The discussions
Tips for writting macro in excel
Hello, I have one excel file which contains more than 15000 records. for one column i need to find and replace (ex : -500 to 0) number starting wi...
Excel - reset / replace seconds to zero
SolvedHello, i have an Excel 2007 file which has in sheet1 the time people enter to the system with the format ex. 11:55:31 AM and i need to reset all the ...
Hello, i am prasath explain the various addressing modes supported in excel that can be used in the formulas prasath
Worksheet name
Hello, in sheet 1, i need to get the name of other worksheets using formulas. thanks,
How to run flash macro
Hello, How to run flash macro srinivas pattem
Macro to del space in cell
Hello, I need a macro that after I goto a cell I start the macro that then goes home in the cell. Then it deletes the empty space in the begining of...
Stock sheet
Hello, i wondered if you could help , i have created a worksheet with code of stock item,value of item , amount in stock and value of stock availabl...
Excel cell flash when date is near
Hi, I am trying to find out how to get an excel spread sheet to hightlight a date when that date gets near. There must be a way for the sheet to ...
Hello, I need to know the easiest way to select a cell in excel?
Multiple search $ multiple retrieval in excel
Hello, I have one column with numbers or text which are repeating more than once. column 2, 3,4 contain data corresponding to that. ...
Excel extraction
Hello, I'd like to be able to extract all the data which comes after the comma from a cell in each row and insert it into a new column. Here's an ...
Macros for dynamically generating excels
Hello, Can I create a macro for a dynamically generating excel? i.e Each time when I run my ETL tool it loads the data into an excel i...
Cpy rows frm 1 sheet to nxt sheet dynamically
Hello, I have a requirement where I need to copy rows from 1 sheet when row/record count reaches a certain count(lets say 5) to the next ...
Macro help
Hello, im trying to write my macro code and the code won't work because this message keeps appearing 'can't execute code in break mode' what doe...
Comparing two excel sheet in vb 6
Hello, i am diploma student and plz plz any one can tell me how to compare two excel sheet in vb 6.0 that means there is 2 excel sheet...
How to remove junks in excel sheet
Hello, Hai please Can any one help to overcome the below mentioned problem I am having thousands of records in Escel sheet if i convert into c...
A macro problem, find and replace
Hello, I have a macro which contains the following procedure: Range("D210:D219,Z210:AA219").Select Range("Z210").Activate Application.CutCopy...
Macro for selecting lines
Hello, please i need help for a macro. I have a list with a column named "ticket id". I want the macro to filter the list and copy all rows cont...
Transfer data from merged cells in excel
Hello, I have a worksheet form in excel and I would like to copy the informaiton on the form to another sheet in a different workbook in excel as w...
Excel macro help
Hello, I am new, and know next to nothing about Macros in excel, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I do a report every week, and it...
Excel macro help insert row
Hello, I need help with a macro for excel that will look at my sheet and if theirs data in Colomns D2:Z20. If theres data in any of the columns af...
Help in excel macro
Hi, I have a work sheet with probably say 7 columns and each of them has a index name for example Speed time distance 120 2 ...
Macro to group and save.
Hello, I need to write a macro for a workbook with 1 sheet where i need to got to data --> then select Group/outline ---> then select group wh...
Ms excel help
Hello, can anyone help me i need a formula a*b=C
Vba: if 2 checkboxes checked, hide row
Hello, Can anyone help with a macro for hiding Row 1 if two checkboxes (BoxA and BoxB) are checked? Thanks!
Excel macro help required
Hello, I have an Excel Workbook that has 140 names/ID's that have different Composite roles agianst it, I want to create a macro or run a macro so ...
Excell macro help required
SolvedHello, I have 3 Excell Workbooks, i need to create a master sheet, but when ever i update the master sheet the data updated shouls reflect in all t...
Moving tabs from 2007 excel to 97-2003
Hello, I need to copy many tabs in a 2007 excel workbook to 97-2003 excel file and I am getting following message: Excel cannot insert the sheets...
Sheet creating macro
Hello, I want a macro which can collied sheets from different workbook and make one excel and the sheet sequence can be selected manually. Kin...
Excell macro help
Hello, I am wanting to create an excell macro - that filters out the names in 1 column of the spread sheet - I pull a report everyday that gives th...
Letting the user specify which sheet my vba
Hello I have been using many of your very useful articles in the past and they have allowed me to solve many problems. However I am now Very stuck des...
Complicated excel formula problem
Hello, I need to create a user form based on several columns of data and what ifs and calculations. In my user form the user will enter in a pipe di...
How to comp more than one coln in a excel
Hello, i have two work sheets which have 4 columns of data in sheet. i need to compare the sheets. But the data's are in the different rows contain...
Excel del text - other than-start letters mb
Hello, Input Excel file with one column. Conditions I would like to delete text other than which is having starting letters of "MB" or "SM" an...
Need help in excel macro
SolvedHello Ivan, Ive' been reading a lot of your answers and i'm quite facinated of your skill. I need to create a macro for one of my project and it i...
Using access macro to update sheets1, 2, 3, i
Hello, I have an access macro that uses several queries to copy data into excel. my problem is that i can only get the macro to perform correctly on ...
Excel 2008
Hello, I have a order form in excel 2008 that lists all my stock the unit price and the total price, I then have a Qty column, the idea is that whe...
Excel help
SolvedHello, Ok am not that experienced with excel, so if any one can helo would be great. I have a huge spreadsheet and i am constantly updating it. ...
Checking a row of cells and reporting
Hello, I have an audit spreadsheet listing rooms by the building its in, the room number and a series of answers to questions afterwards detaling...
Excel help
Hello, In my Excel Sheet Column A-------------------Column B----------------Column C 10---------------------------10------------------------3 5...
Excel macro: copy between sheets
Hello, I have sheet1 and sheet2. I want to create a macro: -copy Bx:Dx from sheet1 to sheet2 Bx:Dx -where x from 6 to "get count row number, w...
Excel loop, inner loop
Hello, I have an excel file that has data in a cell that looks like "abcd-123456-efghijk-7890". My problem is that i have about 2000 of this type of...
Macro problem!!!
Hello, Can anyone help me with the following problem I need to build a macro that can do these steps. step 1: the macro has to start when cell B...
Any one know about graphs on excel?
Hello, How on earth do you convert data from the new 2007 windows xp thing in to a normal bar graph. i need the x axis to say 'number of words in a ...
I can't browse any part of microsoftwebsite
Hello, I have problem with my browser, I can't open any part of microsoft website in spite of I can open other website. I have the same problem in fi...
I need help creating an excel formula
Hello, I work in Human Resources and need to create a formula for Personal Time Off. The employees accure PTO time at the rate of 0.46 per regular ...
Naming cells
Hello, TIA: I have 16000 data pairs in each delimited text file.. Which l have quite a lot of.. and l have the wriitten the code for opening the fil...
Template sheet with changing variables
Hi, I am working on a project where I need to make county data sheets for an entire state with different data in each because of the changing data of...
Having excel if formulas print text and calc
SolvedHello, I am trying to get Excel IF formulas to print text and calculation based on true/false. Such as, if I have some dates, and I don't need to s...
Excel formula
Hello, I wonder if somebody can help me with a pretty basic (I think) Excel formula. I would like for it to go through column A and search for a n...