The discussions
Generating alphanumeric code
Sir, Can anybody help me in writing vba code for excel to generate alphanumeric code having first entry as L,P,G,T(based on a condition), next four...
Download windows office onto my i pad
Hi can i download windows office onto my I PAD
Select portable office excel as a default program to open a file
Hi, I have Portable Office (excel & word) in "C/Program files" of my laptop. I also have a *.xls file in my desktop. I'm trying to choose a default...
Formula - if c2 is not blank, and b2 is blank, then copy c2 to
SolvedHi all - Am looking for help on formula - I want excel to look at cell C2, then if it has anything (text or numbers), then to look at cell b2. If ...
Forgot privacy lock password
Hello, Can you please help me? The oroblem is that I forgot my password. How could I retrive my password somehow? Thankyou in advance.
How to view pst files damaged ?
Hello, Sit the second day of being connected Autluk 2010 Old pstshnik from other computer. Pst weighs 38 gigs. Take it with yesterday's 14 with a br...
Macro that copies a worksheet, renames it and copies data
I am trying to create a macro that when I select an option from the dropdown list in cell E3 it creates a copy of another sheet in the workbook. ...
Transfer data and then apply formula
SolvedHello, I have a rather large spreadsheet which records the data from a number of different branches on each separate worksheet (labelled as "branche...
Copy formulas across workbook
Solved/ClosedHello, I want to copy Excel 2007 formulas from one workbook and past to the other workbook without the workbook name in the pasted formulas. Can ...
Outlook 2007 gets hung.
Hello, We have a small office with 5 users, all using Office & Outlook 2007 on Win7 PCs. At various times, we all seem to encounter the same proble...
Cannot open the files in ms word from mail attachment
i bought a new PC and cannot open the file attachment from my mail inbox. so please kindly need your help. thankyou
Command button (vba) to update a record.
Hello, I have created a userform for searching & adding records to a worksheet, but as I am completely new to VBA I am stuck. I wish to create a bu...
Convert date into words(english) in excel 2003 or 2007
Hello i want to know how to convert date into words(english) in excel 2003 or 2007 for eg. 22.04.2010 - convert it into Twenty Two April Twenty Tw...
Macro to copy/paste specific range every 3 rows
SolvedHello, I am beginner in VBA and now have an Excel sheet with about 4000 rows, where I could need a macro. I already recorded a macro for the fi...
Need urgently to find a macro in excel report across sheets
SolvedHi, Anyone a solution? I need a macro that will do the following: 1. Search for a word, a number, ... across all the worksheets in the workbo...
Change cell by clicking on another cell
Hello, I'm looking for a Macro/Formula to change value of a cell to (the row of the original cell I click on - 2). Is this possible? Cheers al...
Excel challenging - please help
Good Day Everyone. I'm stuck on the below situation and your help will be much appreciated. Let's call as: Worksheet] 1: WorkSheet]...
"no user access" to word 2007 docs????
Hello, Running word 2007 on windows vista....after I wrote my docs and saved them to the desktop, I am no longer able to go back and open them up ...
Conditional formatting based on another cell
Hello, I'm trying to make a budget spreadsheet and want to format the cells if there is an omission. If a value has been entered into cell C3 ...
Word 2010 shows it is a file for some reason
Hello, I created a word doc and see the file, but when I try to open it, it comes up as a blank doc with no name. In the file listing, I see the file ...
Need automatically changed amount percentage.
Hello, I need to help to ms excel sheet PERCENTAGE% 0.25 ENTER AMOUNT PERCENTAGE% 25,000.00 AUMATICALLY CHANGE 300000 AUMATI...
Count if rows contains specific year
Hello, I need to count how many rows contains a date with a specific year, but with the following doesn't work: =COUNT.IF(D3:D3394;"*2014") I cha...
Microsoft office word 2007 picture paste bug *same picture repea
I have found this BUG in Micrososft Word 2007, that I consider to be a SERIOUS ISSUE for Microsoft Office Suite. If you copy an image from a websi...
Search string and copy row to another sheet
Hello, I am trying to use a macro which will look for a value in workbook1's column A and on finding that value, it will copy that whole row onto ...
Insert a row after "," in a cell
Hello, I have a 2 columns such as below: Name Rules John T3456,T4567,T6799 Cersei T5643,T4532 I would like to have a macro that...
