The discussions
Trouble activating macro
SolvedHello, I've got a macro which runs on 12 worksheets. When the result of a formula changes I want the macro to do his job. What I do now is manu...
Help with sheet
Hello, i have an excel sheet whereby in column A i have a list of 10 things to do on a call. I want make list on a new sheet to display of all thos...
Internet browsing
Hello, Some website in my pc can't open even internet is connected with broad-band(High speed access).
Cut & paste coloured rows to another workshee
Hello, I have a spreadsheet with just over 5000 rows with each row being 1 of 5 colours. I need to cut and paste all rows of a specific colour (co...
Excel macro(?) convert text string to date
Hello, Maybe this problem is trivial to solve, but I haven't done anything with Excel Macros since University and that was long time ago. Maybe macro...
Vb codes for excel
Hello, I'm trying to write a Macro that will search an excel spread sheet and display the adjacent cells. I have a series of increasing but not sequ...
Extract a list from 2 columns
Hello, I would like to know how can i extract 1 list (column c) that consist of values that appear on both columns (A & B)? E.g Column A Co...
Excel form frustration
I am having issue setting up an analysis page for a report that I have. I am trying to find out for each individual what are the currently working on...
Excel - count 2 dif. values in 2 dif. ranges
Conditional formating for entire rows
SolvedHello, First I would like to thank Aquarelle for her kind words, regarding asking questions. I'm working on a calender where each day has a diff...
Please help with excel formula
Hello, I am trying to write what I think is a simple formula but I can't get it. I am trying to count up guests for a bbq. I want to say if cell c3...
Urgent query: excel tables issue
Hello, I am new to Excel and I have this issue, Have 3 columns with example values: i.e I have 3 columns with definite set of values: like column ...
Excel worksheet help
SolvedHello, So i've tried like hell to figure this out but have no programming skills at all. I have basic excel experience most of it self taugh or what...
To append data from 1 excel to another excel
Hello, I need to copy data from 1 excel to another excel based on the value in 1 column in the copied excel. Kindly help me out on the issue.
Internet explorer will not browse
Hello, I was able to get online by using Internet Explorer of the ATT Yahoo Browser Then one day the Internet Explorer will not start. It say cann...
Excel formula
Hello, my difficult is that i need a formula in which position should be given higher ranker first if i use if's formula and there are thre...
Excel 2007 timeline, help please
SolvedHello, timeline, help please im looking for a formula to fill in a cell with either s,p,v or h depending on data taken from sheet 2. the data...
Cut option in ms-excel - i need proper exp
Hello, I have typed some text in A1 to A10. No if i make use of cut option and again pasted in the same sheet or some other sheet then the text d...
Possible to extract partial data in excel?
SolvedHello, I have an Excel spreadsheet that contains around 1500 html links. All the addresses start out common... i.e. W...
Can't browse any site
Hello, I've got the same problem but it's worse. My internet is working fine on both desktop and laptop using Dlink router when the next few hours ...
Formula not copying from file to file excel
Hello, I am having difficulty in getting formula to copy from file to file in excel 2007. this works fine in excel 2003.
Excel formular problem
SolvedHello, =IF(B2=1,"Entertainment","") I have this formular which when i type a value into one colume it will display text in another and the end o...
Date formats for excel
Hello, I have a database of names and other details in Dbase IV. I migrated this database to Excel, but not all the dates are coming out well. Some d...
Programing vb in excel
Hello, what if I have 2 columns in 2 different excel sheets and I want to make a button to draw a graph between these 2 colomns what should I do???
Excel adding rows across pages
Hello, I was wondering how I could add a row in one page that would automatically add a row on the next page. I'm guessing this is done using a macro...
Is it possible to post the sheet in your foru
Hello, sometimes while replying to the queires from forum member I would like to send a small extract of my sample sheet so that the member can under...
Pdf file match with excel
Hello, I am getting the problem how to match the Pincode which is present in the pdf file with Excel file pin code
Help with excel, formulas
Hello, I am trying to connect to sheets together. I need the cells in sheet 2 to equal certain cells in sheet 1. The problem is the data on sheet i...
Run macro from a different workbook
Hello, i have a workbook for a particular client with all macros in that workbook. i might get a new client for which a seperate workbook will b cr...
How do i customize line charts in excel vista
Hello, I need to add a secondary "y" axis in order to show a different scale for a trend line. In the previous version, you would just click on "cu...
Vlook to return data into another worksheet
Hello, I have two worksheets that I use to track business donations (see below) columnA Column c Busines Name Amount Donate...
Help with macro
Hello, I am not good with vba, but I've managed to develop the following macro, however it doesn't quite work for me. It places a value in an cell Y,...
Excel autofilter not working
Hello all, I'm working in Excel 2003 with a spreadsheet of phone call data I downloaded/imported from my cell carrier. If I activate Autofilter, t...
Dynamically add controls on excel form
Hello, the main idea behind this exercise is to generate reports based on user selected column headings with certain heading having criteria to it....
Macro to find last blank cell in column
SolvedHello, Can anyone help me with this please? I want a macro to run in Excel to do the following: 1. Go to a column and working from the top down fin...
Excel formula
Hello, I need to calculate between two columns. Such as: If there is written (A2:A100) "aminul", then count how many times was written (B2:B100) "ok"...
Excell 2007 thinks too much
Hello, How the heck can I prevent this from happening? My entire office has a problem with this. Sometimes when entering info into a spread sheet I...
Can't print my timesheets
Hello, I try printing the whole report and it only prints the last 2 colums on my PC
Using nested if to blank out adjacent cells
Hello, I would like to use a formula to blank out adjacent cells if a specific value is entered for example: I have cells A1, B1, C1 If I put...
Access 2003 vba idiot
Hello, as the title suggests, I'm a VBA idiot. I don't know jack about it. other than to create a macro and convert it. here's my problem: I cre...
Urgent in excel
Hello, I want help you Please I have 35 Trainings and I Planned them to The next year in Every month I put the training The answer how I can ins...
Matching two worksheets
Hello, I have two worksheets one contains invoice numbers and payments and the other has invoice numbers and charges. On my charges worksheet I w...
Excel formula for prices
Hello, I really don't know how to create formula for my task: Item bouth for Total price £535,000 (comission + price) How much is the Price o...
Browsers do not work but im conected to the i
Hello,Everyone ive been having this problem for 4 days now. i have an IMicro desktop computer, w/ windows vista and i recently upgraded to two moni...
Need a macros to be used in excel
Hello, I want a vbscript for a macros to be used in excel which would do the following operastion: It will find the characters/delimeters in the ...
Excel - summarising roles for a roster
Hello, I am creating a spreadsheet that will be used to assign rosters and keep track of staffing levels. I have finished most of it but have come ...
Directional macro
Hello, I'm trying to figure out a macro here. Pretty much, I'm importing a lot of data into an excel spreadsheet and then I want to copy and paste...
Macro help- copy, analyze, create graph
Hello, I'm trying to write a macro that will take an xls file that has only one sheet, create a second worksheet within the excel file, copy and pa...
Need macro to sort thru raw data
Hello, I have a POS data file that I'm not sure how to approach. The data columns are not specific and the data loops across a few rows. What I need ...