The discussions
Automatically transfer data from one sheet to another
Hello, I have never done anything like this and i just watched a video that got me the first two correct columns in the second sheet but i am unable...
Extracting data from sheets added everyhour
is there a way to extract data from sheets i add? like if i have data from multiple hours but i put all the data in one book but in different hours is...
Replace function in macro
SolvedHello, I would like to request that in the range D11 to D510 if "-" or " -" or "- " this found then it would be replace with " ". Please do it ...
Securing a excel workbook
SolvedHey! I Need to save a Workbook strictly as a Template where the peolple at work can't screw it up. I'd like to have it so that they can open my...
Copying function using vba
SolvedHello, I have a Problem that desperately Needs to be fixed: I am trying to create a Participant List, and in order to Keep it "clean", am using ...
Compare 2 columns on 2 sheets for value of cell
I have tried several different formulas and cannot seem to get it right. I have a work book with 2 sheets. I am trying to populate column E of she...
How to recover previous version of an excel file already saved
Hello, how to recover previous version of an excel file already saved Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
Copying number over from last sheet and adding to it
Hello, I'm trying to figure to if it's possible to do the following: I have an excel doc with monthly spreadsheets and I would like a number to be...
Tranfering of data
how do i add symbol in cells in sheet 2 if there is data in cells in sheet 1. example: i have data in A2 in sheet one. i want to add a * in A2 in shee...
Extract rows of data and paste to new worksheets based on locati
Hello Fellow Excel Users: Please help if you can. I have a difficult problem that I hope someone could please help me with. I have a worksheet of...
Macro that will delete rows based on greater than current date
ClosedHello, I want a macro that will delete rows that are greater that the current date so if today is 2016-05-05 I want it delete all rows with somethin...
Copy the number matched to another column
Hello, I want help from world.i want to copy the list of number to other column which are match in original column. Start no 974314567 copy the ...
Excel 2010 - "file is corrupt and cannot be opened"
Hello, We're upgrading to Office 2010 and having some fun issues with old and new .xls files. Current issue is that many .xls files (as opposed...
Graphs comparison in excel
Hello, Is it possible to compare graphs in two excel files using macros? If not, is there any other option to do this? Kindly help.
Copy formulas from one sheet to another all at once
SolvedIs it possible to copy formulas from one sheet to another all at once? I have a worksheet that I would like to use as a template and I'm having to cop...
Comparing data in multiple columns to another sheet
Hello, In Excel 2010, I have a sheet of names and addresses that I would like to compare to a new report of names and addresses to find any names th...
Vacation tracking help
Hello, How do i make a cell increase by 40 every 180 days from known date... Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 50.0.2661.94
Macro move next column to next row?
Dear All, introducing my name is John and im new here. Ive data like below A B C D 1 John Willy Dian...
Macro that create a new workbook for each unique value in column
Hi, In the example below, I would like a macro that creates a new workbook based on the names in column A and copies only data relevant to that nam...
Number format a cell based on the text in another cell
Hello, I want to conditionally format a cell to change the number formatting to a percentage or currency based on the text in another cell. Fo...
Want to increment a alphanumeric value in a range of cells
Hello, I have Alphanumeric value in range of cells example from B2 to b28 number will be like H000000000000100 I want to increment the last four...
Ms excel question
Hello, I am having a name list in column A and category list in column D and I want to list names of same category in column G in another worksheet....
Percentage conversion in excel
Hello, Kindly assist me on How to find a formula for calculating a problem like this one below; Cell A1 (Assignment 1Out of 20) Cell B1 (Assignm...
Sum of two max out of n number
Hello, mam /sir how to sum of two max out of n number Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Want to know how to convert date into words(english) in excel
Hello i want to know how to convert date into words(english) in excel 2003 or 2007 for eg. 22.04.2010 - convert it into Twenty Two April Two Thous...
Excel doubt - if formula
SolvedHi, Im stuck in an if question. I have 3 colums. In the first one I have a number, in the second column a have "yes" and in the third column I w...
