The discussions

Need macro to sort thru raw data

Hello, I have a POS data file that I'm not sure how to approach. The data columns are not specific and the data loops across a few rows. What I need ...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Need help in excel

Hello, I have two excel sheets with around 8000 columns in one sheets and 2000 columns in second sheet. All the columns of second sheets are taken ...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Explorere browser changes size onscrn

Hello, I am on an acer aspire and the screen changes size when a 4 headed arrow pops up- yes even when only one finger is on the cursor pad - how mig...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Jun 2009 by

Copy required data from one excel to anther

Hello, i want to copy only required feilds's data from one excel sheet to another. suppoes there are 5 feilds in the excels ,now i want to use only ...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Jun 2009 by


Hello, when users enter a date in excel using this format 12-01-2008, i need the cell to automatically change the format to 12/01/2008 i have...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Excel - dropping zeroes from time

Hello, I have a set of times in column A in Excel (HH:MM:SS). In column B I need those same times, not rounded, to have 00 as the Seconds value. ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by

Calculate the sum of rows using macro


Hello, I need some help with the folowing problem. I have a table with changing length of rows and columns. I need to calculate the sums of the rows ...

Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by

Macro to find lowest level from hierarchy

Hello, please see the excel file i have below i need to search the lowest level from the heirarachy level list which i have as output of my standar...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

End of excel data throurh vba

Hello, Is there any method to find a particular value in the excel through VBA. Alternatively: how can i get the colunm and row of the cell where ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by

Excel worksheet

Hello, I have to update the excel worksheet column which has prices of all the products. ill give the example: I have a list that contains : ite...

4 replies Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

How i connect many worksheet in a single work

Hello, Sir, I'm Robin Sarma and i have problem in MS-EXCEL, Sir, how i connect many worksheet in a single wokbook

2 replies Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by

Editing be done in particular sheets

Hello, I have 4 sheets in a workbook, one sheet where i would input the parameters name it Input, & other sheets where it would b updated. suppos...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Referencing multiple cells to one cell

Hello, I have a table of values that i have screenshott here, for you: I also have what resembles a query ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Excel formula

Hello, i want to count some cell but if 2 conditions are meet.

2 replies Last reply on 1 Jun 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Excel sheets lookup/macro

Hello, I have a excel spreadsheet with around 50 sheets. In each sheet, in square D3, there is a name of the person who that sheet applies to. I ...

1 reply Last reply on 28 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Can't get worksheetfunction to work

Hello, i have a column of data where i am trying to find the maximum for each 96 values. you'll understand this better when you see my macro below...

2 replies Last reply on 28 May 2009 by

Unable to paste excel on my local hd

Hello, I copied excel file from the repository of our company and wanted to paste it on my local HD. When I right click on the desktop, the paste opt...

1 reply Last reply on 28 May 2009 by

Macro comparing two columns

Hello, I am trying to compare two entire columns in excel, Column A and Column B. If any cell in column A= Lead and any corresponding cell in column ...

3 replies Last reply on 28 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Urgent help needed in excel

Hello, please help me out with this.. formula to find out a value from the list of values in an column. will appreciate a quick responce.. t...

1 reply Last reply on 25 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz


Hello, if i want the same result in cell E1 as in C1 what should i do for eg : January Febra...

1 reply Last reply on 24 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Hypelinked combo box in excel

My Query is I Have made a Combo Box in Excel Sheet 1 in that Combo Box i have 2 sheets Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 . Now i want to Hyperlink / vb...

4 replies Last reply on 22 May 2009 by

Matching cells

Hello, I would like to know if there is any formula for this situation. I have Column A: account numbers. Column B: Account Balance Column C:...

2 replies Last reply on 21 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

I want excell to calc based on input data

Hello, I want to be able to put in a number and then excel does a cal all in one cell. I know I could put 6 in C3 then in D3 put =c3*178 but ...

2 replies Last reply on 19 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz


Hello, I'm currently working on a spreadsheet for a timesheet. I want to format a cell to display the date of a certain day of the week. e.g. I ...

1 reply Last reply on 19 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Stopping at bottom of spread sheet

Hello, I often have to format a whole column with the same formula. I click the corner and pull it down which works fine. The frustrating part is tha...

1 reply Last reply on 18 May 2009 by

Excel 2003 vb macro for finding txt strings

Hello, I am trying to write an Excel 2003 Visual Basic Macro that searches a cell for a particular word. But the cell contains several words. So I can...

2 replies Last reply on 17 May 2009 by

Help using excel macro to insert rows

Hi, I currently have over 7000 rows of data, displayed similarly to this: Iten: Value Value Value Apples x ...

