LG TV subtitles off: turn on, won't turn off, format

LG TV subtitles off: turn on, won't turn off, format

The ability to display subtitles during a film or TV show is a useful tool that helps those with disabilities as well as those watching a program in a language that is not their mother tongue. It is built into most devices and is very easy to activate. This walkthrough will help you enable the automatic display of subtitles on your LG Smart TV.

How to turn on subtitles on LG Smart TV?

To enable subtitles on an LG Smart TV, follow these steps:

  • Play a Video: Start playing the content (e.g. a movie, TV show, or video) for which you want to enable subtitles. This could be from a streaming service, a USB drive, or any other source.
  • Access the Settings: While the video is playing, press the 'Settings' button on your LG TV remote control. It usually looks like a gear or a wheel icon.
  • Navigate to Subtitles: In the settings menu, look for an option related to subtitles or closed captions. The wording may vary depending on the model and software version of your LG Smart TV.
  • Enable Subtitles: Once you've found the subtitles option, select it, and choose the language or subtitle track you want to display. You may have the option to customise the appearance of the subtitles, such as font size and style.
  • Confirm and Exit: After making your selections, confirm your choices and exit the settings menu.

Alternative solution:

If the above doesn't work, then try this alternative:

  • Press the Home button on your remote. Select the cog icon (top-right corner) to access Settings > Accessibility > Subtitle.
  • Toggle the Subtitle switch ON, and apply your changes. 
  • To turn subtitles off, instead of selecting ON, select OFF.

What to do when LG TV subtitles won't turn off? 

If the above method didn't work, try this variation that may work if your device is more recent. 

  • Press the Home / Menu button on your remote
  • Go to options > caption > enter
  • Then turn off the captions.

If the subtitles still won't turn off on your LG TV, start by checking the subtitle settings in the TV's menu under "Accessibility" or "Settings." Ensure that subtitles are set to "Off" or "None."

If you're streaming content, check the subtitle settings within the specific app or external device. While watching content, try toggling subtitles on and off using the "Subtitle" or "CC" button on your remote. 

How to change the LG TV subtitles format?

Older versions of LG TV don't allow you to change the subtitle style and format, but if your TV is more recent (after 2014), then you should be able to change the font, color, size and style of subtitles. This allows you to adapt the subtitles to your own personal preferences. You can find these additional subtitle options in the Digital Mode Options menu that is found in the closed captions menu as explained above.

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