The discussions
Reset facebook possword
Hello, my friend
Not receiving login codes from facebook on my phone
Hello, I am not able to receive login codes on my phone number. Asked Fb many times but of no use .plz help
Google play store
Hello, I'm trying to download Google play store for a total wireless Blade Android phone
Webgl not working, even if already active
so I have a game web that requires WebGL active. I have done all the steps to get my WebGL active, even restarting the chrome. but when I open the sam...
Facebook two factor authentication
SolvedHello, facebook service please help me to log in my account my facebook on base my email the email this (***@***)
Confirm your identity
Hi sir my account not open He say confirm your identity
Code generator
Hello, My facebook code generator obtaining
Change password and phone number
i like to change my password and phone number and my e-mail address please
Not receiving code for security check
Hello, I am able to login to Facebook but I cant get past security check it says Facebook has sent the code to my phone # but I only m using wi fi s...
Delete facebook account
Solved pls close this accout permanently
Hacked fb password
SolvedHello, someone hacked my fb, i dont know how to change password without gmail and number
App store
Hello, Can you tell me to load the app. store on my computer?
Logging in
Hello, I tried to log in to my account but it is showing me that my account is temporarily unavailable.And i should try logging in through a web b...
Hello, login_attempt=1&lwv=110
Hello this is what i saw when i try to open my facebook account ,unfortunately,
Hello Sir, Please open the my Facebook account
L’intégralité d un video publier sur facebook
SolvedBonjour, Je suis confronte a un problème. j ai regarde un vidéo sur Facebook. je souhaite voire l intégralité de la vidéo. Comment faire pour retrouv...
Deleting previous uploads
When I upload a file to the web using Firefox, I find an increasing number of now obsolete files sitting there, and I'd like to delete them, but can f...
The article on "How to enable WebGL in Chrome" is out of date. The newest version of Chrome Version 79.0.3945.79 (Official Build) (64-bit) does not ha...
Access account
Hello, Sir When I Open My Fb Id Shows Like This: "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional ...
Facebook email link
Hello, I've the same problem numerous users seem to have and there does not appear to be a solution. I have followed all of the threads which would...
Do not receive 2nd code
Could you please help me, i can not log into my facebook account as i do not get the 2nd security code via text message. I get the first code ok sent ...
Locked out of my yahoo mail
the problem I am having is all my devices are synced together and the recovery email address is also blocked obviously it keeps sending me the code bu...
Can't get facebook confirmation code
Hello, Can't get Facebook confirmation code
Not getting facebook confirmation email
Solved/ClosedHello, I made my account on Yahoo mail as well as on Facebook, but I have not received the confirmation email in which the confirmation link is giv...
Hosted app data will not clear
SolvedIn google chrome, advanced settings, clear browsing history, my Hosted App Data will not clear. There are over 2,000 apps in there, most are old and ...
Hacked account
My account was hacked several months ago and I’ve been trying to get it back ever since. I created my account years ago and I can’t find/remember the ...
Hello, do opera mini work on MTN SIM card
What is my confirmation code for facebook?
Solved/ClosedHello, please send me my confirmation code for my facebook I did not recive it System Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.8
SolvedHello, I’ve just created a new account, I’ve followed everyone I want to follow but none of their posts are appearing on my feed, even after refre...
Still cant connect to internet
Hi I'm connect through a hot spot. But my chrome browser wont connect. I tried to reset it. Everything but 1 said resetting failed Access denied
Facebook login
I recently switched phone carriers. I've tried logging into my Facebook with the codes they sent me. It says you tried too many codes. Also the new p...
Hello, My Facebook login approval has not been received. How to recover the login approval code?
How do i remove all of my history ...
SolvedAnyway i would like to remove all of my past from the internet..
My facebook account is hacked and my email is changed
Hello, Please I need help, my Facebook is hacked and my email is changed. I can't access my account and the hackers are sending messages to my frien...
Can't download attachments in yahoo mail on chrome and opera
Yahoo mail will no longer download most attachments either in Opera or Chrome. My computer is a Mac
Fb account hacked
/ My facebook account email, username and phone number has been changed, how do I get my account back
Photo youy stuck issue
SolvedHello, My account was photo yourself issue problem, I uploaded my real face picture, but don't open my account please sir, unclock my account co...
Hello, Buka
How can a website recognize my labtop?
SolvedHi, There is an adult live chat website that keeps banning every new account I create using my same labtop, I don't know how they can recognize my la...
Instagram problem
Hello, I have a problem with my Instagram. It wont load the list of people i follow, or others peoples list of people they follow. I was using Instag...
Confirm my identity on a device i've used before
SolvedHello, I have a facebook account, at present, i am unable to login to that account. It is asking that Confirm your identity on another compute...
How to find instagram demographics?
Solvedhello, Does the audience tab on instagram show you where your followers are from or where the people who click on your profile are from?
Người dùng fb
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