I'm trying to use an Excel worksheet to take attendance. I've been able to find a solution using Apple's Numbers, but not so with Excel. Any ideas?
How to convert number to word in excel using formula
Hello, HOW TO CONVERT NUMBER TO WORD IN EXCEL USING FORMULA Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 43.0.2357.130
Copying text to different sheets based on criteria
Hello, I have a large speradsheet that records activity. I want to copy a row of items from one sheet to another if the status is 'done'. The if...
Apply a number to differentiate cells with same value
Hello, Can someone help me please? Here is my issue. So I have a long list of memberships. The issue I have is that I have one primary member that ...
How to convert date into words(english) in excel 2003 or 2007
Hello i want to know how to convert date into words(english) in excel 2003 or 2007 for eg. 22.04.2010 - convert it into Twenty Two April Two Tho...
Create multiple workbooks in a particular format from a table
Hi, I want to create a macro wherein I can create multiple workbooks in a particular format from the data from a master table in a excel workbook. ...
Error trying to populate new worksheet using macro
SolvedHey everyone, I've been working on a macro to create a new worksheet based on the information entered into a column of a "data" worksheet which pop...
Add string only if a text is present in a cell
SolvedHello, i have this string =CONCATENATE(MID(B5;1;1);".") i use to have the initial of a name like this: from "Name" to "N." but some fields have no...
Copy cell from another sheet where cell is value...?
SolvedHi, Is it possible to copy a cell from sheet 1 to sheet 2 where (for instance) sheet 2 A1 is same value as a cell in sheet 1? What I have is: sh...
Macro for filling data from specific cell to another
SolvedHi all, i need help with creating macro to fill data from specific cells in column to another specific blank cells in other column. screen shot i...
Complicated if/then copy operation?
if (column range; eg, A8:A42) has any value, then Copy a cell (formula; in C2) two columns to the right of every cell in that column (A) that has a va...
Rows and columns
Hello, I have the ffg problem, i have a table as below: PN H1 H2 H3 H4 A AB AC AD AE B AB AD C AC AE D AB AC AE and I want it t...
Nesting if formula problem
Hello, I'm trying to set up a worksheet for student participation grades. Once I arrive at a participation average, I'd like to have a formula to...
Corrupt outlook 2007 pst file
I am using Outlook 2007 on a Windows 7 system. Yesterday I needed to restore the system drive from a previous drive image, so I saved my Outlook pers...
Error: embedded excel spreadsheet
Solved/ClosedOccasionally I have an error with my embedded spreadsheets- it is "Microsoft Office Word can't start the application required to open this object. An...
Lost basic11n.msi
SolvedHello, I cannot open MS Office Basic Edition 2003. I keep getting a message that says, "Missing BASIC11N.MSI file" I am missing the installer file. ...
Excel -formula that excludes names if other colums have info
Hello, I have a list of 50 names in Column F, I used the Coutif formula to tally the total names in colum Q:5. ex. =COUNTIFS(F3:F1436,"=bill*"...
Need to recover a pst file having a password.
SolvedHello, I am in need of a soft utility which can be used to change/ recover the password set on a pst file in outlook. I have a user who has forgo...
Excel formulae - returning a zero value
Hello, I'm trying to set up an excel quotation sheet using the following formulae =SUM(B6*C6)+(D6*$E$3/1000) Cell E6 = the quantity Cell B6...
Add entries from a template to a masterlist
Hello, I have a excel template scorecard which I would like the answers from certain cells to record entries from the scorecard to a separate exce...
Email... outlook issues
Hello, I have just found out that a heap of my sent emails, have not actually been sent. They show in the sent box as having gone through ok. Also, ...
Master sheet to work sheets
I have an education master template and many other exact duplicate worksheets in a workbook. Each of the other worksheets is differentiated only by th...
Format cell
Hello, Can someone please help. Is there a formula to highlight a cell in a row in column P if it is not equal to the same row in column C. I wo...
Transferring data automatically in same worksheet excel
SolvedHello, I'm finding a difficulty in transferring data from a number of cells to a table automatically. What I'm trying to accomplish here is that w...
Send email from different account
Hello, So i have the following: email address work email address Microsoft Outlook I have set up my work email address to auto...