The discussions
Whatsapp backup for later use
Hello Everyone! I have an android phone and an iPhone and I want to back up the whatsapp chat on my android and continue on my iphone. I don't want ...
Strange message appears while typing message on whatsapp
Hello, I have been using whatsapp for several years. Recently, since April, I find a new phenomenon while sending messages. While typing messages ...
Cannot see whatsapp profile pic of friend
From last 2 days I am unable to see profile pic of my friend on whatsapp. He has not blocked me nither he has deleted my contact. I am able to see his...
Multiple whatsapps with multiple google accounts
Hello, I've got two sims in my phone, two google accounts, WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business. I want WhatsApp contacts to be synced to one google...
To unban banned whatsapp number
Hello, My Work whats app number banned for no reason. My competitors may have closed it with spam complaints. I've emailed Whats app Many times ex...
Joining a whatsapp call after "missed group voice call"
How do I join a call in progress, after being late to pick up the call, and getting a "Missed group voice call" notice? I tried calling back the call ...
Drawing a box using monotype characters
i am trying to draw a box using monotype characters using the 3 backticks ```text``` ╔════════╗ ║ ║ ╚════════╝ the fir...
Yowhatsapp 10.50 latest version for android, help me to download
Hello, have a good day. My friend helped me to download YoWhatsApp before, I have been using it instead of WhatsApp ever since. Currently the ver...
Mr. adejossy
Good day here.. I need someone to carry me along here
How to download whatsapp
How To Download WhatsApp
Where did my messages for a month go after i disabled data permission for whatsa
SolvedHello, I disabled data for WhatsApp on 1st April (as a substitute to uninstall). Now I have turned it 'ON' back, on 10th May, and I received message...
What does whatsapp do
Samsung S7
Trouble with tv.
My samsung tv has advertisements on the bottom of the screen:how do i get them off.please -- ⁵/
No contacts configured
Hello, Please help , i just downloaded WhatsApp Messenger on my Z2, when i open it there are no contacts.
How to add from contacts group
Hi all, How to add from contacts group in the cell say "ACTORS" to open a group in Whatsap "ACTORS EVENT" and add all the names from cell phone con...
Whatsapp on samsung z2 adjust time and date
Hi! My phones say I hv to adjust time and date when I am trying to open it in my Tizen Samsung Z2.. Please help I have already download the late...
I forgotten my security code for nokia rm 1134
Please, i forgotten my security code and i still want to use my nokia. Please can i get helpness?
SolvedHello, My right click context menu in Whatsapp desktop - Windows 10 has stopped working. No new installs or any other changes. Now I cannot copy...
Deleted messages??
SolvedIs it possible that someone has deleted messages to another chat if all you can see when you go into the chat is the yellow end to end encryption code...
How to dowload on samsung z4
Hello, Z4
Recover old chats
SolvedHello, I recently had my Android phone stolen and bought myself an IPhone now. When setting up Whatsapp (same number as before) I only had the opt...
Not all contacts show
SolvedAlthough most of my contacts show, not all of them do. I am trying to create a group chat but cannot because the people I need to add are not listed. ...
Possibly deleted contact (whatsapp)
Hello and Happy New Year. If someone has deleted my phone number from their cell phone contacts will their NAME still appear in my WhatsApp contac...
Not able to download whatsapp without microsoft account
SolvedHello, How can I install whatsApp without creating an account which requires multiple email & passwords?
How can we show offline when we are online on while chaiting
How can we show offline when we online on whatsapp
Wats app
Hello, whats wrong with a wats app on a Samsung Z4 on 22october 2019
Forget my email
Hello, I am trying to put my whatsapp to my new phone. But it says I have to enter my PIN,and I forget it. I've try the forgot PIN but after I checked...
Programming whatsapp
Hello, Is there a way to program WhatsApp so it would send for example “X” every time I receive “Y”? In both groups and private chats.
How to add cell phone group contacts to whats group
Hello Sirs How to add from contacts group in the cell say "ACTORS" to open a group in Whatsap "ACTORS EVENT" and add all the names from cell phone ...
How to appear offline on whatsapp
Hello, How to appear offline on WhatsApp? Please help!
Change wifi connectivity permission
Hello, Does anyone know what change wifi connectivity permission means exactly? Settings/manage apps/WhatsApp/other permissions/change ...
Whats app voice notes/messages stops on one second
When recording a voice note it is stopping at one second. I can record a 30 second voice note but after am done and hit send it trims itself to one se...
Sticker problem
SolvedI have bought a new iPhone and restored the backup of my old iPhone including whatsapp data to the new one through iTunes. The chat history, photos an...
Android 2015 can't download whatsapp
24 Aug. 2019 Can't download What'sapp for a trip. Really do NOT want a new phone. I love this phone. Options?
Fake id - has been given to me as proof of person
Hello, I met an man on tinder who says he is working abroad. The told me his name was Andy Webber Johnson and he wouldn't share his ID with me fo...
Please help my phone refuse to download whatsapp...i tried it all
Please helo my phone refuses to download whatsapp (z2)
Whatsapp adjust your clock
Hello, Im trying to download whats is saying your phone date is accurate adjust your clock i tried everything is not working help pls
Contacts not showing and whatsapp is not requesting to use
Although I click yes WhatsApp can use my contacts WhatsApp does not show that they have requested my contacts
My tizen store takes forever to load
hello i need help with my whatsApp
Whatsapp group permanenty delete it
Hello, I have deleted a group in whatsapp but it was still existing on other members. How can I permanenty delete it>
Hello, dear sir it is requested that my account is banned but it is shown on whatsapp how can i delete or help me fo thi
Can't download whatsapp in tizen store in sz4
Hello, can't download in tizen store in sz4
Unable to find attachment icon in iphone whatsapp application
unable to find attachment icon in iphone whatsapp application
My phone is asking me to adjust date and time when im triying to open watsapp
Hello, downloading watsapp Shift_L
How to install and setup whatsapp when not receiving texts
Hello, I am traveling with my Mom abroad. However, she is already overseas and I will be meeting her in 1 week. Therefore, I suggested that she do...
Disable whats app account
I want to deactivate my what's app account immediately because i lost my phone and my number has been block
Whatsapp error
I have updated my WhatsApp last day from playstore,after that my WhatsApp is not working... Not sending messages and not downloading media files...
Online status
Though i had selected on line to br seen to nobody but when i chat with one person other persons see me me online
My updated whatsapp won't work
Hello, i updated my WhatsApp about 8 days ago. Its not working now, it keeps on telling me i must download/install facebok services???????????? And...