How to find a song with Midomi

How to find a song with Midomi

Liking a song but not knowing the title, the artist, or any of the lyrics can be frustrating if you'd like to track it down to listen to again later. One site that exists to help you with this is Midomi. This article will walk you through how to use the tool to locate songs by singing the tune.

If there is song that you like whose title you do not know but whose tune you do remember, Midomi can help.

  • First, go to the Midomi website, and click Click and sing or hum:
© Midomi
  • A security check will appear asking for access to your input device (i.e. microphone). Click Allow to continue the process:
  • Hum the song into your computer's microphone for a minimum of 10 seconds, and the search engine will do the rest. Once the song is found, you will be able to get all of the information about the track, such as the artist name and title. You will also have the option to purchase the song.
Any more music related questions? Check out our forum!
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