Conditional formatting
Hello, Want to apply conditional formatting for specific text but not able to do so. Below is the case:- I have two texts - 1. "N" & 2. "NA"...
Add worksheets to excel workbook using count defined name
SolvedHello, I need to add worksheets based on a count which I defined as ADDTABS located in cell B4 on a worksheet called QRY-CMW. The worksheets ne...
Sum of returned lookup values in a text cell
I'm using the lookup formula below to search user comments in cell B1 to find individual words listed in column C, and return the adjacent number valu...
Find and replace with condition
Hello, I would like to ask that in the Range D11 to D510 of all sheets in workbook find "." and replace with ". " If in the above mention range "...
Using if with a fixed date
Hello, im trying to use a if statement in excel with a fixed date =if(A2="Active",E2=Date(2016,03,31),"Closed") but it returns a 1900/01/00 date p...
Excel vba/macro
Hello, Need help in creating a Macro to do the following I have a set of formulas on a worksheet called “Adam”. Cell A2 of worksheet “Adam”...
Text format to date/month/year on excel
SolvedHello, I have a huge list of data that has multiple dates/year along with different time format. I want to delete the time and obtain only the d...
I want to retrieve value from multiple sheets of same workbook
SolvedHello Everybody,.. I have a situation where I request your support, My active workbook has 4 working sheets (sheet1- Master, sheet2, sheet3, sheet4...
Excel formula using 3 tabs
Hello, Can someone please advise if there is a formula or a macro that I can use for an excel spreadsheet. The first sheet tab consist of the ...
Copy range data in a column to new column.
SolvedNeed help here please !!! Data available : A range of data in a column. Some of the cells are blank. My requirement : Is there any formula where...
Counting between dates
Hello, I want to count the response to applications made to different organisations between set dates. In column C i use a simple 1 or 0 to indic...
What does this macro code mean?
Hey, The below macro was posted by another user, aquarelle, and is very useful for inserting copies of rows in an excel sheet. I tried asking them ...
Compare fields
Hello, My name is Swapnil Veer. I have two sheets in excel. I have to compare two different columns in sheets and add respective entry in front of...
Compare two columns
SolvedHello, In the excel, I need to compare Only portion of text in two different columns and return the value in third columns. say example One column...
Transfer an entire row from one sheet to another
SolvedGood Evening, I seriously need major help. Please!! Please!! Please!! I have an inventory of over 600+ items (rows) each row has 12 columns with...
Auto fill a macro
Hello, I want to auto fill a macro button down column A, that copies the information from several cells to a different sheet in the work book. here ...
Conditional formatting, graded color scale
ClosedHello, I use graded color scale from green to red to color cells based on value Example: Value (color) 1 (green) 10 (yellow) 20 (red) If m...
Barcode scan
Hello everyone, I would really appreciate if someone could help me out.. I'm a small reseller but now I have over 600 items. I use the same barc...
Add to excel macros
Solved/ClosedHello, I'm looking to edit a macros code and I'm having some issues. Right now our workbook includes a growing amount of days on a project (day 1, d...
Formula for fetch data from another sheet
Hello, First I would like to asked that how could I insert a excel file or create a link, to understand my query. because the query that I want t...
Formula to copy data based on the text in the cell
Hello, I need to find out how to do this (and would be grateful if anyone could help me with this): I have a tab (1) in Excel with ten thousand...
Formula to check days of the month and display only weekdays
Hello, Pls help me I want a formula in excel that checks the days of a given month in turn and display only weekdays (skip weekends Friday and...
Multiple sheet, find, copy specific cell and paste
Hello, i have a challenge for you. Im working on a doccument to pull information from a different sheet, that was imported from a web based huma...
Protected worksheet
SolvedHello, I would appreciate advice as to whether it is possible to unprotect an excel worksheet if the password is forgotten? If it is possible plea...