short, here is what I need help doing: I would like to take 15 items in one column and transfer them into a row in another spread...

5 replies Last reply on 14 Jan 2016 by

Formula for if cell contains word, assign value for multiple

Hello, I am looking for a formula to help me assign a value for multiple words and values. If column A has the contains Apple, assign X. IF i...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jan 2016 by

Excel conditional formatting

Hi All, I need your help with conditional formatting please? I've a project timeline on a week and month calendar form. I've applied conditiona...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Jan 2016 by

Need to search an excel spreadsheet column

but hoping I'm wrong? Need to search an excel spreadsheet column (say column D) for all rows with the text "3 Pounds" If the text is found in a cel...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jan 2016 by

Formula if you have credit in one column, debit in next column


Hello, what is the formula if you have credit in one column, debit in next column and balance in 3rd column. Many thanks R Horner Configurat...

4 replies Last reply on 13 Jan 2016 by

Macros invoicing drop down list

Hello, Hope everyone it doing well. I am looking for some help with Excel 2010. I have a template that I use to invoice my customers. My customer ...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Jan 2016 by

How excel displays ascending order of data in other spreadsheet

hello, I try to prepare data of students details with random serial no.s in one excel spreadsheet. How I link it to display ascending order i.e.sma...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Jan 2016 by

Data subsets and duplicates

Hello, I have been trying to find the answer in a few forums but haven't found quite what I'm looking for. I have a column (A) of around 2000 n...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Jan 2016 by

Need a cell to change colour if another cell has an 'x

hello, i need a cell to change colour if another cell has an 'x' in it. so if cell r14 has an x in it cell r13 turns green can anyone help? tha...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Jan 2016 by

Excel conditional formatting w/date range and containing text

Hello, I need to make a conditional format based on the date in a cell being between 30-60 days past today's date and only if another cell contain...

2 replies Last reply on 12 Jan 2016 by

Help with sumif function please..

Could someone please help me?? I need to sum the values of a range of cells that contain certain text (product codes) into another cell. For example...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Jan 2016 by

If condition

if a2=mathura then result plm a2=agra and b2

1 reply Last reply on 9 Jan 2016 by

How to re/name a cell if another cell contains x


Hello, Apologies if this is a simple question but having some trouble figuring it out. I have say 1000 rows of data and I need to label them all...

5 replies Last reply on 8 Jan 2016 by
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