2 replies Last reply on 16 May 2009 by

Macro variable help

Hello, I have declared a variable Dim x As String x = Cells(x + 10, 10).Value I am getting the value of a cell in x. I want to use that val...

2 replies Last reply on 15 May 2009 by

Macro or formuale help required comparing cel

Hello, I've got Excel 2003 with 2 columns of data A & B with people names in it. Column A is always populated with data (a name), column B isn't alwa...

1 reply Last reply on 14 May 2009 by

Copying the first four columns data

Hello, I want to copy the first 4 column of data from one sheet to another sheet in the same excel. Basically the first 4 columns of data in sheet1 ...

3 replies Last reply on 8 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Format cells excell

Hello, I would like to format a cell in excell to accept dd/mm/yyyy or just yyyy. Excel 2007 using windows vista premium. If not excel, I would...

1 reply Last reply on 7 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Conditional formatting (more than 3) in excel

Hello, I want to select a colom containing discription's Example (HATS)(bats)(cats) if this criterea is found i want the rows to the left that coris...

3 replies Last reply on 6 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Relative sheet reference

Hello, I am trying to write a macro (new to VB) that shifts contents in a branch layout to be aligned on the left, column A. I have this code that ...

3 replies Last reply on 6 May 2009 by

Excel: convert oz. to milliliters inside text

Hello, I've been looking for a solution for the following issue: I have a very long excel list of product description that contain product with ...

4 replies Last reply on 6 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Naming range in a macro

Hello, I am tyring to name a range say a14:d14 (working_cap_formula) and then copy of past into range a15:d15 (working_cap_paste). I have set up...

1 reply Last reply on 6 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Cell date creates a new sheet

Hello, I am working on an excel worksheet for a construction project. I have an "Additional Work" worksheet set up so that I can enter a date in a...

1 reply Last reply on 5 May 2009 by
mubashir aziz

How to create a clickable button and macro in

Hello, I am trying to create a button in an Excel worksheet that will continuously recalculate the formulas on a given sheet. I have seen a button...

1 reply Last reply on 2 May 2009 by

Internet conected but can't brows in day time

Hello, Internet connected but can't browse during only day time . After 8 p.m. to 9 a.m.{appro.} i can browse easily My ISP is TATA broadband . Tat...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Apr 2009 by
Jean-François Pillou  

Browse the internet w/o internet connection

Hello, is it possible to connect or browse the internet without an internet connection?!!!!!!!!!!! please!! answer...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2009 by

Macro iterate through with if

Hello, I am trying to write a macro in excel but it has me completely stumped. I want to paste into column P the word 'resolved' for each cell wher...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Reagerding macro

Hello, I am using ofice 2003(Excel).While opening the excel every time i am getting a popup reagarding the enable macro option,what i am doing is set...

2 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2009 by

Internet browsing in computer through china m

Hello, Thank you very much for providing gee pee 7310 pc suite link. But gee pee pc suite does not have any option for the browsing internet ...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Apr 2009 by

Excel formatting and sorting dates

Hello, Problem.... I'm entering dates into Excel. I need these dates date in the format "ddmmyyyy" with leading zeroes where the day is < 10 e.g. ...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Apr 2009 by
mubashir aziz

How to connect phone to pc and browse

Hello, can anyone plz explain to me how to connect phone to browse on pc or laptop...

2 replies Last reply on 26 Apr 2009 by

Linking cells within excel

Hello, How do I change one cell in a worksheet one and have it update the other worksheets at the same time within the same Excel file. Keith

1 reply Last reply on 23 Apr 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Auto copying from sheet to other sheet text a

Hello, i had one excel sheet which contains one tracker of four sheets. I want a formula to copy that data's from one sheet to other sheet au...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Apr 2009 by
mubashir aziz

Match two columns in different sheets

Hello, I have three work sheets with columns namley process code, process name, quantity produced per day. I need to create another sheet comprises...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Apr 2009 by

Regular epression in excel

Hello, I have 2 questions in excel 2007: 1) I have excel columns with the format 12,4 17,1 8,2 etc.. I want to replace it with ...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Apr 2009 by

Excel undo buffer macro access

Hello, Is there any VBA object or Windows API access to the undo buffer/command history in Excel 2000? Cheers

1 reply Last reply on 20 Apr 2009 by

Excel column sort


Hello, i have a list of numbers/letters titles written like: 1KFLS921 there are around 2000 of these listed down column A. i have the same l...

2 replies Last reply on 20 Apr 2009 by
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