The discussions

Excel formulas

I need a formula that will allow me too add the number of red cells. Can anyone help please Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari 525.13

1 reply Last reply on 12 Apr 2010 by


I am working on a balance sheet i want a macro that can adjust the difference between assets and liabilities by increasing long term debt and i want i...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Apr 2010 by

Web sheet design

Can I build a spread sheet in excel with several columns of information and import that to a web page? I have no experience building web pages but I k...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Apr 2010 by

Excel formula

Hello, I am a total beginner at Excel and I (really) need a formula... If you could (please) give me the formula for this, I could alter it myself to...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Apr 2010 by

Import web data into excel

Hello, I'm currently importing stock data into a spread sheet, and it works pretty well. What I would like the "update All" button to do is automatica...

2 replies Last reply on 10 Apr 2010 by

Excel vlookup macro


Hello, I am working on a project to create a simple VLOOKUP. I have created the macro and it works well, but now I am looking for some advise on ...

8 replies Last reply on 9 Apr 2010 by

Concatenate multiple rows into one row excel

Please need help in macro, I have thousands of data from .txt to .xls. Example of data value Description gem-967869 C...

4 replies Last reply on 9 Apr 2010 by

Excel '03 data filter puzzle

I'm using Excel '03 and I have two columns with data, A & B. Column A holds the name of a letter and Column B stores the body of the letter. When ...

2 replies Last reply on 9 Apr 2010 by

Internet connected but not able to browse

Hello, Windows XP Desktop is showing that its connected to the internet, but when I try to open internet explorer it says. Cannot Find Server. Page ca...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Apr 2010 by

Can connect internet but not to browse

Hello, Windows XP Desktop is showing that its connected to the internet, but when I try to open internet explorer it says. Cannot Find Server. Page ca...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Apr 2010 by

Interesting question for excel champions


Hello, Interesting Question Guys: Suppose Sheet 1 Is "Data" Sheet And There Are Too Many Rows... Like A3 Is S.No B3 Is Supplier Name C3 I...

25 replies Last reply on 9 Apr 2010 by

Coping rank for whole dataset in excel


Hi i want to work out the ranks for my whole data set, if i type in the formula for the first line then drag it for the rest instead of working out ...

2 replies Last reply on 9 Apr 2010 by

Automation of running excel macros


Hello, I have a macro in excel which needs to be run once a day and i dont even want to open the excel sheet. How can i make this process automatic...

3 replies Last reply on 8 Apr 2010 by

Macro: group cola with colb results

Im trying to build a macro to produce the expected results below. I have duplicate tests in ColA with associated data in ColB: I need to merge the...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Apr 2010 by

Browser not connecting

My computer connects to the internet and Windows update works. Only firefox & IE8 cannot connect to a website. I turned off the firewall but that did ...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Apr 2010 by

Drop down boxes in excel 07

Dear All, I have two columns A & B which i wish to turn into two drop down boxes, the first drop down box i wish to search column B for 1 of 4 allo...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Apr 2010 by

Copy data to excel below existing data

Hi, I want to copy the data from some other source to the excel. The copied data should get pasted few rows below the existing data. Configurati...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Apr 2010 by

How to copy a row to another worksheet

In am maintaining a file in Excel 2007 in which I would like to copy rows containing specific data in a particular column from a master worksheet to a...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Apr 2010 by

How to align all common list in excel?


i have 4 columns. the first two (A & B) columns are list of cheques i issued. then the other two (C & D) columns are list of cheques encashed from Ban...

3 replies Last reply on 8 Apr 2010 by

Macro to find/replace in notepad

I am in need of editing a text file in notepad that was created via a macro in excel. I have created the code to open the file in notepad but was won...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Apr 2010 by

Create lists of columns containing a value

I have a need to populate a column in one sheet with column headings from another sheet that contain a given value. I will illustrate better below. ...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Apr 2010 by

Browser not loading pages

I don't know if my Firewall is totally misconfigured or if the antivirus program that I have on my PC (Win 7) is keeping me from loading webpages. If ...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Apr 2010 by

Coping cells with a loop


Hello, I am stumped on what should be a very simple macro. I am running a macro that is using a look-up table to compare the values in column G. ...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Apr 2010 by

Freebrowsing on mtn zain both gsm and laptop

pls guys get me free browsing on dis network mtn and zain both on phone and laptop send it here email

1 reply Last reply on 7 Apr 2010 by

Lookup a header in a table - excel 2003

So HLOOKUP doesn't seem to work as well as I hoped on this one, I would like to return the text on the top of a table column by first finding some...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Comebiine multiple cells displays formula

Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.0.18 In Excel 2007 Very basic formula but I think it is a bug. A1 has first name; B1 has last name; C1 has ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Excel copy not working

Hey, I got a code from this site and made changes to copy from a different excel file and paste to another file. I'm copying from a file Source.xls...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Using excel macro to insert jpeg from dir

Hello, Please help. I have written a macro to pickup jpeg file from the directory and insert it into excel. I have issue with picking up jpeg ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Ms excel issues :/

I need to replace a range of 7 cells with a choice of another several ranges, based on the valueof (yet) another cell. For example: Range a1:a7 val...

3 replies Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Copying of data from one excel file to other

Hello, I have a excel file which is having the list of filenames (eg- MEF_collection) in B column. Now i wanna open another excel file which ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Lost my huawei driver mini cd and the browsi

I have lost my Driver CD for the modem supplied along with modem so please download the same for installin once again on my laptop after formating it,...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Help on excel formula


I need to create a formula to give me with value and not TRUE/FALSE information. I did use the IF function, but it results in TRUE/FALSE and I need a...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

Excel file not open in spice qt66

I have Spice QT66 model. i try to open xls. file in phone but not support phone. can tell how i can view this file. Configuration: Windows Vist...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Apr 2010 by

I need to consolidate multiple columns- macro

I am trying to write a macro so that I can combine data from several worksheets, the data is contained in different columns in each worksheet but eac...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Apr 2010 by

Comparing text lists in excel

I need to compare a text list in Excel in Column A in Sheet #1 to a text list in Column C in Sheet #2 and then print the resulting text it found in Co...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Apr 2010 by

Excel data copy

I am looking for a formula that does the following: Looks at cell values in a particular column If the cells have data it then copies that data to a...

3 replies Last reply on 5 Apr 2010 by

Create macro to copy data from rawdata file b

Hi experts... Need a help from you to create an macro to copy the data from rawdata file by condition and paste it into another summary excell file. ...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Apr 2010 by

Critical macro to copy from rawdata to summar

dear all, I need your kind help to create an critical macro in which i have 2 files, 1. rawdata in which i need to filter for certain conditions ...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Apr 2010 by

Help cant brows microsft webpage

hi i run 2003 server and for sum resone i cant acces microsoft webpage but i can brows all other webpages on the net can annyone help me Configura...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Apr 2010 by

Excel function as a quoted cell number

Hi, I want to have a formula for the number of the row I am quoting, i.e. B[=4+4*A7], but it does not work Thank you! Elena

2 replies Last reply on 4 Apr 2010 by


Hello, I have a 3 columns say A, B and C.. Column A has say 140 names and Column B and C have 256 names as B and C are dependent on each other. ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Apr 2010 by

Vba code to send a mail

Hello, guys, im looking for a VBA code to write that so when i click upon a command button it will populate a pre ready email with a fixed list of...

2 replies Last reply on 3 Apr 2010 by

No browser opening,internet connection presen

Hi, I m not able to open IE or mozilla to connect internet, though I have internet connection, bcz the messengers are working fine. Please Help....

1 reply Last reply on 3 Apr 2010 by

Identify two or more are same or not in excel


Hi Everyone, I have an excel formula question that someone might can help me with. A B 1

1 reply Last reply on 2 Apr 2010 by

I need a macro created for the example help!!

Hello, I have a two columns A and B as listed below: A B C Location Phone CHENNAI 4458720241 CHENNAI...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Apr 2010 by

Copy a range of cells to another worksheet

Hi, I have a workbook containing multiple worksheets. I enter data manually in all the worksheets except one say worksheet "X". My requirement is to p...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Apr 2010 by

Excel: convert rows to columns and sort by id

Hi, I have an Excel sheet with the data in this order: A B C D date1 / text1 / amount1 / ID1 date2 / text2 / am...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Apr 2010 by

Moving data from one worksheet to another

I am using a userform in excel 2003 to enter budget data onto a spreadsheet (sheet1). That data includes a cost code, date, value, order no. I want t...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Apr 2010 by

Excel lookup question

Im very basic excel user, Im trying to Search a Database of 6500+ entrys, Its a basic search that i cant seem to work correctly. Basically Each ro...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Apr 2010 by

Excel help

hii My excel sheet contains the list of my sales to customers every month. I want a sumary sheet i want that it shouls show me what all has been s...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Apr 2010 by
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