The latest columns by Elena Keracheva

  • Turn off YouTube embedding: for videos and playlists

    Each time you upload a video to your YouTube channel, an embed code (HTML) is generated alongside it. This code allows other users to publish (embed) the video on their website or blog. This guide explains how to turn off this feature.

  • What is Bluetooth and how does it work?

    Bluetooth is today one of the most well-known wireless technologies. It is used for data transmission between devices over short distances. This technology uses UHF radio waves from 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz. Bluetooth was introduced on May 7th,1989. The present article shows how it works and how the connection is established.

  • How to conduct a meeting: efficiently, step-by-step

    Meetings are chronophagic (meaning "they eat up a lot of time"). Therefore, it is best to be as brief as possible and run with a high degree of efficiency to take specific actions. The organization of a meeting refers to all actions to be taken to organize and carry out a meeting in good conditions, allowing for monitoring of its effects. This article is a collection of recommendations to help you conduct a meeting.

  • What is a hard drive and how does it work?

    The hard drive is the component used to permanently store data instead of RAM, which is erased whenever the computer is restarted. This is why the term mass storage device is sometimes used to refer to hard drives. The hard drive is connected to the motherboard using a hard drive controller that acts as an interface between the processor and the hard drive. The hard drive controller manages the drives linked to it, interprets commands sent by the processor, and routes them to the drive.

  • What is the hub in network equipment: definition, usage

    What is a hub? A hub is a hardware element for centralizing network traffic from multiple hosts that also propagates the signal. It has several ports - enough to link machines to one another, usually 4, 8, 16, or 32. Its only goal is to recover binary data from a port and send it to all the other ports. The hub connects several machines, sometimes arranged in a star shape, which gives it its name because all communication from the machines on the network passes through it.

  • What is polymorphism: OOP, ad hoc, universal

    What is polymorphism in object oriented programming ? The word polymorphism comes from Greek and means having several different forms. This is one of the essential concepts of object-oriented programming. Where inheritance is related to classes and (their hierarchy), polymorphism is related to object methods.

  • All about different types of networks

    The generic term network refers to a group of entities (for example. objects, people, etc.) that are connected. A network, therefore, allows material or immaterial elements to be circulated among all of these entities based on well-defined rules. Depending on what kind of entity is involved, the term used will differ.

  • Everything you need to know about data transmission modes

    A given transmission on a communication channel between two machines can occur in several different ways. The transmission is characterized by the direction of the exchanges, the transmission mode, or the number of bits sent simultaneously, and the synchronization between the transmitter and receiver.

  • How email works: step-by-step, diagram

    As simple as it is to use, an email relies on a more complicated set of operating procedures than that of the Web. For most users, its operation is transparent, which means that it is not necessary to understand how it works in order to be able to use it. The goal of this article is to help you to understand its basic principles, give you an idea of how to best configure your email clients, and inform you about the underlying mechanisms of spam.